Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Living for One’s Own Self


Living for One’s Own Self

One of the dominating beliefs in today’s world is that a person should live for others. By living for others, he can really pursue the aim of live and there are certain people who even claim that a person is created for others. However, such a way of thinking seems to be confused in a sense. If a person is created for others, why are the others created then? Every person, in my perception, lives or must live for his own-self; he is not created for others and that is neither the objective of his being.

Oscar Wilde had said, “The aim of life is self-development. To realize one’s nature perfectly – that is what each of us is here for.” A person is lost and his existence does not have any importance or even impact, neither on himself nor on others, if he does not understand his own being, his own self. Man’s search in his own existence is his first priority or should be his first priority. That is the beginning and all the other steps follow automatically. Even a person can only be useful to others and assist them if he has realized his own self fully. Without knowing his true nature and without developing his personality, helping others can only be a daydream.    

Definitely, it seems more humane and more sensitive to say that one must live for others, but such a feeling can only be an emotional eruption and may not turn into a possible action. It is not realistic and a possibility to live for others. Yes, a person can be cooperative to others and can assist them but cannot live his entire life for fulfilling the desires and wants of others. Those who try to do so, in fact, achieve nothing, as it is widely accepted that the ones who try to please everyone, actually please no one.

It was also quoted wisely by Oscar Wilde that most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. And, by doing so, they, as a matter of fact, lose their identities. They become bodies without souls and minds without thoughts. They are robots which are basically functioning on the commands of others. Their remote controls are with others and others use them for their own motives. They are slaves with their masters defining their destinies and their lives.

Some may argue that nature is full of the examples where different things are dependent on one another and cannot live without each other. For example, they may claim that a tree is there to provide food and leaf for human beings and animals. It is there to provide clean environment to others and even shade during the summer. Thus, based on such claims they may conclude that every existence is there for the benefits of others. However, they fail to realize the real mystery of existence. Every existence in its essence wants to become what it has to. A tree has to become a tree and without becoming a tree it cannot provide the support to others that it does. It is not that it lives to facilitate others but, in fact, it lives to become what it is; it does not have the conscious to direct his life for the service of others. It does not plan that it has to generate fruits for others and be fuel for humans. It just becomes a tree and all the other qualities automatically become a part of its existence.

A human being can also experience such a beauty in his existence. He can be affectionate to others, spread love to them and be kind and generous. But, he does not have to do so by deciding to live for others by planning that he would dedicate his life for them. All he requires to do is realize his own-self; be what he is supposed to be; become a human and all the other qualities will directly be a part of his existence. He will then only spread love, affection and generosity without even claiming that he is doing so.

What is true for an individual is also true for a particular group of people. If a nation, let’s suppose, decides to live for others and claims that it is there for the benefits of others, can such a nation really be capable enough to rise to dignity and glory? Never! A nation that does not understand its own self, does not live for itself and does not know its capabilities and priorities such a nation would ultimately face a failure. It would be lost in waiting for the considerations and priorities of others and would live a slavish life. It is important that a nation must first live for its own self and afterwards it would be in a position to support and assist others.

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at Outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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