Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Fake and Fabricated Extremism!


Fake and Fabricated Extremism!

News that was of less interest to our media and the least impact on Afghans was about the fear of ‘Islamic Extremism’ in a number of schools in England. Quite naturally, it was much circulated in the British media and to some extent got coverage on international media as well. According to these ‘frightening reports,’ Islamic activists who were indirectly and secretly linked with some extremist groups outside the British borders, were busy in increasing the influence of Islamic extremism in a number of British schools. As expected, the rumor was immediately accepted and large number of conservative British politicians, including the former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, jumped into the scenario and got a fresh topic to repeat their old ideas. Inspectors were sent to the schools to reveal the truth and make necessary recommendations but according to police, no visible threat has been found but the investigations are to continue so that ‘actual’ truths should be brought to the public.

An independent press report reveals something absolutely different. When they contacted the people in the neighborhood, a different story came to surface. According to neighbors, Muslim parents were getting more concerned about the progress of their children in schools and so they were getting more involved in the affairs of school. They had pointed out about some of the weak points of these schools and especially the biased treatment of Muslim students in the British schools due to their religious or ethnic differences. School authorities, instead of listening to them and consider their valid and fair demands, invented a new story which is so often-repeated and accepted that it pushed behind curtain the actual issue and brought forward a new situation. This situation might have definitely harassed the parents who were interested in the academic progress of their children and who aimed to bring positive changes so that the future of their children should be safe and secure. They got this courage after realizing that Britain is a democratic country where every citizen is equal and laws of the country guarantees all the rights to every citizen without any discrimination of race, color or religion. However, they had forgotten that some ill-minded people would use a very bad and unethical weapon to turn them silent.

This is not the first time that so-called ‘Islamic extremism’ has been used to frighten the people and gain something illegal or unethical. After the sad incidents of 9/11, it has become a safe, effective and proven formula to sideline Muslims, snatch their rights and make them silent. However, normal public is not wise or wicked enough to think of such a heinous plot but governments and especially the secret agencies have found this excuse and pretence very useful to bring out their objectives. The disturbing and sad factor of above incident is that, this excuse is now being utilized on local scale which results in the defamation of a specific group, brings a rift between the relations of Muslims and other groups living harmoniously in a society like that of London or any other European or American city and discourages those Muslims who actually want to work against extremism.

Although, it has nothing to do with Afghans but it must not be forgotten that Afghans or other minority groups living in London or any other European and American city can be a victim in future. If this formula worked for the wicked and evil-minded school inspectors and politicians of this particular case, it might come very attractive for those who might be thinking of plotting something dangerous and heinous against Muslims living in their vicinity to deprive them of their rights or turn them silent.

The Muslim community of Britain was also targeted when large numbers of British Muslims went to Jihad in Syria. When they had to return, the ‘Islamophobia’ once again threatened the government and the people. However, it was not asked as why government supported them when they first went to Jihad and did nothing to stop them on the first step. This was not the case when same Muslims went to Libya to topple down the government of Gaddafi.

In fact, this so-called ‘Islamophobia’ is an effective tool in hands of some British and Western politicians to gain public attention and raise their political figures. The issue was raised on the occasion when Britain was close to its general elections and campaign for the new British Prime Ministers was much heated up. In the same way, former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, also regards it useful to open this ‘Pandora Box’ from time to time to get some media attention and remain in news.

As far as the reaction of public is concerned; it is unfortunate and saddening, even in civilized and educated countries. Media, governments and security organizations have repeated this lie so much that people find it easy to accept without any question whatever is said or presented to them. In such circumstances, it is of no surprise if such allegations keep getting public attention.

On the other hand, on all such occasions, media thinks of material benefit instead of going through the issue and taking the risk of challenging a widely accepted lie and status-quo. Media has to find issues that should bring occasional increase in its readership or viewership and for that, such issues, be true or not, are very useful.

And this gives an indirect message for all Muslims in general and Afghans in particular. The media and governments might be using the name of Islam and Muslims with their wicked intentions so we need not to be under the burden of shame and guilt. True Islamic teachings and a true Muslim never believe in extremism or radicalism and there is not present any second thought in this regard.

Muhammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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