Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Way out to Countless Challenges!


Way out to Countless Challenges!

Looking back at earlier periods through myopic lens of past is a hard learned persona Muslims bear – contradicting the rational dictum, “learn from yesterday, live for today and plan for tomorrow”. Conversely, they deem present and future have happened to coexist in delusionary past – entailing the tale of their lost glory. We lived a glorious past; we ruled over the world and dominated for centuries; an Illusory idea subjugated our living. We get impatient, given a deliberate disclosure tarnishes our glorious past. This attribute has left us suffer endlessly; hence rendered prone to exploitation.

With the advent of Islam, Muslims showed a marked progress in every field of human endeavor, particularly scientific studies. Muslim scientists succeeded inventing scores of inventions in different fields ranging from medical, engineering, chemistry, mathematics etc. They evolved and succeeded by keeping pace with time. Nonetheless, the day Muslim empire turned into center of power play in the bid to conquer throne marked the beginning of endless turmoil we witness. It is since then that the down fall began –provided many scientists were forced to flee or bear the brunt of brutality having been accused of sacrilegious deeds; which were the rational interpretation of natural phenomena.        

Even till date, majority if not all Muslim scholars deem modernism in discord with Islam while reaping the fruit of modern inventions themselves. Every invention did face countless restraints before befitting in Muslim dominated societies. The inventions like radio, telephone and television etc, hardly earned acceptance only when the illusion of being anti-Islamic sank. At present DNA samples from crime scene gives confidential clue to most wanted criminals and can likely be used to discover the blood relation.

The objective view of the issues has unnecessarily left our sentiments supra-vulnerable to humiliations and disgraces. Any plot set to soar our emotions letting us exercise evil deeds, without the cognition of its far reaching ill-consequences – succeeds, leaving us disadvantaged. It should be learned that two wrongs never make a right. An evil motive supplied with recklessness might plot to make a vocal or otherwise attack on a well held religious value or figure will never earn a disgrace to either of the value or the figure. It is a deliberate excuse to harm the feelings by sowing the seed of religious or ideological discord. Retaliating identically by torching the sacred places and disregarding others’ religious values and figures will not earn virtues and dearness – it certainly is an unpardonable and condemnable deed.

Violence, bloodshed and barbarism, in any form, can’t find justification in any religion at any corner of the world. The renowned terror group ISIS ruthlessly massacres innocents devoid of distinction of religion, cast, creed or sect, in the bid to reestablish Caliphate system, is its blatant disregard. The Muslims across the globe must come forth to condemn such inhuman acts. The world expects the Muslim world will likely retaliate to the recent burning to death of a Jordanian pilot and the beheading of two Japanese hostages by ISIS militants. The dreadful death inflicted on Jordan’s Moaz al-Kasasbeh and the butchery of the Japanese hostages are only two examples of IS brutality in a long list of crimes against humanity since the group began its murderous but unstoppable military advance from western Iraq to sweep into Syria and reach the Turkish border. This barbaric act did receive partial condemnation from a minor section of Muslim world.

Following tragic murder at the hands of ISIS terrorists the Japanese premier owed to avenge the killing of hostages while Jordan responded by hanging two jihadists. Identically, the US vowed to dismantle the terrorists. It is hardly believable that the whole world rendered unsuccessful to inflict a tough blow to aforesaid terror group. How can a joint venture against a minor terror group could lengthen indefinitely is the query awaiting its fate? It distinctly uncovers the wide disparity of interests of various factions in the fight against terror. The growing military might of the groups underlines a loophole whether in the plan or its execution or executioner. How could the terrorists maintain that high level of military organization and that sophisticated weapons, warheads and anti-aircrafts launchers?  It is surprising that, despite massive military presence in the region, the US is unable to reverse the IS tide. The underlying truth is that not all parties in the US-led coalition have their heart in the fighting, and the Islamic State’s militants enjoy many parties’ implicit sympathy in some of Muslim states.

On the other hand IS militants are accused of grave human rights and child right violation. Formerly, a United Nations watchdog said Islamic State militants are selling abducted Iraqi children at markets as sex slaves, and killing other youth, including by crucifixion or burying them alive. In addition it disclosed that Iraqi boys aged fewer than 18 are increasingly being used by the militant group as suicide bombers, bomb makers, informants or human shields to protect facilities against US-led air strikes.

The UN body, which reviewed Iraq’s record for the first time since 1998, denounced “the systematic killing of children belonging to religious and ethnic minorities by the so-called ISIL, including several cases of mass executions of boys, as well as reports of beheadings, crucifixions of children and burying children alive”. It said that ISIL has committed “systematic sexual violence”, including “the abduction and sexual enslavement of children”. It reflects that the terror groups be Al-Qaida, Taliban or ISIS carrying out countless tales of atrocities are either playing at the hands of some evil conspirators or themselves are behind the plot, which serves no one’s interests. Seeing and witnessing all contradictory deeds undertaken by apparently Muslim fellows are never condemned and retaliated and depict our cowardice or erroneous diplomacy. Isn’t our silence the confession of clandestine support to those estranged militants?

To give a rational ending, man must go for modern thoughts comprising realism, naturalism, rationalism and liberalism being equated with human being stands supreme; supplied with the aptitude to bring about desired and required changes in the world we dwell and capable of building worldly heaven by countless effort; surpassing one’s potentials and talents vanishing blind practices and leading towards intellectual illumination.

Asmatyari is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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