Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Iran Reaches Historic Deal


Iran Reaches Historic Deal

There is no doubt in the fact that the race of nuclear weapons has brought human race to the brink of extinction and any careless action by any of the countries possessing nuclear weapons may mean a destruction that may never be compensated. In the contemporary international political scenario power plays a dominant role and it is the desire of this power that different states in the world have developed the most sophisticated weapons in the history of mankind and collectively they have the capacity to destroy the world several times completely.

Recently, there have been doubts and concerns regarding Iran’s nuclear program and US has been striving to control Iran’s nuclear program and stop it from making nuclear bombs. The controversies, in this regard, have continued for the last several years, and there have been different episodes, some showing prospects of agreements and others possibilities of war; however, the recent development has been phenomenal. On Thursday, April 02, Iran and six world powers reached an agreement to work on a broad framework for resolving their dispute over Iran’s nuclear program. There are expectations that the step would lead to a final agreement most probably in June, wherein Iran would formally sign the agreement and would be then bound to follow it. As per the current agreement, Iran has agreed not to produce weapons-grade fuel and would allow international monitors to have enhanced access to its nuclear facilities.

It is the most remarkable achievement regarding nuclear talks by Rouhani government. During Ahmadinezad government the talks had come to a halt and Iran suffered economic isolation as the sanctions were imposed against it. Though the country is still suffering from the sanctions, the new government has been very clear about the nuclear talks since its very inception. It has not been conservative in this regard and has given every willingness to continue talks, and the current agreement is the result of the same.    

European Union Foreign Affairs Minister, Federica Mogherini, said about the Thursday’s deal, "Today, we have taken a decisive step. We have reached solutions on key parameters for a comprehensive future nuclear deal.” She also added that Iran would not produce weapons-grade fuel and international monitors will have enhanced access to Iran's nuclear facilities.

Now the most challenging task is to follow the agreed actions in the agreement and reach to a final deal. There are many factions in Iran and US who do not see any sort of compromise welcoming and they would definitely make sure that the deal does not reach to its final phase. Moreover, Iran’s rival Israel does not see the deal positive and Nathanyahu has already mentioned that the deal would threaten the existence of Israel and several other countries.   

Mogherini also said that the sanctions against Iran would be terminated and the precise timing will be determined as the negotiators work out a final agreement. The timetable for the termination of the sanctions is a point of controversy as Iran wants them to be lifted immediately, while US is in the favor of keeping most of them in place until Iran follows the terms of the deal. It is important to see what sort of developments are made in this regard.  

The main controversy regarding Iran’s nuclear program started when in 2009, IAEA, through a secret document reported that Iran possesses "sufficient information" to construct a nuclear device and had even worked on developing a warhead with the capacity of being carried on a missile.

However, the agency accepted that their information is not based on concrete proof. Later on, the IAEA chief ElBaradei in September 2009 commented in an interview, "I do not think based on what we see that Iran has an ongoing nuclear weapons program," and accepted that Iran's nuclear weapons development has been "hyped".

Since then, the controversies about Iran's nuclear program have kept on rising and they are now very serious. On the other hand, there have been controversies about the raw material provided for these plants. There is ban now on providing Iran nuclear fuel rods; however Iran has claimed that it has the capacity to build its own rods. Iran continued to pursue its nuclear program even after many controversies and opposition. The ban on Iran has reached to the extent of banning oil business with the country. The European countries that used to purchase a considerable portion of Iran's oil have banned to import oil from Iran, which is Iran's main export.

Iran had depended on Russia and China for some sort of favor regarding its stand about its program and these two countries have backed Iran to a certain extent. Showing their dominant role in the region and avoid any sort of tension in Iran that may influence the region these two countries have been taking cautious steps.

United Nations Organization in this regard has been urging Iran for transparent nuclear program. Keeping in view the mounting pressure from international community, UN Security Council imposed sanctions on Iran under resolutions 1737, 1747, 1803 and 1929. Under these sanctions, there is ban on the sale of material and technology related to nuclear enrichment and ballistic missile development to Iran; restriction on dealing with Iranian banks and individuals and restriction on major arms systems to Iran and strict inspections of air and sea cargoes.

Apart from these sanctions there are certain other sanctions imposed by the US and EU including the recent oil embargo. All these sanctions are imposed because US and other major countries in the world doubted Iran's nuclear program and fear any sort of development of nuclear weapons in Iran.

Definitely all the capable countries of the world have the right to follow friendly and secure nuclear programs but it should also be kept in mind that there are many secret stories regarding the different nuclear plants in the world and they really pose a threat to humanity.

All the nuclear plants in the world must be made transparent and secret stories should be disclosed along with all the ill intentions and ambiguities. Strict check on all the nuclear plants in the world is necessary. That is only possible through IAEA but it should be given more strength and authority.

Further, it should not be biased and must not be politically inclined and above all must treat all the countries of the world alike as far as nuclear threats are concerned. Otherwise, stopping different countries from developing nuclear weapons would be really very difficult and the race of nuclear weapons may continue until the human extinction.

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at email.urya@gmail.com

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