Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Soaring Violence Can be Checked with Ratification of EVAW Law


Soaring Violence Can be Checked  with Ratification of EVAW Law

Both woman and man should be deemed as an operational wheels of a vehicle i.e. society, that head it towards a set destiny. The non-acceptance of women’s due position, contribution and participation in structuring a developed and advanced society may deepen our miseries. In contrary to the facts and figures the ruthless killing of the proven innocent lady Farkhunda earned Afghans infamy and the minimum the least temperament when it comes to treating women. The world witnessed the miserable account of chunk of hatemonger turned to a woman who could have contradicted a man’s view on a subject. Equating it to man’s disgrace the hapless lady was pushed to meet her fate. The fate of those involved in that hardnosed murder still are not ascertained. Previously, Farkhuda’s murderers –due to receive severe punishment by preliminary court was reversed by Appeal Court –intimating the murder of justice by a justice. The case hitherto lying in the court and the culprits are awaiting fairer trial. This is a premeditated aversion of the former ruling, shocking but damaging the cause for maintenance of rule of law and dignity of sinless woman killed.  Throughout the length of history the despotic, feudal and theocratic regimes strived hard marginalizing women from socio-political circle of human endeavors. The contemporary society of Afghanistan does not lag behind in this regard the hindrance to former ratification of law safeguarding the women’s right is the manifestation to underlying fact. It should not stereotype women’s isolation and dependence, as an emblem of decency and modesty; -it is meant to plague the half of resourceful human resource. There is a single EVWA law awaiting its fate whose approval can check the violence against women.

The international humanitarian organization, Afghan civil society groups and the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) equated the non approval of the Elimination of Violence against Women (EVAW) Law by the parliament basis of increasing crimes against the gender. This law provides safeguards against illegitimate offence against women given it criminalizes child marriage, selling and buying women to settle disputes, assault and more than a dozen other acts of violence and abuse against women.

Subsequent to formation the parliamentary approval was required to turn it into law. However, receiving a cool response from parliament the bill was decreed into law through an executive order by former president in July 2009, when the parliament was in recess. During such periods, the Constitution allows the president to issue decrees for emergency purposes, but the Constitution also requires such decrees to be forwarded to parliament for approval. After getting finally approved from parliament it would earn its legal status –nonetheless, due to utter negation from parliament the EVAW still awaits its fate. The humanitarian organization doubts the parliament showing the height of indifference into making it a law.  The denial to turning it into law depicts women nothing more valued than a object that could be turned and twisted to any direction devoid their mutual consent. Therefore, good news of appointment of female judge in the apex court could not last longer –as the lower house of Parliament Wolesi Jirga turned her down discriminating her –deeming them both physically and mentally inferior. Afghanistan reserves the worst image in the international community pertaining to maintenance of basic human rights in general and women rights in particular.

The social participation of women deemed a taboo at large –makes them difficult to head to public offices on a distinct position. Afghanistan is the land where women are treated as a third class citizen, and a household commodity, whose fate rests to parental sightless ruling. Women found exercising her willingness contrary to parental dictate is subjected to severe castigation and humiliation; is recklessly shunned to depth of utter hopelessness. The society where negation of unsound commandment is deemed immodesty and conceit, and pursuit of a rational discourse unpardonable sin, lies at the depth of moral abyss. Hence, a woman is bound to lead a life, at utter submission of her family associates.

Going through detailed account of credible statistics women are primarily demeaned and left vulnerable to violence. According to the AIHRC, more than 2,000 cases of violence against women were registered during the first three months of the ongoing solar year, compared to 2,500 cases during the entire last year. The official claims most of the victims of suicide attacks, roadside bombings, illegal courts, harassment and torture happened to be women. There are numerous heart wrecking incidents, equated anti-norms go unreported. The flawed cultural practices back growing gender biases and disparity. A woman is considered inferior, incompetent and mentally impaired, consequently is held liable of punishment even for a minor disobedience. She is, neither a partner in decision nor is known about the decision that dictates her fate. Ultimately, an absolute submission to the say of parent is the standard for decency.

The government instead of taking measures to uphold women rights is back-lashes by enforcement of stoning in Afghanistan penal code. Human Rights Watch registered grave distress said that a working group led by the Justice Ministry that is assisting in drafting Afghanistan’s new penal code had proposed provisions on “moral crimes” involving adultery that call for stoning. Adultery currently is a crime in Afghanistan punishable with up to 15 years imprisonment. A week ago, Taliban militants killed a couple on adultery charges in the Warduj district of northeastern Badakhshan province. More or less the Afghan laws treating women seems to replicate Taliban’s irrational laws. The wretchedness does not end here as the incidents of violence against women remain largely under-reported because of cultural restraints, social norms and religious beliefs. Widespread discrimination and women’s fears of social disgrace or threats to their lives discourage them from seeking to prosecute their offenders.

The widespread ignorance provides strong reason to ongoing violence. The flawed cultural practices supported by high degree of illiteracy ratify intense violence against women, stand legitimate and justified. The culture deeming women as subordinate citizen multiplies their receptiveness to greater tendency of being subjected to worst treatment. Apart from formal education, community based adult education and awareness campaigns on momentous right’s issues complementary to Islamic teachings might assuage the stringency of substandard customary law.


Asmatyari is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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