Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Calamity of Corruption; To be Tackled Iron Handed


Calamity of Corruption; To be Tackled Iron Handed

Whenever, I am entrusted with a position of authority, to use for a rightful purpose, I have to deem the time and capital lying to my utter capitulation, is purely public property. I must not forget being hired to carry out the assigned errands with a great sense of unaffectedness round the clock whilst prudently spending the public wealth, as per requirement and appropriately exercising the power according to subscription of rule of business. How long, it ought to be expected, the public officials execute their undertakings devoid of any misappropriation? Expecting such an ideal state, where everyone is found self motivated and divinely guided, executing their responsibilities, is a blatant falsehood.           

We witness the misuse and abuse of power and position by our fellow citizens on daily accounts that earned fame but no one is prosecuted in the court of justice. History recorded multiple cases of wide spread corruptions, evading investigations; the culprits escape apprehension either by taking off to one of the far-off countries or seek general amnesty from an influential official. The public offices meant to serve the masses are turned into center of corrupt mafias, where legal undertakings find last priority while illegal earns foremost. The conscience of public officials earning multiple wages is never jolted whilst executing a wrong trade, receiving both pay and bribe. Consequently, a well-defined system of check and balance certainly, will do away our impasse.

The government is bound to set a transparent system of accountability and answerability, into practice that could chastise trouble-makers. As long as, a comprehensive regulatory mechanism, restraining the corrupt elements, isn’t applied and implemented; the offices will never succeed producing the required result. Accordingly, the politicians, public officials and masses suffer irreparable loss.

Formerly, the unity government who assumed the offices had promised treating the corrupt elements, iron handed. Earlier, when the incumbent government announced their cabinet, it was expected all ministers would have a long tale selfless services to this piece of land and would take the country to riches and prominence.

Previously, President Ashraf Ghani nominated Mohammad Yaqub Haidari for the post of agriculture minister. However, it has emerged that he is on Interpol's most-wanted list for large-scale tax evasion and fraud. Interpol's website says Mr. Haidari is wanted in Estonia for tax evasion. He is also accused of fraud linked to currency conversions. According to Estonian media, Mr. Haidari was investigated for embezzlement and tax evasion from the time when he was director of dairy firm Rapla Dairy. The company went bankrupt in 2003.

Previously, a survey was conducted by TOLO news and ATR Consulting that reflected a declining graph of performance of National Unity Government. The percentage of Afghans 'very satisfied' with President Ashraf Ghani's performance in office has plummeted by 54 percent in his first 100 days, the survey read. Only 27.5 percent of Afghans identified as 'very satisfied' with Ghani's performance, marking a dramatic drop from the 59.9 percent who reported being 'very satisfied' after the president's first month in office.

Following, huge round of criticism over performance, President GHani begin mainstreaming his governance. Earlier, a number of senior officials of western Farah province upon accusation of inflicting a huge loss to the national exchequer were fired. The six officials sacked include acting Governor Mohammad Omar Sherzad, police chief Mohammad Razaq Yaqubi, provincial National Directorate of Security (NDS) head Najibullah, Customs Director Wakman Shagiwal and anti-corruption director. The reason unearthed subsequent to their dismissal stated the officials had been involved in allowing imports of fuel from Iran to Farah without paying taxes to the government, causing $6.2m losses to the exchequer. To further investigate the accused officials had been introduced to the AGO and the Ministry of Interior had been ordered to ban their exit from the country. The president also ordered detaining oil importers Mohammad Sadiq, Lal Shah, Syed Shah and Ihsan for importing fuel from Iran without meeting the legal requirements. Some weeks back, President Ashraf Ghani sacked senior officials of western Herat province and introduced some of them to the AGO.

There are multiple incidences of frauds and irregularities and embezzlements that have occurred on this piece of land till date no culprit is punished and no impartial accountably is exercised. These initiatives mark a good sign, and timely judgment. Most of the time in all such cases the accused public official and institutions begin shifting responsibilities. Nominal commissions and committees are constituted to fix the responsibilities; at the end of day, nothing, with exception to wastage of public revenue crystallizes. It’s high time we demonstrate commitment to rise to eminence by setting examples of admitting and fulfilling our collective responsibilities.

The misuse, exploitation and maltreatment of public property, assets and a position of authority for fulfillment of an individual’s cravings than collective needs and requirements, is an act of daylight manipulation. Previously, a number of influential personalities involved in money embezzlement from public offices, heinous crime against citizens and power misuse were given amnesty without being subjected to strict measures entailing answerability. This attitude of previous government had discouraged new investments with remnants intended to downsizing and withdrawing a dire omen for progress of country needs immediate reversal by practical measures. This implies that the expanding role of government in development has placed the bureaucracy in a monopolistic position and has enhanced the opportunities for unlimited administrative misappropriation.

Putting an end to this very issue requires committed leadership, owing to take serious and long lasting decisions against the elimination of the prevalent corruption. Seemingly, the unity government is all-encompassing government that contains every section of Afghan society; nonetheless it’s frequently subjected to prolonged suspension over making critical decisions on significant issues, as witnessed at present relative to distribution of ministries. In spite of unexpected delays in cabinet formation, an end to prevalent corruption will render one of the foremost challenges for both president and chief executive. However, accomplishment of significant tasks requires credible individuals hoisted for corresponding ministries, capable of ridding the departments out of calamities.

Asmatyari is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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