Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Elections to The Oliy Majlis Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan And Local Kengashes Of People’s Deputies


Elections to The Oliy Majlis Of The  Republic Of Uzbekistan And Local  Kengashes Of People’s Deputies

Preliminary results of the elections

On December 21, 2014, the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan, regional, district and city Kengashes (Councils) of people's deputies were held in Uzbekistan.

There is good reason to believe that the elections to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan became an important stage in the deepening of reforms on further democratization, renewal and modernization of the country.

In order to conduct the elections of 2014 in full compliance with the requirements of the law, on the high democratic level the Central Election Commission adopted a Program of preparation and holding of elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regional, district and city Kengashes (Councils) of people's deputies. Standards and requirements defined by laws and the concept that are compulsory and equal for all, during the election campaign have been fully complied.

In the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, regional, district and city councils of people's deputies participate more than 18.4 million voters, it's equal to 89% of the total number of voters included in the lists.

8311 voters used their right to early voting.

According to the preliminary results of the deputies elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis were elected in 113 electoral districts.

From the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen - Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan were elected 47 deputies, the Democratic Party of Uzbekistan «Milliy Tiklanish» – 28, the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan – 21, the Social Democratic Party «Adolat» – 17 deputies.

In 22 electoral districts, none of the candidates receives half of the votes. In accordance with the legislation in these districts in the period specified by law will be held revote on the two candidates who received a large number of votes.

According to Article 45 of the Law "On elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan" if the electoral district more than two candidates for deputies and none of them has been elected, the district election commission decides to hold a revote in the district between two candidates who received a large number of votes.

On December 21, 2014 was also held the Conference of the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan, where 15 members of Ecological Movement were elected to the Legislative Chamber of the Parliament by secret ballot from the number of nominated candidates at the conference, who are represented each administrative-territorial unit of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Executive Committee of the Central Council of the Ecological Movement.

Elections to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan were held in compliance with all democratic norms and principles fixed in the Constitution and the electoral legislation.

The work of domestic and foreign observers has contributed to transparency, openness of the electoral process. Monitoring of elections to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan was carried out by more than 300 observers from 50 countries and five international organizations missions – Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Commonwealth of Independent States, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Associations of World Electoral Bodies and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, as well as more than 70,000 observers and authorized representatives of political parties that nominated candidates for deputies. In addition, more than 340 representatives of domestic and foreign mass media covered the election.

In an effort to help journalists’ activities were functioned Republican Press Center on Coverage of the Elections, where were created all conditions for them. There were conducted press conferences, briefings and seminars.

Currently, the Central Election Commission is considering protocols and other documents provided by the district election commissions and the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan.

In accordance with the Law «On elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan» all of them, and if necessary – the documents of separate precinct election commissions, would be once again carefully checked by the Central Election Commission. Only after that, the Central Election Commission would make a decision on the election results.

In accordance with national electoral legislation information about the results of the elections and the list of the elected deputies of the Legislative Chamber will be published by the Central Election Commission in the press no later than 10 days after the election, i.e., until 31 December.

Elections to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis and local representative bodies of state power, passed on December 21 demonstrated solidarity of the people of Uzbekistan on the path of building a democratic Law-governed state and a strong civil society, with the deepening of economic reforms aimed to improve the welfare and prosperity of the country.

(Source: Republican Press Center on Coverage of the Elections of 2014)

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