Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Humanity vs. Anti-humanity


Humanity vs.  Anti-humanity

The nations are caught within the quagmire of numerous evils and various problems. Every problem is waiting for the solution of a bigger problem and thus the circle keeps on expanding. If we are not blindfolded, our tongues are not frozen, and our minds are stable, why can’t we see these problems and dare to attend them, and keep on finding refuge in our own shells.

In fact, these problems have dominated human societies to a large extent and the shoulders of humanity seem to be bending under their weight. However, limping and shambling, the human caravan has kept on moving and on various occasions they have completely neglected these problems. As a matter of fact, human beings have not become brave enough to face the reality; nonetheless, they have faced the consequences as a result. Their this negligence has given rise to myriads of sufferings and misfortunes that they face today. But, it can be observed that there are still human beings who want to walk on the face of the earth with their heads; and they should be stopped as it is not a matter of some nations but of human values.

Humanity is a basically a family and, if thought with open minds, there is no difference and distinction among its members. Those who create differences do not have the right to be members of this sacred family. It is the responsibility of the intelligent human beings to strive for the creation of an international society and raise voice against the differences in human beings that result in wars and conflicts.

The enemies of the human beings, wherever they live, deserve the abhorrence of everyone alike. There are only two sets of beliefs or classes in the world – humanity and anti-humanity. These two are in a conflict against each other in every corner of the world. Whether it is East or West, there are the ones who fight against humanity and then there are the ones who defend them, but none has gotten the full victory yet.

It is really weird to find human beings going against humanity, as it is the only way to guarantee human survival, progress and development on the planet earth. There are human beings who have negative feelings for other human beings, hate others, kill them and even want to completely eradicate them from the face of earth. They appear in the form of extremists, terrorists and criminals and strive to destroy humanity. Unfortunately, at the moment they have accelerated their activities and seem to be a great threat. Facing them would require courage by the ones that support humanity and they require understanding that they have to show iron will and unshakable determination to become victorious.

The anti-humans do not want others to live or want others to live as they desire. They strive to impose their ideas and beliefs on others. They do not care whether someone is dying or being hurt what they crave about is whether they are accepting their notions. In fact, they are not endeavoring for a better life in this world but preparing for hereafter. Their beliefs are heavenly for them, thus, they stand much aloof from the worldly affairs and are even ready to annihilate the earth for the heaven.

The concept of a single international community does not teach hatred for one’s nation and country; rather it can further strengthen those sentiments. It can further broaden the limits of brotherhood and the love as the family of a person grows further and becomes larger. It becomes embellished with more diversity and coexistence.

Today the industrial and technological developments have transformed the world in a global village and it has shrunk the distance among human beings; however, it lacks an ideology or philosophy that that can bring the hearts and souls of the human beings close. Today, they can be closer physically and virtually but they require coming nearer emotionally and humanity can play a vital role in this regard. Which philosophy or ideology can be higher than humanity? The simple philosophy of considering others as human beings, respecting their existence and letting them live the way they want without harming others is all required by the concept of humanity. One does not require writing books and developing detailed philosophies, all they entail is a simple realization.

How simple is the human life and how simply they can live together as a single family but how difficult they have made their lives by having made them complex and dipped in hatred, disdain and killings. Are we really proud of being the best of the creatures, when we do not even know the simplest way of living alive? What is the use of ideologies and the beliefs that take us towards extinction and make us dig our graves by our own sinful hands?

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at Outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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