Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Adaption of Dual Strategy; Negotiation and Operation Works


Adaption of Dual Strategy;  Negotiation and Operation Works

Man suffers, not only when the part of the world in which he is residing is hit by natural calamities like earthquakes, famines, floods, diseases, etc., but occasionally also at the hands of men driven mad by political, economic or social power. The individuals driven by evil motives, fear of losing what they owned, lust of earning more monetary gains put them in the black race of domination, subjugation leading to formation of a human society we witness at the moment, characterized by rule of mob, violence, aggression, innumerable bloodshed and ruthless killings of fellowmen.

The brutality seems to have chain up unto complete annihilation of innocence –observing calm and indifferent to entire scenario. This is eventually referred to be era of vindictiveness –exploits the essence of development for peace that has turned a nightmare. The strength the anti-state elements have acquired marks the state of mercifulness we display –we are divided they are united.

At present the insurgents have turned united, that only let them, wreak havoc on ordinary masses. In the wake of pronounced spring offensive the foreign diplomats, public officials and civilian are left render the pay of decade long war.  The growing attacks on foreign and civilians indicates the insurgents are underlining their pretentious presence. Earlier, two successive blasts and associated casualties rocked Kabul city.

Earlier an unfortunate morning when a suicide car went off close to the Kabul International Airport claimed lives of at least three people were killed and injuring 18 others. According to a Ministry of Interior spokesman Sediq Sediqqi, two women were among the dead and among the injured were eight women and three children. Later, European Union Police Mission (EUPOL) in Afghanistan has confirmed the death of one of their contract workers. The blast took place during rush hour in a densely populated area and inflicted severe damage to vehicles and buildings in the neighborhood. It was the second blast of the day. The first blast had occurred duet to IED explosion on night at the University of Kabul that injured two lecturers. This depicts state of soaring insecurity.

The Taliban has claimed responsibility for the fatal bombing. The militants have already stepped up attacks on government and foreign targets in recent weeks, taking a heavy toll on civilians and Afghan security forces. The insurgent group has already vowed of nationwide attacks in what is expected to be the bloodiest spring offensive in a decade as NATO forces pull back from the frontlines. Who shall be targeted is clarified in their statements, “The main targets of these operations… will be the foreign occupiers, especially their permanent military bases… officials of the stooge regime, their military constellations, especially their intelligence, interior ministry and defense ministry officials.”

It depicts Taliban are definitely keeping their proclamation and pursuing their target. Nevertheless, the government necessary preparation and a coordinated joint effort to be taken seem non-existent. Despite state’s security apparatus tried its best foiling the attack to a greater extent on many occasions –the non-providence of necessary information about the Taliban’s advances is a clear reflection of loopholes in security institutions.

The consecutive attacks mark that Taliban has ignored the call for peace talk and instead officially launched their spring fighting offensive – expanding their battle from northern parts to rest of the country. One of strategy the government can put to exercise is building broader consensus against them to be excommunicated. Formerly, a number of religious scholars in Kabul expressed their support for recent statements made by clerics in the holy city of Mecca, condemning Daesh and the Taliban as deviants from Islam and calling on all true Muslims to stand against them. The prominent scholar, Al-Ghamedi had said that both Daesh and Taliban have killed people in the name of Islam, but in fact have no connection to the true religion.

In contrary to the aforementioned facts, earlier the High Peace Council (HPC), a government body tasked with brokering peace with Taliban and other insurgent groups, demanded the names Taliban off a UN sanction list would help continue the peace process. If we deem Taliban a political reality for the sack of argument even then this demand depicts that HPC has gone ballistic. Peace talk provides political space, the insurgents to prove they have resorted to peace and disbanded their militant activities. Even if the peace talk crystallizes Taliban who committed severe human right violations and enlisted on UN list should be subjected to fair trial.  

It is certain that the entire world is facing the threats from renowned terrorists of Daesh and Taliban. Both Muslim and non-Muslim world are rendered vulnerable to attacks of these terrorists. The absence of trust and coordination between most of countries has let these terrorists invincible. Nonetheless, the broader system of cooperation between security institutions, intelligence agencies and fair prosecution system, the government may cop with the challenge of multiplying insecurity. The militants apprehended must be subjected to a fair trial is a pivotal to maintenance of peace and security.

Nonetheless, the government falling short of widening the security net, created security vacuum which is duly filled by emerging militants of ISIS. The growing activities of ISIS in the wake of Taliban’s “spring offensive” multiplied governments concerns. Earlier president Ghani admitted that the group poses a serious threat to regional security whilst terming it worse than al-Qaeda. The targeted attacks by twin groups fortify government complications. Seeing the specialized techniques brought to use by the terrorist the government has likewise to develop the more sophisticated counter insurgency techniques. The international forces must broaden the spectrum of their advice, assist and train mission to get greater number of Afghan forces get trained for such speech combat missions. 

Politically the government stance of pursuing the dual strategy of negotiation and operation might end up with tangible outcomes. The dual approach exercised by incumbent government to seek an end to decade long bloody conflict, is justifiably appreciable. The government proposing peace talks to the disgruntled faction of militants’ amidst executing military operation to inflict crushing defeat to those challenging the writ of government seems to work in the long run.

Asmatyari is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmai.com.

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