Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Grand Corruptions Plagued Our Institutions!!


 Grand Corruptions Plagued Our Institutions!!

Afghanistan suffers the most at the hands of prolonged war. The more than three decades of war have earned nothing except ruins, countless miseries and devastation for poor masses. The year’s long war destroyed economic infrastructures completely and dragged Afghanistan towards annulment. No significant progress has been made albeit elongated international efforts to revive Afghanistan's economy improve the living standard of people and create greater job opportunities provided that the menace of corruption constantly depleted the rate of progress is minimized.  Afghanistan stands among the poorest countries of world with more than 60 percent of its population living below or slightly above the line of poverty; still some officials don’t sympathize with Afghans. The most prior reason behind the failure to strengthen the backbone of Afghan economy is the severe security problems and deep-rooted corruption.

Undeniably, Afghanistan’s economy is the worst hit by consecutive quacks of corruption. The rumors of partial prosecution of multibillion dollar Kabul bank scandal diffused not, followed by Ministry of defense multimillion dollar scandal.  According to credible media reports, the ministry of defense officials plotted and executed a misappropriation of over $100 million. This undoubtedly is a great deal of manipulation of position or authority and misuse of public property. The government must enforce its authority, inflicting stricter terms of punishment to those involved behind the plot, once are charged.

The National Unity Government (NUG) took the issue into consideration whilst promising to closely investigate cases of corruption in government institutions and we know that at the moment corruption has expanded to government administrations including the Ministry of Defense and others as per statement of Freshta Amini, a member of the Economic Commission at the House of Representatives. Following the rumors of allegations the President Ghani assigned a commission to investigate the agreements has presented its report to the president, and the president will make a decision based on the suggestions by the committee.

The commission reviewing the fuel contracts in the Ministry of Defense has confirmed the corruption to the amount of $100 million in Ministry of Defense contracts, but officials at the Fuel Importing Companies Organization said that based on the documents that they have received, the level of corruption is over $200 million. Extensive corruption pertaining to the Ministry of Defense's fuel contracts has seen people, including Hazrat Omer Zakhailwal come under suspicion as well as senior Ministry of Defense and other government officials.

Previously, the oversight committee for Ministry of Defense fuel contracts disclosed that leading companies collaborated with each other and with the Directorate of Reconstruction and Development and the Special Procurement Committee to charge the government over $100 million above the daily market rate.

Connecting the dots one assumes, without having sought the aids of concerned officials this plot would never have hatched. Nonetheless, the latest reports affirms the presumptions an irrefutable reality, holding around sixty-three individuals, including President Ashraf Ghani's economic advisor,  who have also been accused of involvement in the plot.

On the other hand people from all walks of life develop a mounting pressure on the government to bring the culprits into justice. The economic analysts, member of parliaments and the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries (ACCI) members asked the government to bring all the corrupt officials to justice. Meanwhile, the National Economy Commission in the House of Representatives has also asked for a government probe. Conversely, the assigned committee has asked the president to seize properties owned by government officials who are accused of being involved if are convicted in the court of law. We have to learn it a vibrant progressive and developed Afghanistan is a corruption free Afghanistan.

MPs have said that all government officials and companies involved in this scandal must be legally prosecuted. In the wake of renowned bank scandals and financial embezzlements, the international institutions had lost their confidence, undertaking any consignment with Afghan banks and donor countries hesitant to grant financial supports to poverty stricken country. This tragic incident certainly will earn us infamy. President Ghani had earlier avowed to re-open the inquiry into the theft from the bank, fulfilling a campaign promise to make fighting corruption a priority. Following that he has issued a presidential decree to prosecute the case but the concerned officials had done nothing till date.

Putting an end to this very issue requires committed leadership, owing to take serious and long lasting decisions against the elimination of the prevalent corruption. Many problems in the third world countries are associated with flawed or delayed fixation of responsibilities; the culprit either escape owning the unlawful activity or keep on shifting the responsibilities from one to another stakeholder. Finally, no one is brought to book and hence justice delayed is justice denied. Particularly, when justice is to be exercised against a high profile person, then the anticipation of recovery and evenhandedness die its natural death.

Seemingly, the unity government is all-encompassing government that contains every section of Afghan society; nonetheless it’s frequently subjected to prolonged suspension over making critical decisions on significant issues, as witnessed at present relative to distribution of ministries. In spite of unexpected delays in cabinet formation, an end to prevalent corruption will render one of the foremost challenges for both president and chief executive. To accomplish that Mr. Ghani, who assumed the office in September, must first focus on getting a cabinet in place while opting officials of high credibility and integrity for public undertakings. However, accomplishment of significant tasks requires credible individuals hoisted for corresponding ministries, capable of ridding the departments out of calamities of corruption.

Asmatyari is a permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyar@gmail.com

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