Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Afghan Children


Afghan Children

On a burning day, his face was saturated with sweat, his disheveled hair; messy clothes with patches on them and exhausted expression on his face were the displays of his poverty and drudgery. He was wandering in streets with a sack on his back in search of waste paper and sometimes asking the shopkeepers imploringly to give their waste cartons. His struggle for not to miss a single piece of paper, made one think that if he goes home with empty hands, his old mother will argue him for not having any wood or fuel to bake bread. Perhaps, his mother also was out somewhere in search of flour. May I know your name? I asked. He gave me imploring look cleaning the drops of sweat from his forehead with a sigh of exhaustion and said, “My name is Ali Ahmad.” Do you go to school? I continued. “Yes, I study in seventh grade. In the morning I go to school and in the afternoon I collect garbage for home.” How old are you? I asked. “I am seventeen years old.” Ahmad replied. His looks followed me for some seconds with surprise, wanting to ask me if I was a government official who has come out to see and touch the pain of poor children. I hung my head and left the street.

I was walking, lost in thought that how the fate of life is playing with many Afghan children. How harshly the backbreaking labors touch the fair skin of children in our country. The abject poverty which has opened its mouth wide to swallow the innocent children is highly irritant. When I was picturing the sad and exhausted image of Ali Ahmad, who was badly targeted by the harsh bullet of poverty, I was embittered greatly. Of course, it is not only Ali Ahmad but many more children like him are burning in the furnace of poverty and destitution, even though, it is too early for them to be charged with household chores and shoulder the big responsibility of bread-winners.

Mostly, childhood memories are very sweet and unforgettable. Children are always busy with their childish games in the streets and enjoy their times free of the sorrows and hardships of life. They are filled with joy and cheerfulness regardless of anything happening around them. They are competing to get a greater share of pleasure and happiness. Resounding laughter, happy shouts, careless noises, friendly jokes, childish games… are all childhood sweet memories which will remain forever. But, what about many Afghan children? Happiness has turned to an impossible desire for them. Their childhood memories are replete with sorrow and depression. Nothing will be bitter than wandering of a child in tortuous streets with sorrowful eyes in search of a morsel of food to alleviate the pressure of hunger for some more minutes. What if at the same time, a child of a rich family smirks and laughs at you? Do you know more painful memories than this? Isn’t it the day that you wish you embraced death? Of course, it is.

Afghan children wince at their bitter childhood memories and try to get rid of them. But, how is it possible to forget all those economic sufferings which forced them to give up all happiness and find a morsel of food by hook or by crook.  Whenever those days are pictured in one’s mind, the footsteps are still heard walking in search of food in the streets. The howling memories which pinch the minds and force tears in the eyes of Afghan children are very excruciating.  

Mostly the rise in crime is a reflection of poor society. Crime originates in poverty and destitution. It is believed that poverty, which means nakedness of wealth, will lead in nakedness of morality by persistence. Of course, people will lose their resistance by the pressures being put by poverty. Ultimately, they will succumb to crime and corruption so as to satiate their hungers and lessen the economic pressure. It is crystal clear that the children who join terrorist or many other criminal groups have come from poor families. Likewise, many girls who commit moral corruptions are mostly tempted by money rather than pleasure. In addition, many people abandon schools and universities for the lack of money and finally remain illiterate. Their illiteracy will lead them in crime and it is irreparable harm for the society.

It is beyond a shadow of doubt that government is in charge of neutralizing the catastrophic effect of economic pressures. If government intends to root out crime from the society, supporting and providing job opportunities for poor people can play significant role in this regard. Furthermore, much violence which is used against children also roots in poverty.  Parents feel compelled by economic pressure to ask the support of their children by putting them in manual labors. Therefore, government is supposed to play its role in preventing crime and children abuse by amending the economic system in the country.

Indeed, economy is the backbone of a society that can lead it towards fall or prosperity. The vital role of economy is an undeniable fact in families and as well as in societies. Government is supposed to focus over this issue and think of a better way for developing the economic system of the country. Moreover, nepotism, arbitrary rules and regulations, etc, which are rampant in our country, should be eradicated. Likewise, the vacancies should not be always offered to moneyed and powerful people rather than qualified individuals. Removing administrative corruptions and installing meritocracy in the country is an urgent need to be dealt with. If such actions be taken, then, most probably, there will come great positive changes in the economic system as well. And the younger generation who mostly lose their hopes and abandon schools for not having a clear picture about their future which are caused by restricted job opportunities, will regain their hopes or at least many others will not be discouraged by injustice of the society. Hence, the above mentioned solutions can decrease the challenges of the country to a large extent.


Hujjattullah Zia is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at zia_hujjat@yahoo.com

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