Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Democracy Enshrines Equality of Opportunity!


Democracy Enshrines Equality of Opportunity!

the ultimate goal of democracy is to preserve and promote the dignity and fundamental rights of the individual, to achieve social justice, foster the economic and social development of the community, strengthen the cohesion of society and build a favorable environment for international peace. Democracy, development and human rights are therefore interdependent. The government has been poor enough to ensure all such provisions of democratic system.

Afghanistan has been ravaged by years of conflict. Subsequent to Taliban’s regime toppled, Afghanistan was put on the way to democracy, the established and wide practiced system of government. Afghan national institutions are severely factional and lack a cohesive national security culture.  In other words, Afghan institutions are not sufficiently focused on defending their own national interests. Influential figures continue to promote patronage networks further institutionalizing favoritism and corruption. The Afghan government continues to give free rein to well-known warlords and human rights abusers as well as corrupt politicians and businesspeople, further eroding public support. Reconstruction of the economic and political institutions through better administrative reforms is perhaps the most important means to ensuring long-term success of a state.

The September 11 tragic incidence turned a blessing in disguise for Afghanis that brought Taliban’s repressive and despotic rule to an end. Subsequently, the modes of government altered but not the fate of people. The installment of democracy devoid of its fundamental requisites left the people suffer at the hand of non-conforming elements, insurgents and terrorists who at present seems to have grown mightier than previous. The centralized government brought forth, is perceived as continuation of denied political rights. The completion of two democratic terms and slight betterment in women rights and a small degree of freedom, of course, count the successes of the democratic government. The most crucial aspect that left undermined or ignored must be given prime importance in order to ensure vibrant democracy, as underlined below.   

It ascertains, people’s participation to play an active role in political and civic life. One expresses his will through regular free and fair elections. Voting in a democracy must be universal, equal and secret so that each of us can choose our representatives freely which is not witnessed in Afghanistan till date. Education and vibrant communications media are vital to be able to make an informed choice. Literacy rate touches the ground and media is highly restraint. The role citizens end after they cast their ballots; they aren’t continually engaged in public affairs so that thus kept ignorant of their right and duties.

The Afghan population currently has few means of expressing dissent regarding policies carried out by the international community and the central government, which operates on a highly centralized patronage model in which power and resources are channeled through personal and political allies. The system lacks the connection, rules, and checks and balances necessary to make leaders truly accountable to the domestic population, which invites corruption, rent-seeking, and a hemorrhaging of domestic legitimacy. Local governmental bodies are the appropriate places for representing Afghans and responding to their needs, but these currently suffer from a lack of capacity, confusion over their roles and authorities, and little legitimacy.

Incorporating the promotion of equality and dignity through the system of equal value for the vote of all individuals regardless of their sex, religion, language, economic or social status in democracy ensures political justice which is the foundation of social and economic justice, dignity of the individual and national cohesion.

Without a well-functioning government apparatus, administrative system and an efficient and productive economy, no state will be able to maintain basic state functions. The objective is to strengthen planning and auditing activities, promote quality assurance, implement public welfare policies, organize management of human resources, maintain ongoing efforts to reform the administration and fight against corruption, and lay the foundations for managing finances and procurement. These broad based objectives can be met by inventing an efficient administrative system that could relief Afghanistan out of lingering administrative problems.

In that pursuit a democratic institution must be built on structures and processes that are accountable, transparent, decentralized, and able to manage legitimate elections and the administration of justice, and operate under the oversight of the parliament. Furthermore, it should combat exclusion, protect public goods, actively engage civil society and the private sector, promote participation, and strengthen partnerships among sectors, groups, and every levels of government. Revitalizing public administration for people-centered development would require reform efforts that incorporate these characteristics.

Effective and efficient administrative system, including public sector management, promotes and strengthens democracy and good governance. An effectively functioning civil service is essential in order to ensure that democratically elected leaders are able to protect the rights of citizens and mobilize resources through taxes and other sources in order to pay for police, judges, and the provision of services. A consolidated democracy requires administrative capacity of the state to maintain law and order, and to promote and protect public goods such as environment. Public sector management capacity to perform the above and related tasks, however, requires merit based recruitment of qualified personnel, effective human resource development strategies, motivation and commitment of civil servants, and transparent processes for policy formulation, budgeting, and implementation.     

Good governance, the prime pre-requisite of Afghanistan, refers to the question of how a society can organize itself to ensure equality of opportunity and equity (social and economic justice) for all citizens. Good governance is a value in itself, but it is also the most critical means to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDG)– the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, the achievement of universal primary education, the promotion of gender equality, the reduction of child mortality, the improvement of maternal health, the fight against HIV/AIDS, polio and other diseases, and the promotion of environmental sustainability and a global partnership for development. The government established on sound grounds of protection and promotion of right of every individual, is liable to achieve the heart and soul of masses and universal development goal alike –such act of governing is in fact in accordance to sprite of democracy.


Asmatyari is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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