Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Element that Strengthens Democracy!


Element that Strengthens Democracy!

The free exercise of right to choose a legislative of one’s choice is one of the core value enshrined in modern democracy. It is free and fair system of election that paves the way of credible individuals to constitutional avenues to decide the fate of masses. The plot staged to rig a part or the whole of electoral system is indicative of hollowness of the system must be replaced by some fairer means.  It is earnestly demanded the government should go with electoral reforms.  We should mind it that the electoral reforms alone can not do away with corruption at human level instead institutions of high integrity must be built that could place a check on the loophole in the system itself.

In the last several elections held for presidency, parliament and provincial councils over the past decade, we have learned about range of structural flaws, logistical limitations and demographic changes which need to be updated and improved. Our infant democracy has to be institutionalized. Factually stating, it will take years to achieve all requirements of an improved electoral process, beginning with formation of independent democratic institutions ensuring fair transition. The international community riddled with other issues and priorities in Afghanistan should not ignore institutionalization and strengthening the foundations of a democratic system. What we need at present is radical reforms, and electoral apparatus standing fundamental to start with.

The reforms should also involve key elements, such as ensuring the independence of Afghan electoral bodies as well as transparency in how they conduct their work, promoting an electoral legal framework that supports effective participation by political and civic groups, and developing an accurate voter registry. This review could help reduce tensions among political entities, reinforce the legitimacy of Afghan governing institutions and guarantee that the will of the Afghan people is respected in future elections.

Despite the fact that electoral reform was a key component of the agreement that brought President Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah together to form the national unity government, no action has yet been taken on reforming the country's electoral system. Whether the delayed execution of aforesaid undertaking labeled as confusion or measure of evolving consensus, does not serve the interest of country. The reform commission was expected to be formed after the government's cabinet was put in place. Subsequent to reinstatement of cabinet it is expected the reform commission to be substituted as a top working priority of NUG.

It is rumored the Electoral Reform Commission (ERC) will be formed imminently; given the government representative have had a sitting with civil society institutions to lay down the principles that facilitate working mechanism of ERC. At present a lot of confusions are traced relative to credibility of status of Independent Election Commission (IEC) following formation of ERC. Will the two commissions perform independently or one will subdue the other? Who will govern whom in administrative affairs, are queries awaiting their fats subsequent to ERC begin to operate?

The parliamentary election is procrastinated on the account of reforms not being introduced by the government. Pressure is mounting on the national unity government since to install electoral reform before the upcoming parliamentary elections. Responding at the growing pressure president Ghani earlier had announced the establishment of the electoral reform commission last month after calls for the administration to honor its promise for reform grew from inside and outside the government. The president's decree mandated that recommendations be presented by the commission within two months. The short timeline was made so that changes could be brought to the national election law in enough time to hold the parliamentary and district council elections originally scheduled to take place over the summer. Nevertheless, the move foiled in the wake of differences going far and wide between the president and CEO on the name of candidate filling the key slot.

Finding the war torn Afghanistan entangled amidst multifold problems, the transparent system is termed, a turning point in the history of carrying enormous riches and uncertainties alike –the political elite must realize the sensitivity of the issue put aside their differences and decide something better deeming the interest of ordinary Afghan layman. It must be imbibed, the politicians tending to be leaders are left to drag the country out of multiple crises at the end of day instead of dragging back into stocks of crisis.

Following the former presidential election amidst the allegation of fraudulence, president Ghani and CEO Abdullah promised installing reforms in electoral systems in the bid to do away with widespread claims of frauds. The upcoming parliamentary and local council election can not be conducted seeking the support of election officials charged with allegation of fraudulence. According to election commission sources there are handsome number of officials found of supportive of registered frauds in the electoral process. The Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) reported of investigations into 15,000 temporary employees and 20 permanent employees of the IEC. Seeing notorious condition of IEC the conduction of parliamentary election might not serve the interest of masses devoid of loss of time and resources. Both the local and international observers deem inconvenient to hold election without getting the electoral law reformed. A couple of weeks ago, the European Union's (EU) top representative in Afghanistan also warned against holding the elections without enacting reform within the IEC.

It is significantly important the ERC be chaired by a person of high integrity, whose tale of devotion, selflessness and office bearing has gone unquestioned. The person can be either be opted by mutual consensus between president, CEO and other political elites or raised to the position through due means and procedure.

It should be learnt that a credible and universally acceptable election will be held only when the government succeeds in installing agreeable reforms –the election will strengthen democracy in Afghanistan otherwise it emboldens the antagonistic forces. Any suspicion of ill-deed not only erodes the credibility of election, but also harms legality of the elections -consequently putting Afghanistan on avenues of crisis engulfing the entire system.

Asmatyari is the permanent writer of daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com.

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