Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Being Woman Calls to Unconditional Miseries!


Being Woman Calls to  Unconditional Miseries!

There were too many adult men encircling the hapless lady –some have had seated, others kept standing in next row. Everybody seemed eager to have a look at the lady duly punished by the judge of local court. The unity displayed to have looking the lashing account of a woman was worth commending. Such degree of unity is rarely witnessed if it comes to denouncing an insane or illegitimate act. The onlookers indisputably, have had rejoiced the whole of story a women beaten 100 lashes but nobody could dare questioning the legitimacy of Shariat and local court and the standard operating procedure if adopted to charge the culprits with the said crime.

Nonetheless, it was amidst throng of people that the lady with a man associate received 100 lashes being charged of keeping illicit relationship with each other. The sorry picture of the lady lashed in public depicts gravest state of haplessness and irrationality of law treating women. Undoubtedly, the sword of illicit charges always hangs over the neck of a female who dares to turn down a baffling order of public official or local elder. Going against the status quo, simply invites more trouble as witnessed in many cases.

The government instead of taking measures to uphold women rights is backlashes by enforcement of stoning in Afghanistan penal code. Human Rights Watch registered grave distress said that a working group led by the Justice Ministry that is assisting in drafting Afghanistan’s new penal code had proposed provisions on “moral crimes” involving adultery that call for stoning. The political leader has got to lead the nation towards modernization that accepts democratic values and human rights matters.

It is strange that till date the social participation of women deemed a taboo at large –makes them difficult to head to public offices on a distinct position. Women found exercising her willingness contrary to parental dictate is subjected to severe castigation and humiliation; is recklessly shunned to depth of utter hopelessness. The society where negation of unsound commandment is deemed immodesty and conceit, and pursuit of a rational discourse unpardonable sin, lies at the depth of moral abyss. Hence, a woman is bound to lead a life, at utter submission of her family associates.  There are numerous heart wrecking incidents, equated anti-norms go unreported. The flawed cultural practices back growing gender biases and disparity. A woman is considered inferior, incompetent and mentally impaired, consequently is held liable of punishment even for a minor disobedience. She is, neither a partner in decision nor is known about the decision that dictates her fate. Ultimately, an absolute submission to the say of parent is the standard for decency.

The tales of haplessness ends not here, as is hampered every time she gets out in the pursuit of earning herself a modest livelihood. Our tolerance and patience turn off finding women chase a goal-oriented life. We are born and raised underestimating girls, consequently we dare hindering equal participation of women in socio-political arenas; we strive hard equating their right to liberty and pursuit of happiness, bashfulness and contrary to Islamic teachings. Despite such assertions if one fails to impose ones’ narrow and irrational interpretation, what they heard from so-called clergies, on others, tend to come up in the streets and shamelessly begin molesting the passerby girls and women. This is absolutely a great service they are paying to a morally civilized society.

Though not too many female students are enrolled in schools, yet it’s appreciable to Taliban era, despite escalating but organized campaign to discourage them continue education. Poisoning water tanks of female educational institutes meant to harass the girls and parents quit education has turned into an undeterred plot that go untraced till date. Earlier, nearly 400 schoolgirls and teachers had to be hospitalized after being poisoned in western Herat province. According to Herat Zonal Hospital officials, more than 500 schoolgirls and teachers have been poisoned this last week. Last week, 190 schoolgirls were poisoned at the Habib Al-Mustafa School in Injil and another 160 at Babaji and Abdul Ali Tokhi Schools in Herat City.

It is to none surprise the concerned public officials call the series of poisoning incidents a foreign conspiracy. On the other hand, the Deputy Governor alleges those kidnapping and terrorizing people have resorted to poisoning schoolgirls, is to none’s surprise. Being ignorant of state of affairs the alarmed official rightly alleges an indefinable subject to being behind the regretful incident. This is a deliberate shift of responsibility elsewhere than to the core rationale to evade being questioned. The good about the sorry tale is, despite the recurrence of worst incident the government has not apprehended a single culprit on similar charges.

The worst state of affairs does not end here –the growing ratio of domestic violence another point to worry about. During couple of days, at least three women have died as a result of domestic violence and suicide in northern Afghanistan, according to media reports. Going through detailed account of credible statistics women are primarily demeaned and left vulnerable to violence. According to the AIHRC, more than 2,000 cases of violence against women cases were registered during the first three months of the ongoing solar year, compared to 2,500 cases during the entire last year. The official claims most of the victims of suicide attacks, roadside bombings, illegal courts, harassment and torture happened to be women.

The widespread ignorance provides strong reason to ongoing violence. The flawed cultural practices supported by high degree of illiteracy ratify intense violence against women, stand legitimate and justified. The culture deeming women as subordinate citizen multiplies their receptiveness to greater tendency of being subjected to worst treatment. Apart from formal education, community based adult education and awareness campaigns on momentous right’s issues complementary to Islamic teachings might assuage the stringency of substandard customary law that undermines women rights.


Asmatyari is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmai.com

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