Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Imperiled Human Lives!


Imperiled Human Lives!

Having been misled or exploited in the name of forged ideologies, religion, vested interest man has gone mad to butcher hundreds and thousands of innocence lives. Or the individuals driven mad by evil motives, fear of losing what they own, lust of having numerous monetary gains have left them in the black race of domination, subjugation leading to formation of a human society we witness at the moment, characterized by rule of mob, violence, aggression, innumerable bloodshed and ruthless killings of fellowmen.

We witness innocent people succumbing to injuries owing no fault except belonging to particular sect, religion or racial group. A person set out to earn a decent livelihood meets his fate without being accomplice in any misdeed. Either the bomb blast blows him into pieces or terrorist attacks leave him dead, or IED snatches his worthless life. Third world societies characterized by mobocracy, lives are no richer than a bullet. It seems as if a movement is set into action to abolish human beings via mass killing –the whole scenario depicts. The society that is intended to eliminate men’s very existence –the concept of human rights seems absurd and irrelevant subject.

Factually stating, rights come second, first come the preservation of human’s priceless life –which they aren’t cognizant to. We must be predetermined to instill the realization “a human life worth thousands” followed by assertion of human rights that let him exercise his free will in accomplishing his desired goals without anyone’s interference. Afghanistan suffering from decade of bloody conflict is in dire need of in-depth realization of profound human dignity.

In order to unearth the grave situation of human basic right to life, the UN’s former report is an eye opener for the government and its security institutions. The report discloses 1,000 civilians being killed in the Afghan conflict in the first four months of the year, while 1,989 were injured. It is not only the civilians who are preyed the aid workers are not spared either in the ongoing conflict. The UN chronicles contains serious reservations against ruthless killing of civilians in general and aid workers in particular. The report attributed most of the casualties to Taliban who is said to be engaged in large-scale attacks and bombings across the country as part of their summer offensive. The report mentions southern Kandahar province the most insecure with greatest life claiming incidents. The report continued that a total of 4,672 insurgents and 331 soldiers were killed during the month, a sharp spike in the causality toll as compared to the past few months. The report read a total of 60 bombings and IED explosions have occurred in the recent month. In addition, the report also attributed 47 incidents of abductions and other violence to insurgents. 124 people were reportedly abducted by insurgents during the month. The report depicts cowardice of insurgents who hold innocent civilians prey to head to their evil designs.  Nonetheless, an identical number of casualties are figured from the latest humanitarian organizations’ report. Formerly, the Afghan Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) report raised concerns about the increased level of violence and the spike in civilian casualties recorded so far this year. On the basis of AIHRC findings, armed oppositions are responsible for more than 70 per cent of civilian casualties, which has increased dramatically, in the country. The Afghan local police standing on the front curbing insurgent’s attacks unwittingly retaliate leading to great civilian casualties. It is seen the well trained regiment of army personnel stationed on standby reach to the rescue of trapped police personnel when they have already sought refuge amongst civic population.

Apart from the said facts a great deal of conformity is reflected in the findings of both the reports. The Independent Human Rights Commission meanwhile chronicled a 30 percent rise in civilian casualties that is sharp increase in comparison to data in the first six months last year. The AIHRC spokesman Rafiullah Bedar said, “Civilian casualty toll is catastrophic. In the past six months more than 3,000 civilians were killed and wounded in the country, which shows a 30 percent increase compared to last year. Many of them were children and women”.

Devoid of ruthless treatment transcended to field operatives, an inexplicable tale of atrocities is executed to war captives. Earlier, the security forces caught in Jalrez bore the worst of treatment from insurgents –their corps was desecrated. The report also underlines similar areas of concern such as hostage-taking, domestic abuse and torture of prisoners of war and an increase in homeless people. It is too seen the terrorists attacks on civilians’ population –used as a shield to further their forged goals. The record of AIHRC records 75 per cent of civilian casualties attributed to armed opposition attacks, 3.7 percent attributed to pro-government forces and 16 percent of civilians were killed or injured by unknown people. Meanwhile, many families who have lost children in insurgent attacks have appealed to organizations working for peace to help stop attacks carried out in public places. The recent AIHRC findings show that civilians in Helmand, Badakhshan, Nangarhar, Faryab and Kunduz provinces are particularly at risk. The Human Rights Commission’s findings are in line with UNAMA’s last report, in June, that noted 978 Afghan civilians had been killed and over 1, 900 wounded in the Afghan conflict in the first four months of the year.

With exception to fallacy of government displaying ineligibility reversing the attack, Taliban are equally responsible for civilian causalities. Taliban seeking refuge in nearest village endangers the lives of unarmed civilians did not restricting them doing this, is unjustifiable disposition worthy of loud condemnation with inclusion to Afghan forces led air raid. Significantly, the pursuit of tit-for-tat that made Taliban launch attacks on innocent local or foreign nationals is equally condemnable act. Despite governments largest spending on security and loophole as long as curtailed the human precious lives will go on wasting.


Asmatyari is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmai.com

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