Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

State of Utter Despondency


State of Utter  Despondency

A lady wearing traditional Islamic dress is shown denying, she had set the holy book on fire in the. The rowdy mobs encircling her resort to vulgar language and turn her propositions down and coerces her confess the leveled allegations. It is a moment later when the disruptive mob takes to harshest violence on unfound accusation against a woman,” showed the video formerly released. The subsequent inhuman sights shared on social media are inexplicable and can’t be justified on any moral grounds, jolts every benevolent soul, depicting the state of utter statelessness.

The woman got slaughtered mercilessly by throng angry mob; some of whom earned virtue by giving a free hit with iron rod, stick, twig and vehicle; others relied to triggering off the mob to do their part while using trash language; and some resorted to be a silent onlooker. A woman yelled, sobbed amidst stream of blood flowing down her face and body, begged forgiveness but everyone relied to witness the account of brutality by turning a deaf ear and a blind eye instead. Only rare sane voices were heard barring the mob of wreaking malice. How could the rude mob, overwhelmed by mislead emotions control their infatuation? This is not an excerpt from a Hollywood/Bollywood movie but a brutal tale of unfortunate women later recognized as Farkhunda that previously took place on the street of Capital city, Kabul.

Earlier hundreds of people attended the burial of an Afghan woman who was beaten to death and set on fire by a mob for allegedly burning a copy of the Holy Koran. Her funeral was attended by large number men and women who demanded justice for the departed soul. The previous day hundreds of protesters took to Supreme Court, shouting “Down with ignorance!” urged the Afghan government to bring to justice the killers of a woman lynched by a mob for allegedly burning the Holy Koran.

Farkhunda, the unfortunate lady had a mental malady since childhood and was taken to many mullahs and doctors to get her treated. Despite of suffering illness, she continued her studies at a Madrasa. According to credible media sources on the morning of the fatless day, after leaving school, she turned up at the Shah Do Shamsher shrine (King of Two Swords); she was reportedly visiting mosque every weekend for prayers.

It is said that she began to pace the shrine’s courtyard. Along the wall of shrine is a small metal fire pit, where visitors throw orange rinds, soda cans and other trash from picnics. It was there that several women, who were busy preparing meals for beggars, saw Farkhunda standing over flames. Subsequently, a woman began shouting that chapters from the Holy Koran were on fire. But when one of the shrine’s attendants rushed back to the firepit and pulled out the burnt pages, he wasted no time in whipping up a mob. He laid the pages on a wood plank, which he then carried out to the street. There, according to witnesses, he began shouting: “The woman has burned the Holy Koran! An infidel woman had burned the Holy Koran!” It was only a crowd gathered within minutes, and it kept growing until it was hundreds strong. What happened subsequently is inexplicable sorry tale that finally claimed the life of the lady.

Subsequent to the incidence the reports, of the Ministry of Hajj and Religious Affairs (MoHRA) surface that declared woman guiltless, had not burnt the Holy Koran. The officials confirmed that their investigations have revealed the books had Persian transcripts and there was evidence to prove the accusations against the victim. News eventually came out that Farkhunda had not burnt the Holy book and instead it was an amulet (taawiz) given to her by a religious leader of the mosque itself to ‘ward of evil’ and help with her illness, Farkhunda had reached out to the mosque for help where she was once for ever helped.

The rare security personnel present at the sight unknown of their sole duty of rescuing the accused were found playing a mediatory role, is sickening. Desperately, despite the presence of guardian of law and order the panorama took place and they kept getting amused at the sight, is query worth responding. This has always been our dilemma; the law enforcers reach the crime scene subsequent to felony taken place and the criminals have manage escaping or their presence would not bar people of committing crime. The police personnel enclosed the tale of a hapless lady beaten to death and torched to ashes. The crowds surrounding the sight were making shot of flare of smoke arising from her body reflects an in-depth absurdity. It was indeed rare but the worst brutal incident that might have never taken place on the surface of earth.

Following the atrocious incident the President who was due to leave to US, condemned the tragic incident whilst issuing orders of an immediate probe into incident and formation of an independent commission to investigate the brutal murder of the woman. In the meanwhile, the United Nations condemned the brutal murder of the woman in the strongest terms.

The brutal incident that took place on the avenues of Kabul raised serious questions on the competence of state apparatus to tackle a situation before that grows worse. The lady certainly hadn’t committed a blasphemous act; nonetheless the enraged mob did it by desecrating a dead body of a lady followed by putting her on an ablaze. Why wouldn’t the security forces, public officials and city administration hastened to calm and disperse the mob? If the mob had gone unruly the shells of tear gas could have helped them scattered. This incidence certainly brought us infamy and tempted to tarnish our image as tolerant and civilized nation. Nonetheless, the culprits involved the killing of women must be brought to justice and should face fair trial and put to punishment that would hold off such butchery.  

Asmatyari is a permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyar@gmail.com

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