Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Submitting to State’s Legitimate Jurisdiction Should Serve Peace Talks


Submitting to State’s Legitimate  Jurisdiction Should Serve Peace Talks

The society characterized with undefined rule of mob turns the object of deterioration and decay –is bound to perish. This eventually is referred to be era of vindictiveness –exploiting the essence of development for peace that has turned a nightmare. The strength the anti-state elements have acquired marks the state of statelessness we display –making us realizes militants have grown irreversible strength. Undeniably, both Taliban and Daesh continuously fight to earn both physical and political gains.

The infighting between Taliban for leadership issue, between Taliban and ISIS over political dominance and gain of legitimacy is not surprise. The earlier report states the Taliban new supreme leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour had besieged a senior Taliban military commander Mullah Mansour Dadullah in Khak Afghan district of southern Zabul province on refuting to submit to his commandment. The emergence of differences between Taliban’s leaders surfaced after Omar’s demise, on the subject of whom to succeed. Taliban leadership council elected Mullah Mansour as the new leader, but Omar’s family and a number of supporters opposed the election. The difference of opinion led to eruption of clashes between Taliban second rank leaders. According to credible reports supporters of Mansour and Dadullah have fought several clashes over the leadership issue in Khak Afghan district during the past one week. Conversely around 1,000 pro-Taliban religious leaders have gathered in Quetta city, of Pakistan since two weeks to resolve differences between Taliban leaders, but have so far been unsuccessful. Contrary to Taliban infighting, they are also confronting Daesh on several fronts in Nangarhar province at present. It’s said at least 23 Taliban militants and affiliates of the (ISIS) Afghanistan chapter group were killed during a clash. The Provincial officials confirms the incident and said several houses were also torched as a result of the clash between the two militant groups. The fight continues unless one’s dominance is accepted by the other. Realistically, the infighting earns mere human causalities as long as the blood conflict goes undecided. It depicts Taliban endeavoring to expand the territory of their rule, or exercising power display to make the government submit to their terms when the peace talks gains momentum. More or less prior to winning the heart and mind of masses the territorial gains can not be equated as a major gain. It can be assessed; even if Taliban succeeds securing lion’s share in the jumpstarted peace talks, the fair exercise of ballot may not head them to assemblies.

Formerly, a number religious scholars in Kabul expressed their support for recent statements made by clerics in the holy city of Mecca, condemning Daesh and the Taliban as deviants from Islam and calling on all true Muslims to stand against them. The prominent scholar, Al-Ghamedi had said that both Daesh and Taliban have killed people in the name of Islam, but in fact have no connection to the true religion. This statement serves a severe blow to Taliban; is certainly deemed to their ex-communication from the religion of Islam, adjudged to offending the true pro-peace image of Islam. The jurisdiction issued caused severe blow to the terrorist and the insurgent group. It is therefore both Daesh and Taliban are losing sympathies amongst ordinary masses –is a serious drawback to both the militant organizations. Earlier, harsh born jurisdiction has been issued against them; making them liable of public agonies.

However, Daesh consecutively assert their deadening presence by posting ferocious videos of butchery of innocent and non-combatant fellows they executed to implant their fear in the mind of rest of the people, getting them subjugate to their say. It is seen Daesh and Taliban launched successive attacks on Muslim and non-Muslim population who are till-date vulnerable to their attacks. The government could not succeed restraining the terrorists away from commercial areas. Moreover the absence of trust and coordination between security institutions has let these terrorists invincible.

In the land of atrocities, Taliban were already flexing their muscle for greater share in Afghanistan politics –the space decade long war between coalition forces and Taliban produced is eventually filled by militants of Daesh. Reportedly, Taliban and Daesh are fighting for pressing their opponent. A recent report released by the Pentagon in Washington D.C. states that Daesh is expanding in Afghanistan and preparing to confront the Taliban. According to the report, the Taliban are also monitoring Daesh’s activities, and the two groups have already faced off in confrontation on several occasions. For now, however, the battle against Daesh in Afghanistan is predominately taking place on a local level.  In order to draw greater focus on changing political scenarios, Taliban recently sent a highly-publicized letter to Daesh leaders emphasized that there is no need for a new front in Afghanistan. The letter warned that if Daesh forces open a new battlefront, then they could face strong opposition by the Taliban. The Afghan Taliban has urged the self-styled caliph of Islamic State, Abu Bakar Al-Baghdadi, to keep his ultra-extremist group out of Afghanistan. An open letter sent by the acting chief of the Taliban’s central council, Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansoor, said there was no need for launching a “parallel front in the presence of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. According to the Taliban letter, since 1,500 religious scholars have name the leader of the Islamic Emirate in accordance with ‘Sharia’ and renowned scholars across the Muslim world have declared allegiance to him, “everyone should work under one leader and one flag”.

Hitherto Taliban letter is not responded however, Taliban’ letter to Daesh not only confirms their presence but affirms entrenched footing –the former reports that fighters from both groups have fought deadly battles in parts of eastern Nangarhar province inflicting heavy losses to rivals support. The Taliban already suffer agitation over the defection of several cadres to IS. Taliban, having fought for several years got closer to reinstate with Kabul’s central government.

The government at this very moment should extend the area of operation to all such part of the country where instability seems on rise. It is high time the central governments dismantle any group who turns down the state’s writ by bringing them under the umbrella of state security net. Peace should be talked to those who submit to state’s legitimate jurisdiction and democratic values.


Asmatyari is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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