Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

United we Stand, Divided we Fall


United we Stand, Divided we Fall

There wouldn’t be delicacy in life, unless there’s happiness. Happiness wouldn’t be in a life, inside a soul, if there’s no rest, peace, justice, love and enjoyment. Partly, money is also necessary as that is responsible for our position in the society and a way to enrich our lives. But, leading a solitary life cannot bring all these things to a person. But also, these won’t be brought up if in the society the unity among the members is strong.

It is a message bearing tale, everybody has heard of. Once, an old man was exceptionally ill and lay dying in his bed. He had four sons who were al¬ways fighting with each other. He always worried about them and wanted to teach them a lesson and asked his sons to come to him, a day. When they came, the old man gave them a bundle of sticks and said, “Can you break these sticks?”

The first son tried to break the bundle but nothing hap¬pened. He tried very hard and finally gave up. Then it was the turn of the second son to try his luck. He thought it would be an easy task and picked up the sticks easily. He tried his best to break the sticks but nothing happened. Then, the third son tried to break the bundle of sticks, but he couldn’t do anything either.

Meanwhile, the youngest son jeered at his brothers and thought they were very incom-petent. He thought he was very clever and took one stick at a time and easily broke all of them.

The old father then smiled at his sons and said, “Children, do you understand what hap¬pened? It is always easy to break the sticks one by one. But when they are bundled together, none of you could break them. In the same way, as long as you live together, no one will be able to hurt you then.” The four brothers realized what their father was trying to teach them and forgot all their enmity and learnt that unity is strength.

Unity is the state of being together. All of us would be still uncivilized if there wasn’t unity to be seen. We have to be together to make a whole, which can show a way to success or victory. Perhaps, it’s possible to survive as a single, but no one can make it till the end, perfectly.

In fact, it won’t be a school if there are just less than ten students. Meanwhile, having a great amount, it will only be maintained if there is unity among them. Or else it won’t be possible to bring up a proper school when everyone is disunited. Apart from those, in sports, teamwork is surely required. Precisely, teamwork is a part of unanimity, being a team joined with different people to achieve a goal and working as one group.

Let us first discuss the smallest unit of our society. A family indicates oneness, the members of a family live together, they work together, they enjoy together, they share their woes together, and this is the basic strength of the unit. Parents encourage their children to mix freely with their peers of other races and religions.

From this smaller unit, we go to the bigger horizon of society. Schools are the best places for students of different races to mingle freely without prejudice and suspicion. Students should learn about the different festivals of their friends, their rites and rituals and their places of worship.

It’s well known that how bad the relationship grew and there was disunity found and caused the world war. It had so many tremendous negative effects. All of it happened as unity was feeble and turned up things with disunity. Other than that, this will make us lose our strength, help and support, in the name of separation. This separation occurs between communities, societies, nations and in other view action against peer groups, relatives or others.

Fairly in words, unity’s strength improves everything. In the meantime, it would be destruction and loss when it’s disunited, destroying everything, including all. But, when there is sense of humor, thought and hospitality, there will be unity and bond.

Certainly, human beings won’t have to face any problems at all, mainly, when considering social problems. Everyone should be very wise and pragmatic about being united and strengthening it by possible ways. This would help to bring up a brighter world, clean and gay. A rope is strong because its threads are united. We cannot break it unless the threads are separated.

A single hand has a limited capacity, but more hands working together will have much more strength to apply on a particular thing at the same time. So we should be united in all our missions of life.

A single person's family is somewhat weak in the sense that there is hardly any other person to stand by his side in his calamity. But in a joint family, there are other members of the family who can come forward to one another's rescue in the days of calamity.

In case of a country also, the same example is applicable very appropriately. When the native land is attacked by any outside enemy, it is not a single or a few people's job to fight the enemy. It is the collective force of all the countrymen to fight out the evil.

Thus harmony is always proved to be a great source of strength. It is really like an invincible constructive or destructive performance. We are proud of our cultural distinctiveness. We are proud to be the inhabitants of Afghanistan. It is our responsibility to maintain its unique feature. We should think beyond the petty interests and work for the broader goals of bringing prosperity and progress in our motherland. For this it is not the government but the people; the parents; the schools and their teachers who have to play their part with a sense of dedication and a commitment to the national cause. It may appear to be a laborious task but is not an impossible one. National Integration should become the watchword of all education at all levels.

Asmatyari is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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