Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Iran’s Landmark Nuclear Deal Crystallized


Iran’s Landmark Nuclear Deal Crystallized

World has ever suffered because some politico-economic and religious discords turned into bloody conflicts –given deals and negotiations were set aside instead grounds were prepared for extension of brutal rivalries and long-drawn-out hegemony of a mind set. The disputed nuclear enrichment program, Iran had initiated, has long been a bone of discontent and escalating suspicion between Iran and the west, over the past decade. Many efforts were exercised, leading to congenial solution to lingering dispute –rendered futile. Consequently, Iran is ill with lengthened sanction that worst affected its economy and has to pursue financial relieves.

Despite loosening of sanctions the state of Iran still passes through toughened economic crisis, encountering prolonged economic sanctions imposed by US over disputed nuclear program. The US and European Union (EU) want Iran to scale back its nuclear program and demand suspension of nuclear enrichment process. Doing so, Iran’s heavy economic sanctions may be relieved gradually. Nevertheless, Iran justifies his stance, asserting the program is meant for energy and medical research purposes. The fear of Iran nuclear enrichment process for military purpose has cautioned west to draw tougher stance. The newly elected president Hassan Ruhani was expected to avert the economic crisis by normalizing its relation with US and EU to get sanctions released. The stalemate of distant talks brought economic sanctions on Iran. Many efforts were exercised, leading to congenial solution of lingering dispute, rendered futile.

In the latest, Iran and six major world powers have reached a nuclear deal after more than a decade of intermittent negotiation, granting Tehran sanctions relief in exchange for curbs on its nuclear program. It was indeed a great breakthrough working out a better alternative to the aforesaid disputed dilemma. In the marathon talks the foreign ministers of Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States talked for about an hour just after midnight as they struggled to complete the agreement, which has been under negotiation for more than 20 months. Reportedly, pledging to distancing itself from uranium enrichment for military purposes, the deal includes a compromise between Washington and Tehran that would allow UN inspectors to press for visits to Iranian military sites as part of their monitoring duties. Reaching out to suspected sites and assessing the degree of nuclear enrichment may suffice to conciliate the western world –that only helps Iran installs trust to earn concession in this regard. This is what has been the outcome of talks so far. The agreement aims to limit Iran’s nuclear work for more than a decade in exchange for the gradual suspension of sanctions that have slashed Iran’s oil exports and crippled its economy.

Subsequent to consensus evolved the United National Security Council (UNSC) will pursue the agreement –the resolution would ideally be adopted in July and steps to be taken by both sides – including Iranian limitations on its nuclear program and relief from sanctions on Iran – would be implemented in the first half of 2016. Following this development Iran will agreeably let UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) visit to the Parchin military site as well as can interviews the Iranian nuclear scientists.

One of the biggest sticking points in the past week was Iran’s insistence that a UNSC arms embargo and ban on its ballistic missile program dating from 2006 be lifted immediately if an agreement is reached. Russia, which sells weapons to Iran, has publicly supported Tehran on the issue. Seemingly, the west seems to have been supportive of the militias fighting against Irani interest while Russia allies with it. Having removed the embargo Iran may potentially win the military support of her allies across the continent.

However, it is deemed a great achievement for bipartisan parties to get to historic deal a reality. The deal has certainly wined a major achievement for President Hassan Rouhani, who vowed, bringing the country out of battered relations with west and relieving tightened sanctions, during election campaign. Earlier, in his national speech he referred the deal to none’s loss. Living in the state of denial the anti-US and west sentiments were quiet ripe rhetoric that earned Irani scholars made their through political crisis.


President Rowhani has used a changed tone of improving Iran’s troubled relations with the rest of the western world. He also promised of bringing changes within his own country by moving towards progress and empowering women. The world witnessed the president keeping his promise –to shift the pressure elsewhere or the height of his political maturity to drag the Iran’s relation towards normalization. The incumbent president of Iran owns the credit for melting the decades long trust deficit lying between Iran and the West –it instead has installed a certain degree of confidence, more or less portrayed and altered a peace loving and peace promoting image of Islamic republic before the world, will shine eminently if abided.

The economic sanction removed enables Iran the neighboring country to flourish economically. Economic growth is assessed with different factors based on the existing criteria, growth of production per capita, unemployment rate, inflation rate, income distribution among people, the average education level of workforces, access to educational and health services, life expectancy, rate of cultural productions, retirement and unemployment are the economic growth indices which are ignored in Iran. The lifted sanction will help Iran share the gains of its economic riches with its masses.

Everyone the US, EU, UN and Iran commands equal appreciation in getting the deal materializes –provided the nuts and bolts are followed through the end. We should learn the world can be turned into safer place to live in, only when the disputes turning into discord are turned into agreeable and implementable discourse, potentially strong to install peace. The history of war reflects, peace can only thrive when its pre-requisites, like negotiations are supplied unconditionally.


Asmatyari is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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