Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Security Strategy Shift Serves Bigger to Finger Pointing


Security Strategy Shift Serves Bigger to Finger Pointing

The degree of loss of value of human life can simply be judged from its worthlessness. A person set out to earn a decent livelihood meets his fate without being accomplice in any misdeed. Either the bomb blast blows him into pieces or terrorist attacks leave him dead, or IED snatches his worthless life. Third world societies characterized by mob rule, lives simply worth nothing more than a bullet. It seems as if a movement is set into action to abolish human beings via mass killing –the whole state of affairs depicts. The society that is intended to eliminate men’s very existence –the concept of human rights seems absurd and irrelevant subject.

Security condition in Afghanistan is continuously on decline. Superficially, a strong nexus is found between security institutions that are ready to thwart plot anywhere around the clock –the security forces are capable to respond with full might any possible attack by insurgents. Nonetheless the former continuous wave of violence highlighted serious drawbacks in security network and retarded capacity of Afghan security officials to restrain militants at bay.

A couple of days hardly past the bloody week of continuous bloodshed, another blast jolted the ill-fated federal capital, Kabul. It was the rush hour of afternoon, the previous day when explosive laden car detonated its explosives. The explosion went off in Kabul city caused extensive damage to nearby buildings and cars and particularly resulted in losses of human lives. Official’s calmed, most of the victims are civilians. According to reliable sources of public health ministry spokesman, the blast claimed lives of at least six people injuring thirty six others including five women. The venue of attack is residential consequently the causalities to include women and children can not be ruled out. The ongoing fight between Taliban and government that mostly hurts the unarmed civilians categorically reflects every boundary of decency and humanity will be crossed to rise to power. This is not the first tragedy of this sort we should be regretful of and resort to condemnation only –the whole state of affairs depicts the government warring militants counteract as if all the militants have surrendered to them and vowed to disband armed militancy.

The uninterrupted attack and counter attack marks the tit-for-tat, however the consecutive desecration of dead bodies of security official at the hand of militants depicts a twist and turn in war against militants and terrorists. The former attack on the ANP checks post in Nawzad district killed four officers wounding two others is not a big deal at all. Notwithstanding, Taliban fighters defiling the dead bodies of those Afghan National Police (ANP) officers is alarming for the government, if deemed so. Reportedly, Taliban subsequent to killing the police personnel mutilated their faces and other parts of their bodies with a knife to the point that it was difficult for them to be identified. This is an extreme move initiated by the terrorists smearing fear all around, coercing the security officials to dissociate the ongoing war against them.

It is agreeable finding, Afghanistan’s Minister of Interior Noorulhaq Olomi accusing Pakistan’s military operation ousted insurgents from Waziristan –are playing a detrimental effect on the country’s security as these insurgents were simply being driven across the border.

Large number of security posts falling to insurgents due to none provision of reinforcements reflects the lack of coordination between security institutions and unwillingness to curb the militants. Despite, owning 350,000 strong army that outnumber militants multiply the bases of security forces falling to insurgents –is nerve-racking. It’s repeatedly heard the security personnel warring militants were not aptly supported with needed backup that resulted in their setback –consequently a base had to be fallen to militants. This certainly marks security loophole and lack of coordination between corresponding departments. If the government runs short of 24/7 a standby force stationed a little distance apart from posts, endangering the lives of others security officials seem too awful for words motive.

It has turned into political norm subsequent to tragic incident taking place the head of the state come forth denouncing the incident and orders a high-level team to investigate the attack and present the report as soon as possible. Following the course of the day, the Interior Minister and the Army Chief visited Jalrez promising the locals to avenge the brutal Jalrez killings –it’s no use crying over spilled milk. If the concerned officials exercise their resolve only after an incident take place and keep on waiting for another to occur, is a deliberate display of negligence.

What would we earn of mere resorting to condemnation only without relying on pragmatic approaches to solve our problems? The incident worth profound condemnation there a minority in Afghanistan took to demonstrate against inhuman tragic incident. The senators too decided to close the doors of the Upper House until symbolically in protest of what they called the national unity government’s negligence and carelessness in handling the clash between Afghan troops and Taliban militants in Jalrez district. There is multiple such hearts wrenching tales where widows and orphans left waiting financial assistance –the bread earner having departed left whole family suffers haplessness. Better late than never – the ministry of interior reaching to families of deceased souls worth applause.

With exception to fallacy of government displaying ineligibility reversing the attack, Taliban are equally responsible for civilian causalities. Taliban seeking refuge in nearest village endangers the lives of unarmed civilians did not restricting them doing this, is unjustifiable disposition worthy of loud condemnation with inclusion to Afghan forces led air raid. Significantly, the pursuit of tit-for-tat that made Taliban launch attacks on innocent local or foreign nationals is equally condemnable act. Despite governments largest spending on security and loophole as long as curtailed the human precious lives will go on wasting.


Asmatyari is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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