Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Iran’s Nuclear Program


Iran’s Nuclear Program

Yesterday’s media reports about a deal regarding the fate of Iran’s nuclear program is hopeful but the following comments from President Obama are also ominous. It simply gives a message that the world should be expecting, on a very short notice, the complete collapse of this deal that was achieved after efforts of almost two years. Such a fate of this deal would be helpless but it is what it has been happening in the past.

No side ever denied the importance of talks. Both the sides also know that this is the only way to reach to a rational and permanent resolution of this long-standing problem that has divided the world in almost two blocs. If Iran’s politicians and public thinks it to be their right to have the nuclear power just like a number of other countries of the world, the Western world has also been active in stopping Iran from achieving any such ability. Every new president or Prime Minister in the US and other European countries opens this chapter before doing anything else and then the problem starts resounding in the media and parliament houses of a number of countries. Unfortunately, all the past efforts ended in failures and increasing gap between the two sides due to a number of strategies that cannot be termed as logical or reasonable.

When President Obama came to the White House, he was also much enthusiastic to end this problem and we received this good news when he is about to finish his final term as well. Before him, Bush junior and Clinton spent many years working for this but none of them were successful. In the same way, this burning issue has also been on the top priority list of all the past Iranian presidents. Ahmadinejad only worsened the situation. In fact, on the both the sides, leaders who tried to resolve this problem by conflict, only exacerbated the situation. Trust on each other decreased, the political relations declined, the problem only grew in age, but nothing else was gained. Both the sides do understand one hard reality; Iran will never give up its right of having nuclear ability and the West would also not allow Iran to make this happen easily. Till today, there have been talks, economic sanctions on Iran, mass protests by Iranian public and others but the problem still remains unresolved.

In 2013, when Rouhani became the president of Iran, a new hope sprouted in this regard. Unlike his predecessor, he won his way to presidency by giving message to Iranian public and the world that he would follow a different route in resolving this problem. At that time, Iranian public was wailing with pain of economic downfall and inflation due to increased economic sanctions by the United States and its Western allies. Soon the talks started and the first milestone was achieved when both the sides agreed in Switzerland to continue the talks in future as well. Yesterday’s announcement came after many days of talks in Switzerland.

Inside Iran, the public opinion is also divided. There is present a group of hardliners who believe in ignoring all the difficulties so that Iran should achieve its dream of becoming a nuclear power. There is also present a group of moderates who believe in peaceful talks with the West to settle down this program. However, the biggest problem lies in the form of their Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenie. When Ahmadinejad was in power, he is said to have complete support of the Supreme Leader to take a harsh and rigid stance against the West. But when the term of Ahmadinejad was about to end, both the President and Supreme Leader had realized the fact that their strategy had not brought any success to the nuclear program and common public of Iran. It is the reason why, Rouhani came with a different strategy which was supported by the Supreme Leader and also by the public that had suffered a lot financially due to the increasing economic sanctions.

It is the only issue that is not liked by some powers of the world seeing it resolved peacefully and with negotiations. It is not the first time that Iran and the West have reached to an agreement. In past as well, the collapse of agreement took less time than the whole process in which the sides agreed. Usually, Western powers accuse Iran of the violence of agreement and once again impose economic sanctions on her. In response, Iran also announces the resumption of the nuclear process. Till today, it has not been proved nor any fact-finding committee has been established to find out if Iran actually violated any term of the agreement or not. However, when Iran is pushed at a corner, it also comes up with a tit-for-tat reply to the Western powers. As soon as the foreign ministers of countries participating in these talks announced the good news, Israeli PM repeated his often-repeated, statement that ‘Iran won’t stop working on its nuclear program and only way to stop her is to completely destroy her nuclear facilities.’ It appears that Israelis have grown strong enough to foretell about future and read the minds of Iranians as what they will do in future. This statement carries much resemblance to the statement of United States about WMD before it carried out its offensive on Iraq and until today, they have not been successful to find even one of such destructive weapons. It remains a fact that this lie has taken away the lives of almost a million people and pushed the whole region into the fire of destruction and hatred.

Though this agreement has been reached by the flexibility and sensibility of Iranian leadership, Western powers have once again exhibited their double standards in the global politics. Though Iran has continually been denying the claims of West that its nuclear program is intended for making nuclear weapons and it wants to utilize nuclear energy to meet her energy requirements but Western powers never give any importance to her opinion. It is unfair to ban a state from acquiring nuclear energy and meeting its energy requirements. On the other hand, the state of Israel is given all the technical and monetary assistance to produce nuclear weapons in large numbers. In this case, there is not present any second thought as if Israeli nuclear program is for energy or military purposes because it openly claims to have nuclear weapons. If Iran is not allowed to produce nuclear weapons, no power should stop its way to run a peaceful nuclear program to meet its energy requirements.

Just like the attacks on Iraq, intervention in Syria and other double-standard and biased policies of Western powers, this unfair and unjust stance of West against Iran’s nuclear program would further widen the gaps between the East and the West and contribute its share in the deterioration of international peace and order. If Western powers are honest in promoting peace and avoiding conflicts on earth, they will have to learn treating equally all the countries of the world.

Muhammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and works as Academic Coordinator at Baraka Int’l School, Kabul. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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