Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

ISIS; Result of Destructive Approach!


ISIS; Result of Destructive Approach!

The ISIS’s resilience in Kobani is more than the expected. In the presence of air support from a number of countries, the presence of war experts of US and its allies and extensive supply of guns and supplies to Kurds and others fighting against ISIS have not much affected ISIS till now. Just like the dubious and to some extent shameful endeavors of US and its allies in Iraq and Afghanistan, ISIS seems to be the most dubious at all. In today’s world, when almost a dozen of European nations are struggling hard to come out of their economic sufferings and there are millions in Asia and Africa who are suffering hard to find bread and potable water, the emergence of such a big organization without any support from someone is really surprising. It is possible that people living fifty years from today might come to know about the truths about this organization when the related secret documents would be made public but till then, we are left with speculations only.

It is a general thinking that the organization is funded and supported by Saudi Arabia and a number of other rich Arab states but this is yet to be confirmed by these nations. It is such a painful and frustrating paradox when we compare it to the events of 80’s and 90’s. There were many incidents when a number of people were arrested, they were declared to be terrorists, a nation was blamed for their support and the nation was crippled by the economic sanctions. In a number of such cases, the victimized nation made great hue and cry for being innocent but its words were not given importance.

In case of ISIS, it is absolutely the opposite. A menace emerges which leaves behind its signs of destruction and cruelty wherever it goes. There is not present any second thought if ISIS is a terrorist organization or not. In its initial time, Taliban also tried their best to appear as a group that believes in good practices so that they should not be labeled as terrorists but ISIS is completely indifferent to any kind of label or title. They openly do whatever they do and are not ashamed or defend of being called terrorists.

Those nations that were fast enough to take action against a nation on the bases of speculations or theories remained reluctant to initiate any action against this barbarous group until it occupied a massive piece of land in Iraq and Syria and is now so strong that it cannot be held by any regional power. Thanks to the strategic and armed support of US and its allies that its fierce expansion has been controlled otherwise, the organization was going to turn its dream of making a great so-called Islamic Caliphate reality by conquering all the Islamic countries of the region.

CIA is considered to be the most active and professional spying agency with its network in almost every corner of the world. Is this a kind of conspiracy or criminal ignorance that it failed to notice the emergence of such a big infrastructure until it became visible to all when it was not easy to be controlled?

Keeping in view all these paradoxes, political experts come up with so many theories about ISIS. First of all, it is a sad story of the dual behavior of world nations in dealing the similar situations. If a nation not liked by them had done so, the requirements of justice could have been completed. The nation could have been declared a terrorist nation or supporter of terrorists, its funds frozen, it would have been crippled by economic sanctions and the nation could have been completely alienated from the world, leaving it as an example for the rest of the nations. It is not hidden and also not difficult as which nations had hand in finding this power and funding and supporting it. But here comes another satirical fact that the nations that are in position and authority to punish a nation for terrorism might be behind this whole game and a thief can never be the judge of its own crime.

Out of many viewpoints, one of the most popular describes the emergence of ISIS as a conspiracy of West to destabilize the Muslim countries of the region. We are not much sure as how much it is true but it is a fact that ISIS has worked wonderfully to destabilize almost all the countries of the region but the most affected are Syria, Iraq, Turkey, and we are not sure where else the after-shocks of this Tsunami will be felt. The nation that is going to be most benefitted from this is Israel that will then be having almost no resistance from its neighbors in its plans of expansion on the lands of its neighbors.

Some think it as an effort to defame Islam. Right from the beginning of this organization, Islamic scholars from different corners of the world have repeatedly condemned the acts of ISIS and termed them to be Non-Islamic. Not only Islam, which itself is a religion of peace and respect for humanity, the heinous and cruel acts of ISIS cannot be tolerated by any faith or school of thought.

Of course, we should not forget to mention here the international policy of arm-sellers to ignite the flames of war in more and more areas so that they should be able to find new markets for their arms. There are large numbers of political experts who still believe that it was the major motive behind the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq by the Western powers because no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq and terrorism in Afghanistan is still as threatening as it was in 2001.

At times, all the discussions and political or other viewpoints seem to be meaningless to me. It is like once efforts to deceive not only others but also one’s own. However, the ISIS is going to leave behind its dangerous and long-lasting imprints in the history.

In some countries of the world like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and others, the fierce style of ISIS is getting more popularity and it may be followed by those terrorist organizations that are under pressure to keep their existence. A sad incident in Ghazni province of our country where more than 70 civilians were killed in the brutal way of ISIS gave rise to fears of emergence of ISIS in our country as well.

It is also going to push many countries many years backward and countries like Syria, Iraq and other affected may take many decades to recover the losses.

But most importantly, it shows another example when international powers resorted to a destructive or negative way when they chose to weaken the enemy by destruction. The money spent for finding and funding ISIS could have been used to bring change in the region that could have changed the fate of the countries of the region but also of the whole world. But I think we still lack international leaders who should think above their limited gains and give preference to overall gain of the humanity.

(Muhammad Rasool Shah works as Academic Coordinator at Barakat Int’l School, Kabul. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com)

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