Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Peace Talks amidst Growing Restlessness


Peace Talks amidst Growing Restlessness

Taliban and Afghan government have been in state of war for over decade that have earned devastative causalities and irreparable harms to war torn country – the central upshot. In order to draw in the stalled peace process, a practical, agreeable and feasible approach is required – kick-starter. It is contemplated to work out a peaceful solution to ongoing conflict to put an end the bloodshed, provided a credible mediator exercise unconditional mediation. Afghan government has always expected US or Pakistan to help them mediate peace talks with Taliban who responded to serve the call. In the bid narrowing down the gap between the warring factions, some mediation was worked out.

Formerly, the spokesman of Ministry of Foreign Affairs disclosed a knot between Afghan government and Taliban negotiating to arrive at a common strategy to end the conflict. It added the government was ready to sit across negotiating table with the militants who were interested in a political solution to the problem, respect for the country’s constitution and preservation of the achievements made since 2001; else’s the government would continue to pursue military action against its armed opponents, who opposed peace parley, till they were completely vanquished.

The rumors about Taliban joining peace efforts and mainstream politics might owe a certain degree of underlined reservations, seeing the indescribable ground realities the dream might not come true. Afghanistan has been striving hard to bring the Taliban back on the table of negotiation. Till date, no concrete development is achieved devoid of hopelessness and desperation. Nevertheless, elsewhere in Qatar, perpetual backdoor efforts are underway, to restore US-Taliban congenial relation and revive bilateral confidence on some fronts, mediated by the Qatari government. It was these efforts that got Taliban remove their names of international terrorist list and renovate their political status.

The fruit of backdoor secret talks materialized to a certain degree. The latest sitting of High Peace council and Taliban in Qatari capital, hints the same efforts. The credible reports confirmed a 20-member Afghan delegation, led by Attullah Lodin, the deputy chief of Afghanistan's High Peace Council they had held meetings with Taliban representatives, initiated by international peace initiators Pugwash.

It was the preceding year, when US began playing a mediatory role by releasing five influential Taliban leaders from the Cuban detention center, Guantanamo jail in swap for US soldier, Sgt Bowe Bergdahl who was held captive by Taliban for five years. The key Taliban released included Mullah Noorullah Noori, the then Taliban’s governor for northern Balkh province, Mullah Fazl Akhund, the Taliban’s deputy defense minister, Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa, the governor of western Herat province, former Taliban’s deputy intelligence chief Mullah Abdul Haq Wasiq and military commander Mullah Mohammad Nabi.

The US and Qatari government made a deal that read, Taliban would remain under surveillance of the Qatari government for a period of a year, that included travel restriction. Following their non-suspicious activities they could be completely released. The period of surveillance duly ends by the end of this month. There are deepening concerns of them who are likely to return the battle fields. Recently, the U.S. officials have too warned that three of the named individuals have been in contact with Taliban about returning to the battle field. However, the efforts were made to persuade Taliban giving up arm opposition, as a substitute were promised political role in Afghan government.

Previously it was reported by credible media that Afghan government and the Taliban were preparing to hold face-to-face talks in the following days as a result of efforts by Pakistan and other stakeholders. Taliban never relied Kabul government to be the sole authority that should be talked, to chart out the future course of action. The in-depth trust deficit found between disgruntled factions, served a dominant factor restraining this settlement. Both Pakistan and US kept their promises by inaugurating a political office of Taliban in Qatari capital Doha –the display of positive note facilitating intra-afghan talks. The encouragements to initiate talks were welcomed by US, China, Pakistan and India. In this course long ago efforts were made to arrange the talks in Kabul in an effort to show that the process is Afghan-led and Afghan-owned. Earlier, it was tried to hold the talk in Kabul in order to reinforce the perception the talk is Afghan owned and led.

More or less, the peaceful resolution is the sole solution dace long conflict. It should be learnt that peace is not the absence of conflict, but the way conflict is lead to a conciliating ending. The years long war earned us not only life losses but also infrastructure losses. The harms inflicted to poverty stricken Afghanistan can not be reciprocated with endless butchery of the misled and betrayed militants and terrorists. Certainly, the segregation of militants into terrorist and insurgents might yield congenial solution –the terrorists are serving vested interest whilst insurgents for political say; the former should be dealt with iron fist while later through dialogue.

The dual approach; negotiation and operation exercised by incumbent government to seek an end to decade long bloody conflict, is justifiably agreeable. The government proposing peace talks to the conciliating splinter group amidst executing military operation in the bid to crush those challenging the writ of government, tends tolerable. Unluckily, the far stretched areas rendering beyond the approach of government are duly filled by newly emerging terrorist groups of international fames, ISIS. This group is turning another challenge for the incumbent government how to be dealt.

Nonetheless, the government falling short of widening the security net, created security vacuum which is duly filled by emerging militants of ISIS. The growing activities of ISIS in the wake of Taliban’s “spring offensive” multiplied governments concerns. Earlier president Ghani admitted that the group poses a serious threat to regional security whilst terming it worse than al-Qaeda. Apparently, the targeted attacks by twin groups fortify government complications.

Following multiplying security challenges and emerging terror groups –Afghans’ longing for eternal peace turns nightmare, despite years of infighting that have claimed awful toll. Undeniably, purposeful, negotiations render the sole political solution to put an end to this predicament. Nevertheless, with emergence of new terror group, should the government stage talk with them too?

Asmatyari is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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