Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

The Ills of our Society


The Ills of our Society

In contemporary world of ours, at every phase of life, reliance and trustworthiness are overlooked and on several occasions a relation is wrecked. And, we would require comprehending why it is this way. Why are there the hunger of conviction and the magnificence of ambiguity? Are human beings fundamentally and naturally good or bad? This discussion may get really lengthy, nevertheless, it can never be overlooked that the behaviors of the people principally hinge on the type of surroundings and cultures they are nourished in. An individual may not be, indeed, evil but the conditions and settings may compel him to be evil in certain cases. The society we reside in is vehemently noticeable because of its self-centeredness and vanity. Unfairness and discrimination are the usual behavioral trends.

If a person, for his own happiness, offers another person anguish; if a person cuckolds another person or if a group of people violates the right of other groups, it is not odd as it is normal exercise within our society. Since the socio-political settings and the objective conditions have cemented the way for such types of deeds and approaches, imagining something different would be irrational and even silly. It is not likely to plant the seeds of a rose plant and believe that lilies would cultivate out of them. As the rule of the race is to thrust others back and attempt to win the race in any thinkable way, not pursuing it would mean trailing in the race, which nobody is prepared to admit as everyone wants to triumph. Keeping today’s society in mind, it can be claimed that a person who is not crafty and self-seeking is principally unwise. Alternatively, the crafty evils cannot be censured, too. As a matter of fact, in our society, when a person does an evil act, he is not all the time guilty for it; on certain occasions, the society can be censured as it concocts him in such a way that he is left with no other option. The society, wherein all the recognitions and opportunities are allotted to those who have learnt the art of misleading others and who care the slightest about feelings and collective welfare, is destined to produce the people who are less humanoid and more like automata that are trained to strive for victory only.

 Suppose a person, on a cold and snowy night, trembling with cold crosses your house and you sense pity and do him a service by giving him warm housing and a blanket to keep himself warm, then you ought be totally prepared for this that while departing your house he would take your blanket and some other things along with it. It is because of the reason that the blanket has sheltered him from the cold weather and now he worries about the cold weather that he would face while going out. He can also request for it and you, with an open-handedness, can give that blanket along with some other things to him, but that would be a courtesy and our people even don’t have the ability to take the courtesy.

If a person does not know how to express, teach him to talk but be ready to assume that once he is able to speak smoothly, initially he would attempt to abuse you. And, if you teach a person writing his name, he would not vacillate to put his signature on the paper containing your loss. In this society, if a killer is not a relative to the prey, it is really odd. Attachment, adoration, belief, uprightness and devoutness are the values that are only important to few of the people; else, these are only words which the people of our society use so as to conceal the crimes of their conscience and the evils of their intents. We are mainly bounded by lies and false exhibition and if we are able to defend our truth, it would be a great accomplishment. Nevertheless, the company and ownership of truth is truly wearisome. It involves bearing seclusion and accepting the responsibility of being dissimilar. Yet, it is not something to be discouraged about. A human can be disenchanted from another human but should not be disenchanted from humanity, because human beings live for a definite period of time but humanity has always lived and will live persistently.

The significant point is to deliberate why the kind of society, wherein a person has to lead another person by going over his cadaver, should not change. Why shouldn’t we modify the system wherein human beings do not need the sustenance and collaboration of others for the improvement of society in its entirety, but need for their selfish benefits? There is something utterly wrong with the society that does not support love and brotherhood but inspires the people to have negative rivalry so as to own as much material coziness as possible. This ultimately spoils the society, as perceived by Franklin D. Roosevelt, “Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off”. The society we reside in is in desperate need of true humanity, true affection and true warmth; as described by Jiddu Krishnamurti, “The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed.”

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at email.urya@gmail.com

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