Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Decade Long War Earned Multiplying Causalities!


Decade Long War Earned Multiplying Causalities!

As the spring drew nearer amidst the rumors of peace talk, the magnitude of violence and insecurity practically soared. The consecutive attacks on public officials depict either state’s unwillingness to restrict the militants away from commercial and residential areas or have let the militants operate at will. Every time a tragic incident occurs the fatless civilian or public officials have to pay the price by serving sacrifices.

Owing a weak and influentially plagued net of jurisprudence, the militants and insurgents are developing a new reputation: not just as agents of terrorism but as drug lords and agents of criminal activities including kidnapping, people trafficking and smuggling. It is evident that the insurgents further their evil agendas by exploiting the sacred name of Islam, seems to be wholly responsible for earning extremists fame for the adherents of this religion in general and Afghanistan in particular. The aforementioned narrative is a true manifestation of the religion of peace and audacious step forward must be taken to undermine the extremist cause the insurgents are striving for. Nonetheless, the militants intensify their attacks whilst abducting civilians to get them exchanged with their imprisoned fellows.

Violence has been a dominant phenomenon browbeating every fabric of Afghan society. The fight between insurgents and government backed international allies seems unending provided civilians are not ended. The proverb “Grass suffers in the battle bulls” accurately justifies the worsened state of civilian left on the brunt of attack ongoing between government, terrorist and insurgents. The state of affairs furthers until a congenial solution is not sought out. Political solution and ground battles are the tow course that end up the bloody battle.  

Earlier, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) painted a bleak picture whilst releasing its first quarter report for 2015, showing a continuing trend of record high civilian casualties, with deaths and injuries from ground engagements in Afghanistan as the leading cause. Nicholas Haysom, the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Afghanistan and head of UNAMA, said in a statement: "With the seasonal resumption of higher levels of conflict-related violence, the United Nations urges all parties to the conflict to take all necessary measures to protect civilians."

In the first three months of 2015, civilian casualties from ground engagements rose by eight percent compared to the same period in 2014. Ground fighting between Pro-Government Forces and Anti-Government Elements caused 521 civilian casualties (136 civilians killed and 385 injured). Between 1 January and 31 March, UNAMA documented 266 civilian casualties (62 deaths and 204 injured) from mortars and rockets, up 43 percent from the same period last year and accounting for half of civilian casualties from ground engagements, the statement read. Civilian casualties from aerial operations by international military forces declined 42 percent compared to the first quarter of 2014, with 15 civilian casualties (seven civilian deaths and eight injured) recorded from 1 January to 31 March 2015.

The long course we advanced, could earn us nothing, except the rule of nuisance, wicked deeds, widespread manipulation of power, suppression of oppressed and endless tales of barbarism against powerless segment of society. According to UNAMA, they documented overall 1,810 civilian casualties (655 deaths and 1,155 injured), a two per cent decrease from the same period in 2014. The report states that the latest figures show a continued rise in women casualties with an increase of 15 percent in the same period last year. Conflict-related violence killed 55 women and injured 117. Child casualties surpassed the unprecedented levels recorded last year with 430 child civilian casualties (123 deaths and 307 injured).

The armed forces carrying out clean up operation or insurgents retaliating, the innocent civilians are left to pay the price. In the ongoing tit-for-tat between armed forces and insurgents, unarmed civilians are left to render endless and futile sacrifices that never lead to fruition and bring them aversion of ill-fates.

This fact tallies with UNAMA report stating "anti-government elements remained responsible for the largest proportion of total civilian casualties at 73 percent, with pro-government forces responsible for 14 percent and seven percent attributed to both parties. Responsibility could not be attributed for six percent of civilian casualties, caused mainly by explosive remnants of war".

With exception to fallacy of government displaying ineligibility reversing the attack, Taliban are equally responsible for civilian causalities. Taliban seeking refuge in nearest village endangers the lives of unarmed civilians did not restricting them doing this, is unjustifiable disposition worthy of loud condemnation with inclusion to Afghan forces led air raid. Significantly, the pursuit of tit-for-tat that made Taliban launch attacks on innocent local or foreign nationals is equally condemnable act. The Taliban claimed responsibility for 48 incidents of targeted killings, including deliberate killings of tribal elders, judges, prosecutors and civilian government workers. "The United Nations calls on the Taliban to cease all attacks against persons who are not taking a direct part in hostilities," said Georgette Gagnon, Director of Human Rights for UNAMA. "The UN notes that direct attacks on civilians are strictly prohibited under international law which binds all parties to the conflict and may amount to war crimes."

Everybody extends deep concerns over escalating civilian causalities and deteriorating state of law and order in this piece of land. It worth mentioning the government has too displayed incompetence devising policy and strategy to combat the insurgency. What all it has done is greater reliance on international community and US to sort out a congenial solution for its core issues. President during his stay urged US to get their withdrawal plan slowed down in the wake of growing fear of emergence of ISIS in Afghanistan. However, the evil forces tend to play evil practices to get government surrender at their demand.

The militants apprehended must be subjected to a fair trial is a pivotal to maintenance of peace and security. Long lasting peace can only be installed in Afghanistan provided the anti-state elements are brought to book through fair trial, holding the right culprit accountable for his deeds. In doing so the government should too consider the wages and authority of public officials serving this department, so that they shouldn’t be misled by attractive offers. The government must get itself cleared, whom to be labeled as terrorists, whom should be talked to and whom should not?  It should be learned that both the formation of fair laws, its implementation and  regulation makes it possible for men to live together peaceably.

Asmatyari is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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