Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Concerns Persist after 13 Years


Concerns Persist after 13 Years

Afghanistan, like so many other countries, has tasted the flavor of so many ups and downs in its history and has experienced variant political systems; from tribe-based system to absolute monarchy and from constitutional monarchy to democracy, and even Sharia Law (Taliban claim it to be a system based on fundamental Islamic principles.) Throughout the history, Afghanistan has been engaged in varied wars and battles.  Despite all the conflicts, all the wars and all the ups and downs a reality has coexisted with this country. And it is that no other country or force regardless of its power and strength, has been able to rule on this country. So, no one can question the dignity and greatness of Afghanistan. It is a dignified and proud country. It has its own historic antiquity values.

The current face of Afghanistan is its democratic face. After almost three decades of darkness, warfare, immigration and slaughters which caused immense and irreversible destruction and miseries for the country and its people, finally; a candle was burned and a light was enlightened in the heart of the country. That candle revived the hopes of Afghans and enabled them to think of new dreams for their country and their children. They could see peace and stability in the light of it. When the transitional government was formed with the backing of International community and inflowing aids, public anticipation was very high and a lot was expected from it. There weren't any ill- anticipation and ideal demand. In fact all the expectations were right and fulfilling. All the government had to do was to show a little honesty and utilize the aids properly.

History has proved that changing momentum and developmental chances come rarely for a nation and shouldn't be squandered. Throughout the history whenever the opportunities are utilized and the progressive and changing momentums are kept on, the genuine changes and developments have been brought and seen in countries. Without them the societies go on monotonously and people live repetitive lives. Afghanistan has had many opportunities so far but unfortunately due to different preventing factors (including dishonest politicians and corrupt leadership on the top) has not been able to utilize the opportunities as required.

No doubt, the presence of international community with its support and significant aids created a golden opportunity for Afghanistan to get out of the troubles, enhance its security and more importantly build its infrastructures. Since formation of the first transitional government after the collapse of Taliban regime, huge amount of money has been donated to Afghanistan for its constructional projects and institutionalization of democracy.

But the reality is that after the passage of 12 years the Afghan masses have the same anxieties, the same dreams and the same expectations. No eye-catching change or difference can be seen in the lives of ordinary people. Still the main concern of an ordinary Afghan is how to feed his children and keep them alive. The secondary life requirements are far away from ordinary Afghans. This regretting and tear shading condition proves that neither both the transitional and the elected governments have been honest and sympathetic to the people nor they have been able to use the international aids properly during the last 12 years.

This trend was sparked after the incident of 9/11, when Taliban were asked to break ties with Al-Qaeda and surrender Al-Qaeda leaders; but they refused. This refusal dared the United States of America and its allies to invade Afghanistan which resulted to the collapse of Taliban regime and empowerment of first transitional government under the presidency of Hamid Karzia.

Security condition in most parts of the country was far better in early years after the defeat of Taliban which made Afghans more hopeful and optimistic about the future. But misfortunately since then security has been on the track of deterioration in all provinces of the country. Taliban have not been crack-downed rather they are given chance and time for reinforcement to broaden their devastating attacks. Furthermore, helpless Afghan passengers have been put on the mercy of their brutality on the highways.  

Having a glance at the new setup formed almost four months ago, one comes to know that the new government wants to play the same game; played by the ex-government. There is no prominent cue or witness to approve the waiting will of the new team for change. As long as there is no political will for change, expectations for change seem like a daydream. As they use the same cards and go on with the same strategies so the people suffer from the existing crisis and chaos. What is required from the new setup is to listen to the voices of people of Afghanistan rather than listening to the armed groups. People are chanting that they need security, good governance and sincerity. That's what the new government has to focus on. 

Najibullah Wajahat is a freelance writer. He can be reached at najeeb_wajahat@yahoo.com.

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