Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

ISIS Betrayed Serving Islamic Cause


ISIS Betrayed Serving Islamic Cause

“A man uniformed in black from top to toe was crying, ‘Allah O Akbar’ God is superior, ‘Allah O Akbar’ God is superior. Hapless but fearless men whose background unrevealed in the video, kneed down on toes, surrounded by throng of armed men uniformed in black. Another person with a small sized firearm shoots him on the neck. The sinless blood sprinkles far and wide; the hostage fall down and never stands back.” The gesture demonstrated, the merciless death of an individual, overjoyed the insane killers. This marks the beginning of strong foundation of Islamic Emirate built on towered head of innocents. This is one of the sorry tales of atrocity executed by ISIS’s militants. There are numerous identical tales of ferociousness raveled in videos publicized by the militants. The tale of ruthless atrocities earned them distinction and prominence alike. Consequently, Taliban and Al-Qaida members find it a privilege to work for ISIS.

Formerly, it was reported the renowned Afghan and Pakistani Taliban leaders have affirmed their allegiance to ISIS and owed to fight their cause in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Henceforth, they have started recruiting illiterate people in their ranks. Earlier, a senior Afghan National Army (ANA) commander Gen. Mahmood Khan, the deputy commander of Afghan National Army (ANA) 215 Corps, in southern Afghanistan has confirmed that a former Taliban  leader Mullah Abdul Rauf are fanning out to recruit people for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in the said province. This tale is confirmed by as local residents of Sangin district in Helmand province too, saying group of insurgents in black uniforms have started movements in the district carrying black flags and vehicles. In the meantime, a video was released by ISIS on Saturday purports to show militant leaders who identify themselves as from Afghanistan and Pakistan Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP’s) former spokesman Shahidullah Shahid pledging their support to the Islamic State group.

This undoubtedly is an alarming sign for the state of Afghanistan, already sickened by recurrent attacks launched by local insurgents and militants. Moreover, Afghanistan undeniably serve as a fertile land providing with large number of individuals whose trust can easily be earned, subsequent of assurance of virtues, noble deed and dearness in the sight of Creator. Consequently, it is pretty trouble-free for ISIS, to establish a sound operational ground in this piece of land, hence adding government miseries. The government can’t get away with simple renunciation of presence of footprints of ISIS, instead a tangible measure should be put into practice, to get out of this menace; else’s large number religiously betrayed individuals will respond at the call of Amirul Momineen, by joining the ranks of such militants.

Previously, the Ameerul Momineen Abubakar Al-Baghdadi, a self proclaimed caliph publicly pronounced the establishment of independent Islamic State (caliphate) in the land it controls, in an audiotape message, urging all Muslims to migrate to the aforementioned state and pledged allegiance to him. He made a special appeal to those with practical skills, scholars, judges, doctors, engineers and people with military and administrative expertise, to come to the ascribed land. The self claimed caliph was also shown asking the jihadist to escalate fighting in the holy month of Ramadan, which happened to be the noblest deed. Doing so, help them earn the favor of the merciful Allah, is a betrayal. This of course is, a forged interpretation of Jihad sought to further their malicious designs. It is a deliberate “Fassad”. Al-Qaida and ISIS fallaciously deem to be the guardian of Islamic jurisdiction and sanctity are misled.

It should be learned that there are already fifty seven functional Islamic states that claims to be safeguarding the Islamic values, dogmas and rituals, enshrined in the Holy Scriptures; are in the pursuit of their own interests. The credible reports reaffirms some of them backs certain militant groups, to further their own deep rooted interests, in the middle east and elsewhere. However, the ISIS pursuing the footsteps of the Taliban that had set Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan pivoted on mass human rights violation, will no better work for the well being of greater majority. The world observed ISIS demolishes the sacred and historic places such as shrines, mosques, and churches, exercises a narrow version of Islam rendering unacceptable for both Muslims and non-Muslims world, alike.

If someone claims to strive for the wellbeing of a cognizable group, it should do away with raison-d'être widening the minute disparity existing between sub factions. Muslims, divided into over seventy two sects, with every sect not only claims to be superior to others but also spare not a minute issuing the jurisprudence of infidelity of other. If the European Union can be established, why the union of Islamic countries couldn’t be? Why can’t ISIS, Taliban and Al-Qaida deeming Islam and Muslim are in line of fire, work out narrowing down the gap of disparity between Muslims and bind them with the bond of unity?

Factually speaking the Muslims world suffers the height of intolerance and extremism. Apart from bad governance, there are multiple factors behind the escalating extremism yet it is malicious for being solely responsible for the widened unrest, plaguing the world over. It should be learned that states can be built by a disgruntled group, relying on granted warheads and weapons, but can’t be run without clearly laid principles, universally accepted system of governance a profound self-reliance and harmonious coexistence.

Those who seek not to understand the harsh lines of history, turns a perishable falsehood, is the uttered fact of global phenomena. It is an undoubted fact, neither falsehood can be justified by thousands of supporting testimonials, nor can truth be beleaguered by hundreds of lies. Each of the two phenomenon, tend exists with distinct disparity. The establishment of the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) renders one of such deception, anchored on the blood of innocents and unarmed citizens. It is said that the throng of terrorists that stationed in Iraq and Sham from across the world, have surpassed the brutality of Al-Qaida; thus sent a shock impulse over the spine of many states, including the US. It is to be drawn that we should demonstrate zero tolerance against the extremists and insurgents who are doing away piece of mind.

Asmatyari is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com.

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