Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

War Waged for Political Dominance!


War Waged for  Political Dominance!

The piece of land we inhabit is characterized by bombings, ruthless killings, kidnapping, corruption, bad governance, administrative flaws and mass abduction. The brutality seems to have chain up unto complete annihilation of innocence –observing calm and indifferent to entire scenario. This is eventually referred to be era of vindictiveness –exploits the essence of development for peace that has turned a nightmare. The strength the anti-state elements have acquired marks the state of mercifulness we display –we are divided they are united. The innocent citizens get butchered, killed and dumped without anyone’s prime concern. The miseries of ordinary masses do not end with ruthless killing or abduction of some individuals instead multiplies provided the bereaved family is left to suffer endlessly. The perception, hunger is human avengers is turned deception subsequent to beasts chasing madly innocent humans.

The establishment of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) renders one of such deception, anchored on the blood of innocents and unarmed citizens. It is said that the throng of terrorists that stationed in Iraq and Syria from across the world, have surpassed the brutality of Al-Qaida; thus sent a shock impulse over the spine of many states, including the international community. It is to be drawn that we should demonstrate zero tolerance against the extremists and insurgents who are doing away piece of mind.

It is said that Daesh’s quest for establishing Islamic Emarat has earned it adherents in Muslims countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan too. Finding the tale of brutality of this group going wild, many splintered Taliban group exploit the name to further their vested interest –some have already vowed to work for Daesh. The once militant outfits of Taliban and other splintered groups have vowed to fight the cause of the group, of international fame. In Afghanistan it is pulling its muscle to establish its rule in remote and loosely governed territories. There are many tales of atrocities hinting the physical presence of Daesh in this war torn land.  The former spokesperson of Afghan Taliban, Zabihullah Mujahid along some other commanders has already shifted their allegiance.

Here some faction of Taliban have already responded to the call of Caliph of Muslims al-Baghdadi waging war against innocent civilians here in Afghanistan. Earlier, President Ghani confessed the threat looming over this land due to terror plots of IS fighters. This undoubtedly is an alarming sign for the state of Afghanistan, already sickened by recurrent attacks launched by local insurgents and militants. Moreover, Afghanistan undeniably serve as a fertile land providing with large number of individuals whose trust can easily be earned, subsequent of assurance of virtues, noble deed and dearness in the sight of Creator. Consequently, it is pretty trouble-free for ISIS, to establish a sound operational ground in this piece of land, hence adding government miseries. The government can not get away with simple renunciation of presence of footprints of ISIS, instead a tangible measure should be put into practice, to get out of this menace; else’s large number religiously betrayed individuals will respond at the call of Amirul Momineen, by joining the ranks of such militants.

The worsened condition of law and order and frequent activities of ISIS and Taliban reflects as if insurgents are running a parallel government. On the other hand the former arbitrary release of large number of Taliban inmates seems to be strengthening their might and they are signaling their presence by carrying out attacks. What is clear is that the insurgents are expanding the range of their operations. The insurgents are operating at will and quite rapidly expanding operations to parts of the country where it previously appeared to have little ability to act. It also seems that the militants are familiar with important installations, and their attacks are meticulously staged.

In the land of atrocities, Taliban were already flexing their muscle for greater share in Afghanistan politics –the space decade long war between coalition forces and Taliban produced is eventually filled by militants of Daesh. Reportedly, Taliban and Daesh are fighting for pressing their opponent. A recent report released by the Pentagon in Washington D.C. states that Daesh is expanding in Afghanistan and preparing to confront the Taliban. According to the report, the Taliban are also monitoring Daesh’s activities, and the two groups have already faced off in confrontation on several occasions. For now, however, the battle against Daesh in Afghanistan is predominately taking place on a local, provincial level.

In order to draw greater focus on changing political scenarios, Taliban recently sent a highly-publicized letter to Daesh leaders emphasized that there is no need for a new front in Afghanistan. The letter warned that if Daesh forces open a new battlefront, then they could face strong opposition by the Taliban. The Afghan Taliban has urged the self-styled caliph of Islamic State, Abu Bakar alBaghdadi, to keep his ultra-extremist group out of Afghanistan. An open letter sent by the acting chief of the Taliban’s central council, Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansoor, said there was no need for launching a “parallel front in the presence of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. According to the Taliban letter, since 1,500 religious scholars have name the leader of the Islamic Emirate in accordance with ‘Sharia’ and renowned scholars across the Muslim world have declared allegiance to him, “everyone should work under one leader and one flag”.

Taliban’ letter to Daesh not only confirms their presence but affirms entrenched footing –the former reports that fighters from both groups have fought deadly battles in parts of eastern Nangarhar province inflicting heavy losses to rivals support. The Taliban already suffer agitation over the defection of several cadres to IS. Taliban, having fought for several years got closer to reinstate with Kabul’s central government. How would they submit this very achievement to IS?

It is very critical time –the entire world is facing threats from renowned terrorists groups and is rendered vulnerable to attacks of these terrorists. The whole state of affairs depict the years long war fought against government and international coalition forces – distinctly is the war fought for political dominance than serving an Islamic cause.


Asmatyari is the permanent writer of daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com.

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