Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Mullah Omar’s Demise Instigates Endless Internal Strife!


Mullah Omar’s Demise Instigates Endless Internal Strife!

Afghanistan has been a battle ground for over a century between regional and international power players, exercising their desired interests. Following the Soviet withdrawal in 1989 and the collapse of the Afghan communist Najibullah regime in 1992, bloody civil war ascended Taliban to throne of Kabul. Taliban established a regime that was based on massive human rights violation, led by Mullah Omar. The world witnessed Taliban regime with suppression of women, coerced suspension of fundamental human rights, and elimination of right to freedom of thought and expression, harsh treatments extended to religious minorities, the list continues. The people of Afghanistan could hardly admit their humane existence.

The condemnable incidence of September 11 turned a blessing in disguise; the presence of Al-Qaida’s number one leader Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan turned a blessing in disguise for Afghanis. Notwithstanding, the mercy shifted to divert the fortune of ill-fated Afghans, with Taliban’s (Amir-Ul-Momineen) Mulla Omar’s denial to hand over the perpetrators of attack on World Trade Center, to US. It depicted the magnanimous commitment of Taliban extending unanimous support for Al-Qaida that turned Afghanistan a slaughterhouse for innocent civilians. Taliban launched a bloody war against US-led coalition forces and Afghans that claimed the lives of thousands of innocents since US’s invasion in December 2001. In that pursuit a number of Taliban was incarcerated and some met their fates, others still have resorted to give a tough time to Afghan and foreign troops.

Taliban has been fighting an insurgency against the Western-backed government in Kabul since its ouster, killing thousands of civilians and security personnel and making significant territorial gains in recent months. It is witnessed the onset of peace talks is accordingly followed by consecutive attacks on key installations, public offices, security officials and ordinary civilians. The push for peace talks amidst Taliban’s increasing offensive might not be an acceptable course but it must be tried in good intention.

Factually, narrating adoption of a political strategy has always been an excuse for prevalent powerlessness and submission to breakdown –nonetheless the resilience displayed by government sparing a space for Taliban, is appraisable. The US led decade long combat mission seems futile and priceless coupled with massive destruction of infrastructures and human losses if it were to end, accommodating Taliban’s precondition for peace. Taliban got inclined opting for negotiation one of most likely resort to joining back political arena and has to exercise truthfulness.

If Taliban proclaim sincerity with Afghanistan and its citizens they must respect Afghan’s constitution protecting every section of society and should give up armed opposition, and begin exercising the will of majority. Adoption of political strategy to enduring security problems is evidently a just course of action. However, Taliban’s assurance granting general pardon to innocent citizens paired with their public renunciation of violence and unconditional agreement to complete disarmament should be set as preliminary requisites of negotiations. The most important figure who can figure out the pros and cons of durable solution to Afghan conflict, is no one but Mullah Omar, the de facto leader of Afghan insurgency.

A couple of days ago, a message got public that was reportedly orchestrated by Taliban supreme leader Mullah Omar, whose whereabouts was long gone mystery. The message surfaced subsequent to Maree Talks between Taliban and Afghan government representatives. Taliban leader in the message was found endorsing the ongoing peace talks. Presumably, the emergence of Taliban’s de facto leader, Mullah Omar first ever surprising message let the dust of ambiguity settle. This has been the subject of greater interests reflecting Taliban’s twin unilateral and uniform stance evident relative to peace talks. Earlier, a significant number of analysts seemed waiting for Mullah Omar’s stance on the talk.

Earlier all the day along the rumors of suspected death of a renown decade long leader of Afghan insurgency turned a myth. The social circle left searching the truth about the death of Mullah Omar, government left confirming the credibility of broken news. The man carried a head money of $10 million that was placed by U.S. State Department. Mullah Mohammad Omar, the United States’ most sought after Taliban figure for 14 years the supreme is reportedly dead. Omar led the Taliban as it ruled Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001, when US-led coalition forces invaded Afghanistan a month after the 9/11 attacks and toppled the Taliban regime for giving safe haven to al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind of the U.S. attacks.

It left me chase the affirmation of death of the most wanted person, who dodged the international surveillance system for many years and his rumor of death too tricked many. Nevertheless, Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid turned down the claim false and termed it conspiracy to derail the ongoing peace talks. Some sources claim he embraced death two years ago, being affected by TB disease. Out of all, death of the Taliban’s ghost leader may defect the peace process –given the demise of Taliban’s central leadership may result into unending quest of accession to power between leaders with variant degree of popularity amongst on ground Taliban. The fact being is –his presence unifies and makes all the splintered factions oblige by the commandments of a sole leadership. His death may turn an indigestible chunk, marks the beginning of endless internal strife.

If the news turns to be unobjectionable truth then who is to succeed him, is a question worth interrogating. Reportedly, following the disclosure if death reports of the Afghan Taliban chief, a meeting are conducted to decide who should succeed the fallen ghost leader. It is widely speculated that Mullah Baradar Akhund will succeed Mullah Omar as the supreme leader of the Afghan Taliban. Mullah Omar had appointed Mullah Baradar and Mullah Ubaidullah Akhund as deputy leaders while he was alive. The later passed away, leaving behind Mullah Baradar who too enjoys the support of Sayed Tayyab Agha, the head of the Afghan Taliban’s political office in Qatar. Some sources say that Mullah Yaqub, the son of Mullah Omar, is also in favour of Mullah Baradar succeeding his father. Meanwhile Mullah Yaqub himself, is too deemed to ascend to leadership. Other Taliban sources say that the incumbent Taliban acting chief Mullah Akhtar Mansoor, a former aviation minister, is also among the few aspiring for this position.


Asmatyari is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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