Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Government Must Exercise Writ!


Government Must Exercise Writ!

The piece of land we inhabit is characterized by bombings, ruthless killings, kidnapping, corruption, bad governance, administrative flaws and mass abduction. The perception, hunger is human avengers is turned deception subsequent to beasts chasing madly innocent humans. The innocent citizens get butchered, killed and dumped without anyone’s prime concern. The miseries of ordinary masses do not end with ruthless killing or abduction of some individuals instead multiplies provided the bereaved family is left to suffer endlessly.

Earlier, around 31 Hazara passengers were kidnapped by unknown masked men on Kabul-Kandahar highway after being identified of certain ethnic group. The incident took place in Shah Joy district of southern Zabul province where in the armed men drove away 31 passengers in bright day light to Khak from where they kept on shifting to escape apprehension. This marks the notoriety of law and order and insecurity and height of unresponsiveness of political elites. Apparently, we owe security apparatus and concerned authorities to look after the entire affairs of the state, whilst facilitating the undertakings of ordinary masses. The government indeed has either strived not to hold writ of government or demonstrated a degree of unwillingness to do it.

Following the abduction, the Afghans in general and family members of victims in particular took to streets staged protests and rallies around the world, demanding the safe release of those abductees. As days passes the fear and apprehension of Hazara deepens who are left awaiting the safe return of their beloved ones. Elsewhere, in the world every individual counts and are valued; in contrary to our state where dozens do not matter.  Some of political leader did immense great deed, for stance the Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah visited the protesters and families of 31 abducted passengers, pledging the protesters to put all efforts for the release of hostages. It was perhaps such assurances that worked out helping safe rescue of 19 out of 31 innocent abductees; the rest 12 are still looking forward for their safe release.

Based on certain clues one assumes both Taliban and Daesh could be behind the plot. Following the traces through the course of history we find Deash most predominantly are behind such plots. The wanted prisoners held captive in various prisons are demanded to be released. Despite the Taliban denying being involved in the abduction, there were evidences and assertions from the local residents the group is in some way behind the kidnapping. With Islamic State group emerging in some Taliban-controlled areas of the south and east, it is a possibility that foreign militants are also involved in the kidnapping along the local Taliban. 

Finally, the government leaned before the demands of terrorists and undertook prisoners swap with some 19 abductees. Reportedly, the government handed over 26 people, 22 of them children, in return for the release of 19 passengers. This is indeed a great move ahead making safe recovery of hapless abductees. Nonetheless, is discouraging trend given the insurgents musters up courage and confidence launching the deadliest attacks against civilians.

The whereabouts of the 12 remaining hostages kidnapped almost three months ago is still unknown –14 days after the release of 19 of the 31 bus passengers. The bid to exert greater pressure demanding number of the families of the 12 hostages is still however camped out at Zarnegar Park in protest over government's failure rescuing the rest of abductees. As the families of hostages continue to complain over uncertainty regarding the fate of their remaining loved ones, the Ghazni local officials assure that efforts are underway by the local elders of Zabul and Ghazni to secure release of the remaining hostages. The government assures the affected families their safe release –does not suffice to foil the irreversibly soaring passion of kiths-and-kin. The member of civil society accuses the government of exercising negligibly least effort releasing the abductees.

Following the release of 19 abductees, President Ashraf Ghani and other senior government officials paid visits to them at the Shah Amanullah Khan Hospital of Kabul where they are getting medical treatments. It is virtuous deed on the part of government making the release of at least greater majority of abductees possible. It is certain the fate of rest of 12 individuals is indistinct –there is no clue to whereabouts of those abductees. Earlier it was reported six out of abductees are beheaded by militants who are masked and shown affiliated with the Daesh.

Who is responsible for the incident must be sought out quickly and efforts should be hastened to uncover the poor victims. It is the responsibility of a government within a state to ensure peace and security of its citizens within the country whose dears’ ones are anxiously waiting their safe return. When it comes to budget allocations the greatest share is spared for security –despite it if the law and enforcement agencies fail to deliver and meet not the public’s aspiration it will be deemed the waste of money and resources. The government seems to be determined doing away the worries of masses by extending improved governance –entailing improved security on top priority. The government must learn following the security threats the people have greatly restricted their governments within the country which has equally impacted passengers, the poor wagers and transporters alike.

It is the responsibility of a government and concerned departments within a state to ensure peace and security of its citizens. However, the governments that suffer from administrative incapacities fail to guarantee security must fill this gap. And in such states the weaker strata of the society tend to suffer the most –it must be turned a false assumption. Women, ethnic and religious minorities and the common people as a whole undergo anguish as a result. Afghanistan is also one of the countries where the government has not been able to provide enough security to its people and the common people face different sorts of problems every day.

Asmatyari is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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