Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

The Spirit of Ramadan!


The Spirit of Ramadan!

Contrary to pursuit of common good –occasionally the resumption of self interest turns a fabulous portrayal, tarnishing the shared interest of human community. This trend unregulated by clearly defined bindings, has let us wander at abysmal traditionalism. Being hammered from the single perspective of worth of social or religious undertaking –great often it is seen the real perspectives of an undertaking is shun in ignorance. The peripheral deeds deemed gigantic in disguise, executed do not earn us salvation. Consequently, we suffer the brunt of problems demanding variant way out.

We dislike to be cheated but do not spare a single chance of defrauding. It is witnessed; occasionally one fabricates hundred of tales to justify his fallacious standing. We exercise hypocrisy, avoid responsibilities, commit social ills, discriminate on the racial, ethnic and religious grounds, display dishonesty, undertake adultery and hoarding –still claim to be the sole follower of righteous course. It is auspicious dictum shared by all contemporary scholars, “Do unto others as you would have done unto you”. This is a deep-seated guiding principle straightening our ill-drive social affairs.  

It is during this month that Muslims fast. It is called the Fast of Ramadan and lasts the entire month. Ramadan is a time when Muslims concentrate on their faith and spend less time on the concerns of their everyday lives. It is a time of worship and contemplation. Hence, fasting is more than remaining hungry and thirsty for the sake of Allah. During the fast of Ramadan strict restraints are placed –primarily abstinence from eating or drinking during the daylight hours. Smoking and sexual relations are also forbidden during fasting. At the end of the day the fast is broken with prayer and a meal called the iftar. In the evening following the iftar it is customary for Muslims to go out visiting family and friends. The fast is resumed the next morning.

It is observed while fasting we lag behind implementing the very principle of Islam within our lives. For instance, the people are found fighting, swearing, arguing, lying or cheating. Conversely, the qualities such as miserliness, greed, laziness, selfishness and apathy for the suffering are also deepens in our lives. We do consider self-restraint from having anything will systematically earn us good deeds at the fullest. In Ramadan the feeling of generosity fade away from amongst the people and rarely an individual gives from their pockets and hearts to those less fortunate. Factually the month of Ramadan is the call for redeeming our worldly affairs –nonetheless things go reverse. The social policing is worth noticing; people finding a person having something to eat is subjected to harsh treatment irrespective of the reason that drive him do so –while many social evils rampant go unnoticed.

We see that bribery and corruption are growing up speedily and development in the government department like, offices, law, police station and other places –where people go to solve their problems. Getting in the public department can not let a person undone unless he pays for the task to be done –hence hardening social affairs of masses make up anyway. Since this immoral practice continues for the whole of the year –resultantly it has acquired acceptance amongst the ordinary people, and is not deemed unethical and antireligious. Bribery has thrived to a degree; the public officials go on with this heinous practice in this holy month of Ramadan too. Despite observing the ritual fasting; the ill practices are executed. We have to learn that bribery is not only antagonistic to Islamic teachings but also stops the way to progress, development and better future. Another, social ill is the escalated graph of nepotism that goes unnoticeable –deteriorating the very fabric of social cohesion. The government officers favor their relatives without applying to deserve. As a result incompetent people make their way in prominent offices.

Another ill-practice commonly observed in this holy month is hoarding. The lust of owning greater amount of money diminishes the distinction of right and wrong. To draw a handsome amount in some trader in collaboration with concerned public officials hoards huge quantities products of daily use; like sugar, wheat, grain, onion, potatoes and other things. When the scarcity of such items is created, and demand is increased they begin to sell them at the desired price. Sometimes, they hoard some medicines and they do not supply in the market, when they see that, these medicines are not available in the market then, they sell these medicine at higher prices. This trend of evil practice does not end here; some people and traders mixed cheap and harmful commodities in the daily use things like milk, pulses, flour, honey, spices and many other things. They play with the life and health of the people for the money. Just for money they sell some foods and drinks whose are injurious for health like, many soft drinks and ice cream sold by street vendors. The sanctity of this month does not refrain such people from doing that forbidden deal.

If we sit to ponder, on the social aspect our daily affairs; we come to witness people bringing unfair means into practice, use procrastination, and evade responsibilities despite owning public position, marks in-depth injustices. The query, why does not the country supplied with large number of public institutions and officials bond to execute public affairs 24/7 do not meet the growing demand of masses –depicts the loophole in the system.  If an officer in a department, a judge in a court of law, a manager in a factory, or any person in authority is unjust, the country can not make it way to eternal progress. Even, these evils does not reverse to decline in this holy month, is thought provoking summit. Taliban who champion fighting Islamic cause is found turning down the Holy Koran instruction of not unleashing terror in this sacred month of Ramadan.

It is erroneously deemed, fasting is ritual demanding mere prohibition from drinking and having meals. However, the truth is contrary, incriminating Ramadan rationalizes our deeds –the prior most consideration, urges us for moderation and righteous deeds. The deeds that generate aura of love and compassion, encourages us for shared interest of humanity surrounding every individual as the self-centeredness entity should be reimbursed to the society –is the spirit of Ramadan.


Asmatyari is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmai.com

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