Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

History must be Remembered to Cherish Peace


History must be Remembered  to Cherish Peace

2015 is a year of special significance which marks a number of important anniversaries: the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People’s War against Japanese Aggression, the 70th anniversary of the World Anti-Fascist War, and also the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. Countries around the world have held various forms of commemorations. China will also join the people of the world to remember that part of the history and hold a series of solemn commemorations, including a military parade in Beijing on 3rd September, to honor the dead, to cherish peace and to build a better future.

The Chinese People’s Resistance against Japanese Aggression was an important part of the World Anti-Fascist War. This reflects how China was the key Far-Eastern theatre during World War II. On 18th September 1931, the Japanese aggressors invaded Northeast China on a pretext of their invention. The Chinese people rose up in resistance, which was the prologue to the World Anti-Fascist War. On 7th July 1937, the Japanese army deliberately ignited the Lugouqiao Incident, signaling the start of its comprehensive invasion of China. In the extremely bitter and protracted war, Chinese People’s Resistance pin down and fight against the main force of the Japanese militarists, which resulted in weakening Japan’s war capacity by over one and half million troops. There is no doubt China played a decisive role in the final defeat of the Japanese militarist forces.

To achieve that, the Chinese people made enormous sacrifice. According to incomplete statistics, China suffered over 35 million casualties, both military and civilian; China’s direct economic losses exceeded US$100 billion and its indirect economic losses totaled more than US$500 billion, calculated at the price in 1937. Strategically, the war in China was a support to allied operations in Europe and strategic moves in the Pacific theatre. It also prevented and upset the strategic coordination between the Japanese Fascists and the Fascists in Germany and Italy. China’s contribution to the victory over the Fascists forces has indelible historic significance.

The victory of the War in China and the World Anti-Fascist War as a whole is a major turning point in human history. The victory has had a profound impact on the post-war international landscape and world order as well as the development of international relations.

In the 70 years following that great victory, the international landscape underwent profound transformation: The United Nations was founded, the UN Charter was established, a new mechanism for safeguarding world peace and security was formed, and the world bid farewell to the frequent wars between major powers or power groups and embraced an era of relative stability, peace and development. Today, in the age of globalization and information technology, the world we live in is becoming a community of common destiny, which embraces every country and everyone in it. Therefore, everyone owns it and is responsible for it and for each other. In the 70 years following that great victory, China went through changes unprecedented in human history: the victory marked a historical turning point. China has since embarked on a road to national renewal. The Chinese Communist Party led the Chinese people in founding the People’s Republic of China and realizing the greatest and most profound social evolution. China has emerged from poverty and weakness as the second biggest economy in the world. Today, the people of China are striving to realize the “Chinese Dream of great national renewal”.

The 70 years has also witnessed China playing a major role in safeguarding world peace and development: China was the first to sign the United Nations Charter. China is a co-initiator of the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence that embody the spirit of the UN Charter. China is instrumental in making these principles a widely recognized norm governing international relations. In international relations, China always advocates peace, development and win-win cooperation. What China calls for is a state-to-state relationship centered round win-win cooperation. In multilateral cooperation, China is always an active participant in the settlement of hot-spot issues and in global assistance efforts in developing countries. With regard to UN peacekeeping, China has so far participated in 29 operations, contributing more troops than any other permanent members of the Security Council. Currently, there are 3,000 Chinese military personnel in UN peacekeeping missions all over the world.

An old Chinese saying goes, “the past, if not forgotten, serves as a guide for the future”. As we commemorate the 70th anniversaries, we must never forget the calamity suffered by human society and civilization at the hands of the Fascist invaders. Yet, we remember history not to prolong hatred, but to take its guidance as we embrace the future, and to avoid a repetition of the tragedy of war, so that the world will enjoy lasting peace.

China and Afghanistan are close and friendly neighbors. Both countries are not only linked by the same mountains and deep connections, but also bonded by common history and destiny. China and Afghanistan were both invaded by imperialist countries. The peoples of two countries won national independence after a long time of arduous struggle. China and Afghanistan share the same interest with regard to safeguarding regional peace and upholding historical justice and order. The two countries are still making unremitting efforts for realizing this aim. The Chinese people stand ready to make joint efforts with the Afghan people to promote an early realization of regional peace, stability and development, so as to make contribution to the peace of the world.

Since the late of 1970s, Afghanistan has been plagued by war, turmoil and poverty, and now it is time to put an end to such situation. The Chinese side has always stood for the “Afghan-led and Afghan-owned” reconciliation process, believing that the peace talk is the realistic way out to solve the Afghanistan issue. China encourages and supports the peace talk between the Afghan government and the Taliban. The Chinese side is ready to cooperate with all parties and play a constructive role in the extensive and inclusive peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan as always.


Deng Xijun is the current China’s Ambassador to Afghanistan

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