Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Purposefulness is Delightfulness


Purposefulness is Delightfulness

Since the dawn of time, we have all been trying to pursue delight, which is still associated with the term of “perfection” or, to be more specific, happiness is the picture we have in our minds of what reality should look like. We all have different goals, different values and wishes. Some see happiness in the form of owning a fortune. Others see it as having a successful career, or having a big family. But what is, actually, happiness?

The ancient philosophers had very contradictory perspectives on this matter: while Socrates believed that only the poor, who had nothing to lose, could be happy, Aristotle thought the opposite. Also, while Epicurus stated that “Pleasure is the absence of suffering”, another ancient Greek philosophy said life is about suffering, and that happiness meant accepting the obstacles with serenity. I tend to agree most with the last theory mentioned here because, truth is, everyone suffers, and everyone stumble along the way. Thus, if we followed Epicures’ ideas for example, happiness would not even exist.

It has been hundreds of years since independence was introduced into the world, and I am worried that the concept has lost some of its meaning, although it is true that everyone sees freedom quite differently. Why do I mention this term? Because we also need to learn how to create our own happiness independently, without letting anyone control the way we perceive things, or label the good and the bad.

What we can actually do is try to see everything not necessarily as the good or the bad, but as instruction. I believe gladness means life freedom and experience. I am sure everyone wishes they had an adventurous life, or at least, interesting at some point. Still, few are willing to do something about it: choose their own path, their own pace, and their own ideas.

Craving the unattainable, and by that I mean perfection, is a waste of time, whereas “going with the flow”, getting through the bad times with serenity and dignity, and knowing how to truly appreciate what you have, that makes you a happy person.

The society we live in and are part of an elaborated a lifelong plan in order for a person to be happy that basically revolves around the word money. While I do believe that there are people on this planet whose only purpose in life is to gain fortune, I know for sure that there are also some who could not care less about the material happiness, but instead spend their lives searching with their soul for the spiritual one.

After all, true happiness is made of all the tiny moments you are able to smile, help, give, love, trust and be better than the day before. It does not matter if you are 15 or 55; we all crave for the good, for joy, for peace and contentment.

Every day, as soon as we get up we start a fight. We must continue fighting year after year, but it is necessary. This fight is a lifelong fight; our goal is to be happy. It sounds simple, but it isn’t. Some people achieve this goal, but others may die trying it. I strongly believe that if you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

However, the road to happiness is not always easy; it can be hard and frustrating. There can be lots of difficulties in your life, but you must fight against them to be happy. According to this, we can say that happiness is not the absences of problem but the ability to deal with them. If you solve the problem you have during your life, you’ll reach bliss.

Sometimes, when we talk about happiness, we tend to talk about money and it is not the same. Money can be useful and helpful when you want to be happy. Nevertheless, the happiness doesn’t lie in the mere possession of money or objects; it lies in the joy of achievement and hard work. So, if you fight and work hard, you are going to be happy, but be careful, it doesn’t always work.

Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect; you have to appreciate what you have, because you’ll never have all what you want. So, it is better to look beyond the imperfections and to value and appreciate what you have.

We're often told that cheerfulness is an illusion, and some of us believe it, despite the experience of our own lives. It is obviously not an illusion, because we've all felt it, not once but many times. Most commonly, we realize after some period of time — perhaps a few minutes, or a day — that we have been happy in the time just past. We haven't thought about it one way or another, but now that we do, we realize we've been happy. 

If you want a good life you have to believe that it will be a good life instead of constantly thinking negative. Think positive instead. No one has a perfect life with no problems at all. We all want it but no one has really got it. Some people have got money but still aren’t happy, maybe they have family problems or something, and some people haven’t got any money but maybe they have a great family which they just don’t appreciate enough. Both of these examples may think that if they just had what the other person had, their lives would be better and they would be happier.

Look around and think about your place in the world. Discuss with your inner voice about your future and sometimes dream, because every morning you have two choices: continue sleeping full of dreams or wake up and chase your dreams! When you know what you want you can strive for it. You will be successful and then you will have the pleasure inside of you. Hence, Purposefulness is Delightfulness.

Asmatyari is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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