Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Fallacious Approach Earned us Tribulations!


Fallacious Approach  Earned us Tribulations!
The fulfillment of responsibilities stands out as a significant undertaking that leave a person execute a task on prior most order. The type and quality of assignments foreseeing accomplishment dictates and shuffles a doers list of undertakings. Generally, task earn a priority provided the person is a renowned businessman, Beurocrate, high ranked public official, hooligan, representing a potential insurgent group or militia leader or briber –else you are left wander, getting your legitimate problems solved indefinitely. The least functional surveillance system put in place is plagued to trace out ill-doers, leaving the ordinary masses suffer in chaotic situation. Customarily, an ill doer if falls in weak net of jurisprudence easily makes his way out of captivity. Many problems in the third world countries are associated with flawed or delayed fixation of responsibilities; the culprit either escape owning the unlawful activity or keep on shifting the responsibilities from one to another stakeholder. Finally, no one is brought to book and hence justice delayed is justice denied. Particularly, when justice is to be exercised against a high profile person, then the anticipation of recovery and evenhandedness die its natural death. There has ever been a wide chasm between thoughtful comprehension of obligation and veneration; in contemporary Afghan society one finds verbal utility the other overshadowed by heedless inculcation. Virtues, earnest faith, superior deeds and heavenly rewards, only come via repeated veneration, is widely propagated, negating the underlying worth of dutifulness. The binding principles of duties of immense significance are deemed inferior whilst religious dogma and set ritual superior. This is the state of superiority complex and the society suffering superiority complex, never rise to prominence, unless turn realistic. One of rational outlook a realistic approach demand is self-reliance via self-dependence; we are regretfully deficient in. We are truthful and sincere to our obligations and responsibilities to a degree that is laudable in disguise. We have never helped ourselves; hence none of our problems leads to ultimate solution. Neither, the political affairs are streamlined, nor the socio-economic issues seek right directed. The time advances devoid of material gains. The distances travelled can not take us forth to an ambiguous destination. It is a renowned truism 'God help those who help themselves'. The dictum reminds us of the deep lying worth of selfless accomplishment of duties. Nevertheless, we have thought out to get others commit our undertakings. Seeing the degree of reliance on others, rendered our innate capabilities dysfunctional, the aforesaid saying never justifies our standing. Consequently we are likely not to execute our socio-political undertakings; resultantly every aspect of societal proceedings pleads grave attention and right direction. Inhabiting in constant state of denial is yet another problem overshadowing our collective wisdom. We advertently commit to disown the responsibilities for our committed and deliberate ill-deeds and mishaps instead bother not in shifting the responsibilities to another institution or official. Thus the guilt is neither fixed nor is guilty brought to book. There are multiple incidences of frauds and irregularities and embezzlements occurred in this piece of land till date no culprit is punished and no impartial accountably is exercised. In all such cases the accused public official and institutions begin shifting responsibilities. Nominal commissions and committees are constituted to fix the responsibilities; at the end of day, nothing, with exception to wastage of public revenue crystallizes. It's high time we demonstrate commitment to rise to eminence by setting examples of admitting and fulfilling our collective responsibilities. Most of societal problems witnessed are because of proportional imbalances of understanding of rights and duties. Great majority of people go on demanding their rights devoid of realization of significance of extending their duties. We might be knowingly ignorant to the secrets of nature; advocating these attributes. For instance, if the pursuit of happiness is the right I claim, respecting an identical right for others renders my duty. If life is my birth right to live according to prescribed social indicators, I must respect others' too. We must learn it, what we claim to be our rights; we have to remunerate back as our duty. For the reason that rights and responsibility goes side-by-side. Public officials are deemed guardian of laws, considers violation and exploitation of law their innate right. This depicts the worst state of governance, provided the corrupt practices of officials manipulating their duties serving to bring the system at standstill are unchecked. Corruption has penetrated deep into our social conscience, seeming to have integrated into our culture. We have been accustomed to ill-practices that we do not falter terming a corrupt person, cultured. However, it intimates an extreme demonstration of sanity, dutifulness and owning of responsibilities for an inappropriate unintentional deed. It is a moral transferring act that may aspire our leaders! It is high time; the public office bearing individuals in this piece of land learn the height of the impartial and rational extension of responsibilities. It is an unbiased finding rarely accepted – women are treated a second class citizen, meant to deem them inferior and a hapless fellow, thus making them prone to violence which is considered the right of dominant section of Afghan society. Their duties to plead for dignified status of women in society, enlivened and withheld are never thought of. The irreversibly growing violence against women indicates as if cultural and societal norms are advocating it. Otherwise the EVAW law would not have been treated cold heartedly. Many scientific principles that can turn our fates render null and void in our society, given we have been habituated to obsolete practices. Laws are framed and shelved not to be practiced, as divine scriptures are treated. It is admittedly harsh fact, to accept, lawmakers are law-breakers. Customary laws are deliberately promulgated whilst rational laws intended for the good of society await its fate to get impartial application to all citizens. Bigotry and discrimination is widespread and seem to have integrated in our genes. We might not acquire acquittal unless we abandon discrimination.

Asmatyari is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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