Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Flexibility in US Troops Withdrawal


Flexibility in US  Troops Withdrawal

US President Barack Obama has accepted to retain the current troop level of 9,800 in Afghanistan throughout the year 2015. Earlier, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had requested for flexibility in the drawdown for better preparations of Afghan troops to face the security challenges, during his and the Afghan Chief Executive Abdullah Abullah’s visit to US.

The drawdown of US troops from Afghanistan is a very important phase in the history and Afghanistan must make sure that it is completely ready to tackle the situation after the drawdown is completed. The US at the same time must make sure that all the gains that have been acquired after so many sacrifices are not lost because of speedy drawdown. Ultimately, the drawdown has to be completed and the Afghan security forces have to take the responsibility of the security of the country themselves but careful consideration in this regard is highly important. A statement from the White House after the talks between the two leaders said, “This flexibility reflects the re-invigorated partnership, which is aimed at making Afghanistan secure and preventing it from being used to launch terrorist attacks.” If left alone, there are possibilities that Afghanistan may once again fall a victim to terrorism. President Ashraf Ghani said as a response, “Much binds us together, and the flexibility that has been provided for 2015 will be used to accelerate reforms to ensure that the Afghan security forces are much better led, equipped, trained, and are focused on their fundamental mission.”

The only way through which Afghanistan can guarantee peace is the peace talks with Taliban. It is really vital that Afghan government must make serious efforts in this regard. War cannot go on indefinitely and will benefit no one at the end. The need of time, therefore, is a successful reconciliation process with Taliban provided that they end violence, break ties with international terrorist groups and accept Afghanistan’s constitution, including the protection of the rights of women and minorities.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has currently taken tangible steps in this regard and he has been successful in rebuilding ties with Pakistan to ensure better opportunities regarding the talks with Taliban. President Obama during the talks with Afghan President also emphasized the importance of continued efforts for the peace talks and also appreciated Afghan-Pakistan dialogue aimed at building trust and producing tangible progress in the peace process and improving the security situation in the region.

The role of regional countries in this regard is also of immense importance. China, in this regard, has taken clear stance and seems ready to support Afghanistan in the process. India, on the other hand, has been emphasizing for peace and tranquility in Afghanistan. Afghanistan, therefore, has to seek the support of the regional countries and must ensure that it is successful in its efforts as any sort of negligence in this regard may prove fatal. President Obama also endorsed efforts to deepen the Heart of Asia Process and expressed appreciation to China for hosting the October 2014 summit and to Pakistan for hosting the next meeting this year.

Apart from pursuing the security situation and the peace efforts there are many other factors as well that have to be emphasized by Afghan government so that it is able to lead Afghanistan towards a better future. It has to be understood that the democratization of the political system in Afghanistan is still immature and needs to go a long way before it can reach to a reliable position from where it can start a journey towards real democracy that can penetrate to the grass root level and can deal with the diversity existing in the country.

Furthermore, there are concerns and ambiguities regarding the untamed corruption in the country that has been paralyzing the governance system and has been hindering the way of the funds and supports from international community to be spent for the welfare and betterment of the common people of Afghanistan. Rather, it has been transferring the money, in some way or the other to those who, directly or indirectly support Taliban and terrorist networks in the country. International community in this regard has shown concerns on various occasions but tangible measures that can really introduce strong system of accountability are yet to be introduced.

The economic system has not reached to the level of independence and largely relies on the presence of the foreign troops in some way or the other and serious investment and economic activities are yet to achieve confidence because of shaky situation of markets and the law and order situation.

In the meanwhile, keeping in mind the concerns regarding the capabilities of Afghan security forces and the strengthening terrorist networks it would be a great challenge to maintain peace and tranquility in the country.

Definitely, the war in Afghanistan has to be ended decisively and that is what the circumstances in Afghanistan and the neighboring countries are demanding. Both the eradication of terrorism and political and economic stability of country have to be made sure before the war is concluded.

Yes, there have been many sacrifices given in this war so far, both in terms of human life and resources, but with a little more effort the outcome of the war can be quite different from what it can turn into if left in the way it is. All these efforts should be concluded with the victory of peace loving forces against the terror networks and the success in establishing a strong democratic government in Afghanistan where the common people have the basic requirements of life.

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at email.urya@gmail.com

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