Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Beauty of Deeds Dominated over Look


Beauty of Deeds Dominated over Look

The scenery displayed an exceptional exquisiteness and gorgeousness –every sight got fixed at it unhampered. Perhaps both the selection of pigments, perfect composure aided by unmatched thoughts helped the artist produce such a master piece," I commented to one of the onlooker at an art exhibition organized by a private institute, earlier. Frequently, most of the people muster up their entire recollection and profound inclination towards the scenery than the one who carved it. It is to none's surprise everybody praised the artistic creations they were attracted to. The query who should, whether the artist or the scenery itself be credited for such a creation overwhelmed me for past couple of weeks? Lastly, I learnt, it is both the power of dazzling and marvelous thoughts that adds into the look of a creation.

It is therefore, Confucius the scholar of all time says, "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." The notion is supported by saying beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. What one individual considers beautiful may not be beautiful to another. To me, beauty is not only something that pleases the eyes, but also pleases the other senses and the mind. I think true beauty makes you see beyond the lovely sight. It will give you insight or realization of something interesting beyond just the outward appearance. Mostly the people are attracted towards an apparent look of an object, without feeling concerned about the internal makeup of thing. It is commonly observed people pretend to wear thick mask of makeup without being considerate about their routine undertakings. We have to imbibe that appearances are probably deceptive. In a world with so much freedom the definition of what is considered beautiful is variable. One person may find beauty in a flower, or a flock of geese flying south for the winter, while another may consider them images far too common to encompass real beauty. When beauty moves beyond its basic definition and into the realms of artistic expression, the word beautiful becomes even more subjective. The question posed to us for this assignment was to define how we have incorporated beauty and art into our everyday lives. It is the most celebrated rational, beauty should not be defined as physical appearance solely. In fact, beauty is defined specifically by dictionary as a characteristic that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure and happiness. It has no relation to features of our face or body, but rather character traits and qualities. Therefore it is high time for us, especially women in this society to realize this fact and change our perception of the way we see beauty.

What should be regarded as requisite in someone would be pleasant character traits, or some might name it as inner beauty. As a matter of fact, when we are younger and growing up we admire things that appear beautiful from the outside. We are tempted towards beautiful men and women without considering much about their real inner self. But as we grow and enter into adulthood we start admiring things that are beautiful from the inside. Outer beauty remains no longer the tempting aspect for us. In comparison, the outer beauty diminishes with growing age as wrinkles and blemishes start developing on the body whereas the inner soul remains genuine for the rest of the life no matter how we appear from the outside. In our daily life we pass by many things, sometimes we give them attention by observing then in a way that our minds are set to and sometimes we do not even bother to look. We might see and find the beauty in these things using the ways of knowledge such as reason, emotion and languages. When I think of these things I come to conclusion that they must belong to a certain area of knowledge such as science, religion, arts and mathematics. However in order to examine these things we need the ways of knowledge, so after all the areas of knowledge depends on the ways of knowledge.  Most of the times it turns out that not every person on earth looks at the things as others do. Mostly we do not get to conclusion based on our own narrow, self-ascribed and non-resilient version of definition about the subject –we see and understand things not as they are but as we are.

This obstinacy leads to creation of egotism –we begin to deem our deeds praiseworthy and else's blameworthy. I believe there is more than one vision for everything. Usually, we grasp an insight to the subject from one and the only dimension, negating the others intentionally or unintentionally. How can a person preoccupied by biases tend to subdue his inventions and creations while rendering others matchless? Most of the time we are dictated by biased judgments –we discriminate on the flawed grounds of ethnicity, religion, sect or specific social group we represent. Even our likes and dislikes are shaped on grounds of favoritism and nepotism. The most significant of all is attributing beauty to the deeds; every man being is bound to exercise, subsequent to being entitled supreme creature. The query worth reply is which deed should be considered beautiful out of countless deeds? The society we inhabit at date is in the pursuit of happiness, charms, wealth and luxury at the cost assassination of moral values. The deed attributed for the welfare of greater majority is both morally and socially are acceptable and liked deeds. If a political leader underestimates every troubles on the way to making the country developed and prosperous wroth applauds. This deed is granted the status of most favored deeds –certainly is a beautiful deed. If a public servant strives not to wastes every resource and time dispensed to his discretion, earns status of executing the dearest and praised undertakings –deemed the beautiful assignment. Similarly, the beauty of store merchant is immensely indescribable when look after the quality and hygienic effects of goods.

Asmatyari is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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