Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Jalrez Incident Discloses Uttered Negligence


Jalrez Incident Discloses  Uttered Negligence

Security condition in Afghanistan is continuously on decline. Superficially, a strong nexus is found between security institutions that are ready to thwart plot anywhere round the clock –the security forces are capable to respond with full might any possible attack by insurgents. Nonetheless the former continuous wave of violence highlighted serious drawbacks in security network and retarded capacity of Afghan security officials to restrain militants at bay.

How strange to learn the cleanup operation ongoing in tribal region of Afghanistan has served the present shock wave of violence. It is agreeable to find, Minister of Interior Noorulhaq Ulomi accusing Pakistan’s military operation ousted insurgents from Waziristan –are playing a detrimental effect on the country’s security as these insurgents were simply being driven across the border. Then the question arises who would guard the border areas of Afghanistan and emplace a check over the movements of insurgents? Undoubtedly, it is the security forces that have to avert any such plot prior to its execution. It is disputed –militants easily cross tens if not hundreds of security checks carrying tones of explosives and manage to reach the high valued targets unnoticed. If the said proposition is true then credibility of interior security diminishes otherwise the weakness must be accepted and should be transformed into strength.

Responding the query raised by MPs relative to the issue of ongoing battles in the north of the country between insurgents and security forces the security officials’ affirmed the killed militants are replaced by extra militants, hardening the state of affairs. Despite, owning 350,000 strong army that outnumber militants multiply the bases of security forces falling to insurgents –is worrying. It’s repeatedly heard the security personnel warring militants were not aptly supported with needed backup that resulted in their setback –consequently a base had to be fallen to militants. This certainly marks security loophole and lack of coordination between corresponding departments.

The same tale is affirmed from a biannual report compiled on the basis of government-issued figures and statements published by TOLOnews. The report records a visible change in war tactics by armed insurgents subsequent to the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) assumed the responsibility. The report read about 5,363 tragic incidents with the insurgent found focused more on group attacks that resulted in the fall of several districts to insurgent. Helmand with 448 insecurity incidents during the period topped the list of most unsafe provinces, followed by Kandahar, Nangarhar, Herat, Kunduz, Uruzgan, Faryab, Ghazni, Sar-e-Pul and Kabul. Bamyan with seven and Panjshir with only two incidents were among the safe provinces, the report stated. About 1,485 ANSF members, 917 civilians and four foreign soldiers were also killed in these attacks. On all the security officials carrying out clean operation never resort to desecration of dead bodies.

It was July 2011 –the US marine forces undertook an indescribable but shameful event came into light via YouTube video surfacing. The incident received wide renunciation from across the world that earned US’s marine humiliation and indignity in Afghanistan and elsewhere. The aforesaid video contains showed Marines joking and laughing as they urinated on three dead Taliban fighters in the southern province of Helmand. Primarily, marine is a US’s navy force, nonetheless the advances have let it evolve and adjust with air and land forces earning the distinction of “third air force” and “second land army” respectively. A more heinous incident took place in Jalrez where Taliban exercised the height of insanity vandalizes the ALP officials. 

It is the worst –the storming and seizure of nine police post in central Maidan Wardak province by large number of Taliban. Reportedly, Afghan local police fell prey to Taliban after a tough battle while running short of bullets and delayed or denied backup support. After, shooting the 30 Afghan local police dead their bodies were chopped and dishonored. The words of denunciation fall short to such an evil execution that left everyone unnerved. It was the continuation of insane activities insurgents undertake –nothing less of defilement of their entitlement of being supreme creature.

This is not the first tragedy of this sort we should be regretful of and resort to condemnation only –the whole state of affairs depicts the government warring militants counteract as if all the militants have surrendered to them and vowed to disband armed militancy. If the government runs short of 24/7 a standby force stationed a little distance apart from posts, endangering the lives of others security officials seem too awful for words motive.  It has turned into political norm subsequent to tragic incident taking place the head of the state come forth denouncing the incident and orders a high-level team to investigate the attack and present the report as soon as possible. Following the course of the day, the Interior Minister and the Army Chief visited Jalrez promising the locals to avenge the brutal Jalrez killings –it’s no use crying over spilled milk. If the concerned officials exercise their resolve only after an incident take place and keep on waiting for another to occur, is a deliberate display of negligence.

What would we earn of mere resorting to condemnation only without relying on pragmatic approaches to solve our problems? The incident worth profound condemnation there a minority in Afghanistan took to demonstrate against inhuman tragic incident. The senators too decided to close the doors of the Upper House until Wednesday in protest of what they called the national unity government’s negligence and carelessness in handling the clash between Afghan troops and Taliban militants in Jalrez district.

Being known to the fact that the employees of ALP following recruitment are subjected to preliminary trainings that consists military skills such as marksmanship and IED detection; how would the government trust on ALP officials for security maintenance given threat of insurgents is evident? The formation of this force despite presence of ANP was meant to free Afghan National Security Forces from the defensive role and allow them to focus on offensive operations ahead of the withdrawal of foreign military units from Afghanistan. The government’s sole reliance on this disorganized and poorly equipped unit in the provinces fighting insurgency on the frontline manifests incompetence and uttered slackness.


Asmatyari is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmai.com.

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