Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Questioning – An Essential Tendency


Questioning – An  Essential Tendency

“Ask many questions. Life is a learning process. You are learner. Seek answers to the puzzles of your life.”  Lailah Gifty Akita

Asking question is one of the habits of human beings that support him in collection of information and finding answers to the mysteries of life around them and within themselves. It is not possible to solve the puzzles of life without asking questions and searching for the truth. All the knowledge that human beings have accumulated and all that they are accumulating are because they have asked and are asking different questions. When human beings started their journey towards a civilized life they were not loaded with the information and knowledge they have now. However, they had inquisitiveness and the capacity to wonder and that particular character made them peep through the mysteries of nature and various phenomena in it.  

The faculty of wonder took the human beings to the doors of philosophy where they were greeted with open arms. Philosophy prepared human beings for the most basic questions about their lives and the world around them. It was through philosophy that they started asking ‘why’. They were no more satisfied with the world as it was. They did not just live in it but questioned its existence and even started questioning the purpose of their own lives within it. Philosophy on the other hand did not leave them alone and held their hands firmly, took them through the wilderness of the unknown to the gardens of knowledge and gifted them with the fruits of understanding. They grew in their intellect and became the most advanced and developed of all the creatures and throughout the way their ‘why’ remained their companion.

Eugene Ionesco says in Fragments of a Journal, “Nothing is mightier than our why, nothing stands above it, because in the end there is a why to which no answer is possible. In fact, from why to why, from one step to the next, you get to the end of things. And it is only by travelling from one why to the next, as far as the why that is unanswerable, that man attains the level of the creative principle, facing the infinite, equal to the infinite maybe. So long as he can answer the why he gets lost, he loses his way among things. 'Why this?' I answer, 'because that," and from one explanation to the next I reach the point where no explanation is satisfying, from one explanation to the next I reach zero, the absolute, where truth and falsehood are equivalent, become equal to one another, are identified with one another, cancel each other out in face of the absolute nothing. And so we can understand how all action, all choice, all history is justified, at the end of time, by a final cancelling-out. The why goes beyond everything. Nothing goes beyond the why, not even the nothing, because the nothing is not the explanation; when silence confronts us, the question to which there is no answer rings out in the silence. That ultimate why, that great why is like a light that blots out everything, but a blinding light; nothing more can be made out, there is nothing more to make out.” 
The same inquisitiveness, the urge to ask questions also led human beings to the world of science, where they further found the answers to their different questions practically. Now, they no more remained confined to the theories, they started performing experiments, looking for solid reasons and further strengthening the basis of their knowledge. Science questioned almost everything and every phenomenon around and within human beings and it also found their answers to a certain extent. Though they have not been able to answer all their questions through science, they have been able to gain the courage of questioning and investigating further. Science has not reached to the mysteries of human existence and the edge of the limitless universe but it has removed the covers from so many phenomena that used to puzzle human beings and frighten them and human beings accepting their defeat used to worship them. But nowadays that is not the case, they have been overcome by science and now the same are being used for the advantage and benefits of human beings.

There are many people who believe that asking questions make a person too much doubtful and uncertain. The person may become too much skeptic and stop having strong beliefs and commitments. However, it must not be forgotten that avoiding questions may lead to certainty but that certainty may not necessarily be depicting the truth. As put by Stephen Batchelor, “The problem with certainty is that it is static; it can do little but endlessly reassert itself. Uncertainty, by contrast, is full of unknowns, possibilities, and risks.” These possibilities and risks can, therefore, lead human beings to new vistas of discoveries and inventions. They can evolve through this questioning and can reach to a position of heightened knowledge and information.   

They, therefore, must never stop questioning and keep on evolving.  

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at Outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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