Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Sherpoor Scam; Government’s Test


Sherpoor Scam;  Government’s Test

The acts of government especially of President Ahmadzai are quickly gaining public popularity and graph of his popularity is rising with every passing day. His visit to the prison of Pule-Charkhi and his desire to resolve the cases against the innocents being detained there have been much appreciated.

Very recently, media showed him to be taking exclusive interest in the case of Sherpoor land scam. Sherpoor is located almost in the heart of the city and is considered as one of the most luxurious places of the city. Here, latest and expensive houses have been built and majority of them have been rented to the foreign NGOs and offices due to which each house earns thousands of dollars in rent to its owner.

At the beginning of the government of Mr. Karzai, Sherpoor was a large empty plain and the land was given to people on installments. It remains a fact that majority of the allotments were made on the basis of political relationships and thus, large numbers of politically strong and financially influential people got plots in the scheme. Later on, majority of these people stopped paying their installments to the government. The government was not strong enough to disturb these influential members who were on different major posts in the government. As Mr. Ahmadzai came into power, the case was highlighted and now the City Municipal Officer has been ordered to collect the dues from the land-owners in Sherpoor. In case of failure, their properties will be confiscated.

It is for sure that the act is going to create a lot of disturbance in our political lines. The land is owned by those who are either in government or have relatives in government at major posts. In order to save this treasure, they would do their best and many problems might be created to the government.

Just like the case of Kabul Bank Scandal, the Sherpoor scam is also going to be a tough test for the government. The government has taken a bold step by opening some of the most difficult cases. Last government could not muster up courage to open these controversial cases as they could have created uncontrollable problems to the government.

Now that the government has decided to open these cases, it would end up with two possible consequences. If government was able to face all the criticism and problems, it would be able to take back the money of public looted by some of the most powerful and influential members of the country in which majority also hold prime positions in the government and security forces. This would give a message to all that government is going to maintain the rule of law at any cost and the corruption is going to be fought without any discrimination.

This message would not only relieve the oppressed classes from the bad feeling of deprivation but at the same time, the ruling and elite class would receive a message that they are no more above the law and their hands are going to be caught if they are going to put them in any wrong business.

But if the government also gives preference to its own objectives and avoids clashing with those who can temporarily bring tremors to its basis and chooses the way of remaining silent like the previous government, all the hopes pinned with this government would be vanished and once again, it would turn out like the previous governments that worked for the betterment of a ruling class only and no visible improvement was seen in the lives of common people.

But the way for the government is also not a bed of roses. There would be so many difficulties because our system and establishment has been so molded in the past years that there applies the formula of ‘might is right’ and a small and powerful group decides upon the laws and their implementation.

The most important factor in this regard should be policy but not the temporary, emotional steps. Mr. President should work to bring such reforms that should set the whole system where nobody should think itself above from the law. When such a culture would be established, every perpetrator of crime and corruption would automatically be dragged into the courts. In such circumstances, the president would not be needed to look after every matter and the whole system would be working in a smooth mechanism.

It is also needed that every work or action of the government should be carried out with proper homework, considering all the pros and cons of an action. It is natural that a hasty decision might turn to be much problematic to the government and its losses might exceed its gains. In the same way, no action should be taken that should endanger the overall establishment of the country and country should once again fall into crisis.

We hope that our suggestions would be regarded seriously by the Presidential Palace and constructive and serious efforts would be started to make best possible decisions in the interest of the country and general public.

(Muhammad Rasool Shah works as Academic Coordinator at Barakat Int’l School, Kabul. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com)

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