Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Human Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge


Human Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge

A person should have a great value and affection for humanity. Especially the deprived and helpless human beings should be loved and this love is one of the greatest virtues and the best character of human nature. It is also important that the literate and sensitive people of the world must have respect for humanity and must love fellow human beings without any distinction of race, language, sect and nation.

However, the fact is that human beings in today’s world are living the life of loneliness without much concern for others. Everybody is busy with his own self. Even the blood relations are not reliable. Though they are claimed to be the strongest but when it is tested within a situation it also disappoints.

Human beings consider themselves as the best of the beings. They consider themselves as the most advanced and developed living being on the planet earth. Why do they consider so? They consider so because they think they have been able to invent weapons for them from the stones and have been able to dominate other animals. Yes, they have done so and by doing so they are able to save themselves from fierce beasts, but ‘has that distinction made them better?’ is the question to be pondered upon.

If human beings are asked whether they would like to see Hitler as their ruler or any tiger, they would definitely suggest that they would prefer Hitler. They say so because they believe that he was, at least, a human being and had love and affection for his close relatives. Moreover, there were thousands of human beings who considered themselves safe because of him. However, no human being can be safe from a tiger.

At this stance a question rises to our minds, “Are other tigers safe from a tiger?” In most cases the answer is “Yes”. There are only few stances where a tiger kills other tigers or hurts them. In addition, the tigers are not in any sort of danger of extinction from the cruelty of their own race.

Now, coming back to Hitler, we can safely say that though his close relatives felt safe from him, there were thousands others who felt themselves insecure because of him and were horrified by his army. Many wars were fought under his supervision and they brought great losses to human lives.

It has also been mentioned in Holy Books that one of the first children of Adam and Eve killed his brother and executed the first murder in human history. However, within animals it is very difficult to find an offspring killing the other one.

Another imperative reality is that it is impossible to find animals creating weapons in order to kill other animals. It is only the ‘distinct human quality’ that develops modern and lethal weapons, which human beings use mercilessly to annihilate their fellowmen. Has anyone seen cats and dogs that are great enemies to each other invent guns or arrows against each other? It is only the ‘best of the creatures’ that has such a capacity to invent weapons and then to use them brutaly.

It is only human beings, who have conscious, wisdom and understanding and whose knowledge has reached to other planets; who have searched moons and studied stars but have become a threat to themselves. They have, as a matter of fact, made this world a hell for themselves. Was this expected from their wisdom, understanding and knowledge? Never! All these attributes must have positive influence on human beings and humanity and that is the way human beings must utilize them.

It is a matter of common sense that whenever something influences us negatively and brings loss to us we tend to avoid such thing, stop it or even completely eradicate it. But, it is weird that human beings have nourished the things that can result in their own extinction.

In today’s world it can be easily observed that human beings utilize most of their capacities and their potentials for planning warfare and designing weapons. Most of the investments in modern science and technology are for the same purpose. It is horrific to think that human beings have designed nuclear weapons that have the capacity to destroy earth several times. The same energy, potential, capacities and investments can be used by human beings for positive purposes. They can use the same to find out the ways of fighting with social problems, eradicate poverty and provide rudimentary requirements to teeming millions. They can use the same to fight the growing menace of pollution. They can focus more on designing technology that can assist them in fighting different sorts of diseases erupting in our world. There are millions of people in the world who do not have clean drinking water and there are many others who have never experienced electricity in their lives. All the human energy can be utilized to help these people but unfortunately human beings are intoxicated with the thirst for power. Hatred for their own fellow beings has blindfolded them and they are not able to see the positive energy they can generate.

It is really important that human beings must revise their way of living. They need to realize that they have the responsibility of making this planet worthy for all to live with pride and dignity. They have to prove that they are really the best of the creatures and their wisdom, understanding and knowledge are the attributes that can make them proud.     

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at Outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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