Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

The Reconciliation Drama


The Reconciliation Drama

In some circumstances, when one wants to make others fool by telling lies, a comical situation emerges out of this rubbish. In such a situation, the person who is telling lies and trying to befool the others is sure that others have discovered his fake statement and they already know that it is not true. At the same time, others also know that the second person is trying to fool them by telling lies and they no more believe in his or her statement. Even then, both the sides keep playing their roles and the drama continues. Same is the scenario in the reconciliation process of Afghanistan which is advertised by the concerned authorities on electronic and print media of the country. We see that large sum of money is spent to make people sure that we are breaking down the loyal members of terrorists from their groups and they are putting down their arms and joining the peace process and all the credit goes to the ‘High Peace Council’ and other government authorities who work relentlessly to bring them into the peace process. As they have put down their guns so we need to welcome them warmly and in this regard, a grand ceremony is arranged in which they are appreciated and presented with some cash money.

The advertisement shown on the television is like this, ‘a big gathering is shown saying that some of the members of terrorists have decided to leave the terrorism and join the Afghans in the pursuit of peace and they have done this with sole intention of patriotism and love for their countrymen and respect for humanity. Then they present their arms to a government official and they are greeted by presenting a typical coat and some money as a gift for their return. Then, the official talks to media saying that it had been a great achievement by government to bring these people in peace process and after this, they would work like other Afghans for the development and stability of the country. With this, he expresses his desire that the security conditions of country would improve because every passing day is making terrorists more and more isolated. After that, some of the terrorists also express their views by saying that they had left the terrorism for bringing peace in the country and they advise rest of the terrorists to follow their path. After this, a religious scholar also talks on the occasion about the importance of peace in the religion and expresses his delight on this’.

This advertisement is such repeatedly broadcasted on all the major channels of the country that people soon switch to another channel when such an advertisement starts. Majority of them are sure what would be shown there and which kind of things will be done and so they don’t feel any need to watch such an advertisement till the end.

Such good news are shown from the disturbed and far flung areas of the country like Helmand, Kandahar, Takhar, Mazar-e-Sharif and other places which are under the continuous attacks of terrorist groups. But the people of these areas tell us an absolutely different story. They say that some people are chosen from the village and asked to appear in the drama as terrorists for which they are paid some money. They are given some old guns and after every scene and act of this drama is completed, the shooting is done. An expert group of cameramen are called who shoot this drama and it is later on repeatedly telecasted on all the major TV channels of the country.

It would be unfair if we claim that all of these ceremonies would be fake and fabricated but it is against all the logic that people who leave the terrorist groups would risk their lives by doing so. It would be dangerous for their lives and their families because terrorist groups would never tolerate that any member should leave the group and then advertise it in the public.

After this, another advertisement is shown that government has opened some vocational training centers in which the people who left the terrorism and joined peace process are given training so that they should learn some kind of skill and be able to earn their livelihood. This is a very good concept but again there is not present any kind of serious thought and honest desire behind this and all are done to befool the public. In one of such advertisements, a lot of people are shown who are attending a training course about the repair of motor-cycles and it is in the knowledge of everyone that motor-cycles are cheap in Afghanistan and most of the people prefer buying new ones after a year or so instead of taking it to any mechanic. On the other hand, people attending this training are so young and immature that they can never be terrorists and they are the common people chosen from public.

Usually such advertisements are shown in the peak hours of major television channels of country and thousands of dollars of public are spent for befooling the public. At the same time, a lot of money is spent for buying old guns, gifts, refreshments and completing other requirements of the ceremony held in this regard. According to the informed sources, there are millions of dollars being allocated for the purpose and instead of taking some practical and result-oriented steps, this money is spent on such stupid dramas and befooling public.

At the same time, public has become mature enough and they understand the reality of such programs. Whenever such an advertisement is shown on television, they smile to each other and say, ‘hahaha, another drama!’ and quickly change the channel.

Majority of the people are of the view that it has opened a new source of massive corruption in which millions of dollars are being wasted and all the officials and responsible people receive their share on different levels and it is necessary that a massive investigation should be conducted to check the health of the spending done in this regard.

It is very sad that our ministries and organs of government who must be serving the public are working to befool them and all this is done to engulf the public money and put it in their own pockets.

If the concerned authorities have sufficient funds in this regard, they should come up with unique and productive ideas and spend the allocated fund in a way that it should address its purpose. Our country is tightly held by the unemployment and every passing day adds to the severity of the problem. The concerned authorities can work to build a factory and make any other arrangement where some people can be provided with jobs. 

But for doing any such work, first and utmost requirement is the honesty and sincerity and thinking of the betterment of people and until and unless such a mindset is not developed, the fake dramas will continue and our sufferings will also continue.

(Muhammad Rasool Shah works as Academic Coordinator at Barakat Int’l School, Kabul. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com)

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