Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

The Evolution of Words


The Evolution of Words

In the evolution of their social life, through every thick and thin, with fear and wonder, all the way through the thick forests, coming out of the caves and looking at the world around, surviving within the cruel valleys and deserts, fighting with beasts, fearing the volcanoes and the lighting of the dark clouds, men could make a great achievement of inventing words. Though it appears that the words were within human beings for long but it took them thousands of years to discover them.

Even in the horrifying loneliness, uttering words and murmuring with himself means that human being has a company – the company of his own voice, and his reach, his approach is up to the limits of his voice and his feelings and thoughts are up to the extent of the reservoir of the words he has – the words that have taught him the way of expressing himself.

When the meaning, thoughts and dreams dreamt of coming out of human mind and spread in the world around, they came to the human lips and within the silence the sound echoed, which was called a word. And, when the same word wanted to rest, it became an unexpressed meaning in the form of thought in the mind.

In fact, all the human relations are from the words, through the words and of the words, which are not only thoughts and imaginations but also the meaning. I and you and everybody else, who listens to us, think with words, use the words and even express agony with words. We actually meet through words and get departed through them. We acquire words and lose words. What is there among human beings without words that bind them at certain times and separate them at others?

In the time before the history, the meaning meditated in the chambers of human mind, sometimes with thoughts and sometimes with questions and in that state which was neither silence nor noise, the wisdom nourished, and the astuteness of human beings evolved, which ultimately resulted in his marvelous capacity of expressing himself through words. He compelled himself to talk, to spread the knowledge he had gathered of the world around him and of the feelings and responses he had generated of the world. And, he did all these through words.

It is important to mention a fact that must be kept in memories: word is both the wise and the wisdom; it is both the awareness and the aware. Whether it is evidence or the witness, it is a word. Whether it is a poem or poetry, a drama or an actor, it is always a word. This is how the words rule our world and us. 

However, it is important to mention that the relation of the words with the meanings is a bit dodgy. Sometimes the words are not able to represent the meanings they are used for. They, on certain occasions, fail to cover the vastness and the depth of the meaning; they, in fact, fall short of their own selves. Therefore, we can find human beings expressing themselves through various other means, which are not limited to words and which do not include words. While, on certain other occasions, the words become much larger than the meaning they stand for; at such stances the words seem like an ocean, while the meaning seems like a tiny drop of water.

It is an art if human beings are able to use the exact and the most suitable words for the meanings they are used for. Though human beings may never achieve perfection in this regard, they can keep on moving towards it. They, if they are able to achieve such an exalted position, can avoid misunderstandings and useless clashes. However, it is not only limited to the ones who use the words but the ones who listen to the words as well. Sometimes, I may be able to use the exact words that are meant for a particular meaning, but the person who listens may get quite a different meaning as he might attach a different meaning with the words used – such is the complexity of human interaction. The words at that time may become human enemy, the enemy that takes your message to the other person but changes it to something very different and even opposite.  

As the words are responsible for conveying human messages, in the similar fashion the human beings are responsible for the words they use. They are responsible for the influences they have and the reactions they generate. They need to stand strong with what they utter and they have to back their words with all their wonders and their characteristics. If they soothe the wounds of others through words, they are responsible; if they hurt others through them, they are accountable; if they guide others to better destinations with positive intentions, they are to be praised and if they lead others astray and even dodge them through their cunning words, they have to be liable. The way they cannot avoid words while expressing their meanings to others, in the similar way, they cannot escape their consequences and need to stand answerable for what words they use. 

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at Outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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