Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Article of Peace and Security Endure Negation


Article of Peace and Security  Endure Negation

It was theatrical style killing –a group of armed men on a highway intercepted a local carriage, singled out 13 passengers, lined them up and shot them dead on vital organs –heart and head in front of their beloved ones. The female relatives of deceased souls could do nothing except crying their heart for the loss of their loved ones. The rest of passengers witnessed the brutal account of mass murder of their fellow citizens amidst the degree of haplessness the whole scenario showed off. Following the bloodshed the mass killers hasted not fleeing the scene, fearing apprehension or being chased after. Hours after the incident had taken place and terrorists had fled the security officials got the site when the relatives themselves had taken away the deceased soul for burial. Does not the government lose the legitimacy to rule when the civilians are left vulnerable to frequent attacks?

The people killed did  not belong to armed combatant nor were public or security officials but unarmed bread earners who had to travel earning them livelihood. Numerous queries spin at the core of every sane mind what harms they had inflicted. What were the wrongs with those being ruthlessly killed? Whom to be questioned for this security lapse? When will the government ensure the security of unarmed civilians travelling across the country? When will the government clean up the highways of these evil minded insane murderers? 

Despite a week is past the onset of brutal incidence no apprehension is materialized. The family members of the slain passengers are crying justice and call on Afghan legal, judicial institutions and the security official to arrest the assailants and bring them to justice. As usual the government resorted to condemnation and promises only. Customarily the governor of Balkh province linked the tragic incident to the onset of sectarian strife while meeting the families of deceased souls. It’s great the public officials and elected representatives come to learn the core reason behind the tragic incident post occurrence. Unfortunately, the government tries not embracing the pragmatic approach that foils any such plot that could harm innocent masses.

Unconcerned to whether the ongoing bloodshed is going on for political dominance or religious gains or other clandestine reasons the planned systematic killing of an ethnic group can not be justified on any moral ground. Though the terror mongers seemingly have turned united, acquired the strength that has only let them, wreak havoc on ordinary masses. It is witnessed the terrorists by the end of pronounced summer offensive turn to every possible measure that could serve their interest. The growing attacks on civilians indicate the insurgents are underlining their pretentious presence amidst the negligence of government to protect and safeguard the masses.

Admittedly, at present terrorism has turned into a global subject –every ethnic and religious group renders prey to terrorists’ attacks. Multilaterally, it seems as if the war waged against terrorist by international community is sparking terrorism instead diminishing. Afghans are facing war like situation against the terrorists –who preys to terrorists acts, is uncertain and capricious. Terrorist acts like suicide bombings have become a norm of the day. On account of these attacks Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria and Nigeria are suffering from ineffaceable loss ranging from civilian to economic. People have become numerical figures, blown up in numbers every now and then. Terrorists have not spared any place. Bazaars, mosques, educational institutes, offices, hotels, roadside no place are safe anymore. It is witnessed the terrorist even manage to reach unimaginable sites –is alarming for world community. Nonetheless the planned killing of an ethnic group based religious affiliation or otherwise is worrying denominator and altering dimension of war against and genuinely requires more attention.

Undoubtedly, Hazara Shiite are great often have rendered prey to sectarian violence at the hands of extremists in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Hazara were persecuted during the 1990s when the Taliban ruled most of Afghanistan, and so does it now. During the wars, thousands of Hazaras were killed in Bamyan, Mazar Sharif and Kabul by Taliban. Moreover, they were discriminated badly due to their ethnicity. In similar fashion, Daesh also considers Shias as infidels and the cruelties and killings they have carried out against Shias and certain other sects in Iraq and Syria are not hidden from anyone. One can not rule out the involvement of said groups behind the singling out and killing of Hazaras. Devoid the terrorists having started to kill Hazara passengers they are also abducted on highways. Previously, masked gunmen seized 31 Hazaras from a bus in the southern Afghan province of Zabul. Nineteen of them were released later in exchange for scores of Uzbek militant fighters held in government prisons.

It falls under the jurisdiction of government and security officials to undo any such plot that may harm the national unity. The government must uncover the hands behind brutal killings of Hazara. Following regular critics, the intelligence institution, in a bid to excel its performance has doubled its surveillance system, to keep a close watch over important movements of insurgents. 

History documents, the degree of repression accelerated where cowardice apathy prevailed indefinitely. Repression subsided not, continued instead wrenching the elements of peace, tranquility and concord, unless reciprocated iron handed. The reassurance of peaceful coexistence accredits the lengthened subsistence and stability of the state, the incumbent government of Afghanistan is not able to read, the ineffaceable lines of history. A state renders invincible, only when elements of peace and security draws substantial importance –maintenance of law and order secure top priority, in government’s what to do list. Nevertheless, the government stuck to indifference on endless discriminate bloodletting intimate otherwise.


Asmatyari is a permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyar@gmail.com

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