Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024




Our city has become ruthless these days. It has become insensitive to human emotions and humanity. Though it is the start of spring season, there is no scent of flowers and greenery. The sky has become grey and the winds have turned dustier. The roads are lengthy and lead to nowhere. The people have become ferocious and barbaric. They saunter so as to find victims, attack them and tear them to pieces.

It was not always the way it is now. The beginning of spring season was more colorful in Kabul. The celebrations of Nauroz were more joyous. Hafth Mewa was more mouthwatering. Qabuli had more taste and odor. The songs of Ahmad Zahir used to be more melodious. Things are not the way this year. There is a change – something has haunted the city. There is smell of blood near the Kabul River. Yes, it is the blood of Farkhunda!

The same Farkhunda, who was bullied, stoned, dragged, kicked, beaten and burnt by hundreds of men. The same Farkhunda, who seemed like a helpless dear among a group of hungry Hyenas. The same Farkhunda, who kept on repeating that she was guiltless and had not done any crime or sin. However, she could not convince the violent men. The men who had only heard that she had burnt the Holy Koran. The men, who were not even sure that she was really responsible for burning Holy Koran. The men, most of whom themselves did not know how to recite the Holy Book perfectly or understand it properly. The men, who were blindfolded by religious extremism and chauvinistic beliefs. The men, many of whom themselves had committed several sins but were never held accountable for. The men, who proved their manhood on a woman who at that stance was stranded and alone.  

How to talk of justice and fair play in a country, where the punishment for a crime that one has not done is death? How to talk of humanity when the people feel taste in killing a lonely woman by dragging her on the streets? How to talk of Islam in a society where there is no respect for well-being of others? How to talk of responsibility in a city where the policemen are incapable to provide you safety even when you are being beaten to death in front them? How to talk of guidance and spirituality in a society where the religious leaders are the ones who lead you astray?

There has to be a way to salvation for the coldblooded murder of Farkhunda. Protests are appreciated but not enough. A different burial was necessary but not sufficient. Even it is not enough that Farkhunda’s corpse was carried by her fellow-women; not even this that her burial rituals were carried out by women themselves. It is also not adequate that people are wearing her masks and chanting “I am Farkhunda”. Something more needs to be done. Something that can guarantee that such heinous acts will not be repeated. Something that can make women feel more secure while they are on the streets and even in their houses. Something that can teach a lesson to those who will to do anything they want in the name of religion. Something that can restore our belief on human beings and humanity. Something that can absorb the stink of the burning corpse of Farkhunda from the air around us.

Why don’t we mend ourselves? Why don’t we recognize that we are naturally the best of the creatures and claim to be superior? Why don’t our minds think and our hearts feel the way they should? Why don’t we strive for a better way of living? Why don’t we adopt the habit of research and the search for knowledge? Why don’t we open our eyes and see the things as they are not as we want them to be? Why don’t we become religious in a true sense and pursue the path of wellbeing and spirituality? Why is the life so worthless for us, and the death so dear to us? When others can do all these things, why can’t we? Are we really so senseless that we are not able even to recognize our benefit and the way to our survival?

Enough is enough! Let’s stand tall like human beings and not crawl on earth like insects! Let’s make life worth living and worth respecting! Let’s feel our responsibilities and each one grow a flower to make our country a garden! Let’s portray Islam the way it deserves – spreading wellbeing and peace! Let’s respect women and their true role and importance in our society! Let’s disseminate the message of love, tranquility and humanity! Let’s support justice and make sure that the episode with Farkhunda is the first and the last one! Let’s do all these as this is the only way to live like better human beings!       

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at email.urya@gmail.com

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