Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Let me Shed Emotional Tears for I am a Human


Let me Shed Emotional Tears for I am a Human

 “There is sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love.”

Do sob stories, tragic scenes in a movie or a sad music move you to tears? What about sweet memories you had with your love, a roar of laughter with your close friends or a cheerful state, which had all passed in the blink of an eye? I believe that the worst type of crying is the silent one. The one when everyone is asleep, one when you feel it in your throat and your eyes become blurry from the tears. The one when you have to hold your breath and grab your stomach to keep quiet and you can’t breathe anymore. The one when you realize the person that meant the most to you is gone.

You may be one of those people, who cry at the drop of a hat – not to mention birthday parties, childhood memories or retirement of your star. Or you may be the type who can’t remember when you last cried.

In many cultures, especially for men, crying is considered to be undignified and childish behavior, except in certain specific circumstances such as mourning the loss of a close friend or relative. After adolescence, men shed tears much less often than women. On average, men cry once a month and women about five times a month.

We can shed tears of joy and tears of anger and for a whole range of other emotions. But, most commonly, we shed tears of sadness.Whenever I say goodbye to make a trip, my old mother gently kisses me with tearful eyes. Her bitter teardrops always melt my heart. Since she is getting old and older with each passing day, she is moved to tears with a small sense of sad feelings. My mother’s weeping always causes a lump in my throat. But, I am too stone-hearted to cry so as to relieve my pain and get rid of strong sadness. 

I believe that crying expresses one’s burning feelings and emotions – which are too strong to be put into words. In other words, words cannot convey a burst of intense emotional sensations which are easily reflected through tearful eyes. Moreover, weeping alleviates your heart’s pains and injuries.

Crying is often the result of feelings of sadness and frustration, but after crying many people experience a feeling of release. Humans are the only species that shed tears emotionally. Crying is something that all people of all ages and cultures do. Since crying is a trait that has evolved solely in humans, there must be some sort of evolutionary advantage to emotional crying.

The death of a loved one is an event that all of us is likely to experience during our lifetimes, often on numerous occasions. Whilst lives are often transformed by such loss, it does not necessarily need to be for the worse in the long term. Dealing effectively and positively with grief caused by such a loss is crucial to your recovery process and your ability to continue with and fulfill your own life for the better.

Grief is about more than your feelings – it will show up in how you think. You may disbelieve this person actually died. You may have episodes of thinking like this even long after they died. Your mind may be confused, your thinking muddled. You may find it difficult to concentrate on just about everything. Or you may be able to focus your attention but all you can focus on is the one who died.

One of the main reasons of crying when you’re sad is communication. Crying is one way of telling someone that you are sad or need help. Just think about babies. Babies can’t talk or do anything for themselves so what do they do when they need their parents to do something for them? They cry. The parents don’t have to know anything else except the fact that their child is crying to know something is wrong. Crying is also a way to communicate pain to someone without having to say anything. It’s true in every culture that crying means pain or sadness. There are also many emotional reasons we cry. 

Crying is a way to manipulate people. If you see someone crying even if you don’t know them you still feel sorry for them. He/she could be crying for some ridiculous reason but you still can’t help the feeling that you should comfort them or find a way to somehow make them happier. That’s when the person will ask for something they want and you will most likely give in because you just want them to feel better. People will win support from those who see them cry because they’ve shown a vulnerable side of them. Another reason people cry is to bond with each other, especially at events like funerals or weddings. Crying can bring everyone in the family closer together. If you’re at a funeral crying and look around and see everyone else is too it lets you know you are not going through this pain alone.

Whether you are crying because you need to let go of some stress, you’re sad, you want something or if you are just a baby, crying is the answer. You can communicate, manipulate or release tension with a good cry. Some people think it’s better to put on a brave face but really crying is much easier and better for you. There’s no need to act strong if you don’t feel it. Crying just makes you a human being.

Hujjatullah Zia is the newly emerging writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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