Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Debilitating Security Arrangements


Debilitating Security  Arrangements

The facts and figures reveal that the security situation in Afghanistan is not getting better. With each passing day, there are more security threats and the level of uncertainty about the future seems to be rising. Though war against terrorism was initiated in Afghanistan with the ambition to bring peace and prosperity, there are no clear indications of this ambition being transformed to reality. 

A recent survey conducted by TOLO news clearly depicts that the security threats have increased by 13 percent in August as compared to July. 1,089 terror and anti-terror events were recorded during August with 13 percent of the events similar to the events that were recorded during July. ANSF extended their military campaigns during August and launched 666 military operations which show a 26 percent increase compared to the previous month.

Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) posed serious damage to the armed opponents during August, 3,482 rebels were killed including 48 local commanders and 1,940 others were wounded. However, ANSF also suffered losses in August. 396 security personnel were killed during this month and 137 soldiers wounded which shows a 29 percent increase compared to July.

In addition, there are also reports of different districts in different parts of the country falling to Taliban. The advances of Taliban in different parts of the country have reached to new levels during the year.

In short, the results of war against terrorism have shown that the peace and tranquility that had been promised in the beginning of the war are far from being achieved; neither the filthy terrorism has been eradicated.   President Barack Obama while addressing a variety of national security topics during his live multimedia Worldwide Troop Talk at Fort Meade in the United States last week said that despite their continued war against terrorism significant threats from terrorist organizations persist in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and North Africa.

At the same time, Afghan officials and leaders also agree that the security situation has deteriorated and Afghan security authorities are not capable enough to shoulder their responsibilities properly. Wolesi Jirga members on Saturday, September 12, said that security authorities lacked the ability to improve the country’s security situation and called for the officials concerned to be summoned to answer questions from lawmakers.

By looking at the security situation one has no other choice but to question the real outcomes of the war against terrorism that was started after the 9/11 incident. War against terrorism has completed 13 years and the international forces seem in a hurry to end up the war and most of them have already withdrawn their forces. The war is considered to have reached to a decisive position and the international community now thinks that Afghan forces and authorities are capable enough to take over the responsibility of the security of their country.

There are some who are very much optimistic about the result of this ‘transition’ but at the same time, there are some others who believe that many concerns are yet to be dealt with. Above all, they consider the war against terrorism not to have reached to a decisive position as the terrorism and terrorist networks are yet to be defeated and there are great chances that they may get stronger if the war is left at this particular position. Further, the ongoing situation of peace and tranquility also suggest that there are many things to be done before the victory is considered decisive.

Keeping in mind the concerns regarding the capabilities of Afghan security forces and the strengthening terrorist networks the feared situation is quite possible. The other major issues which remain ambiguous after 13 years of the efforts include the prevailing instability in the country regarding the political and economic systems. Both of them stand on shaky foundations and suffer from a trend of uncontrollable and ever increasing difficulties. It is really difficult to build reliable expectations except the support of international community.

Moreover, the regional dissatisfaction and ambiguities are also increasing about the war. Afghanistan’s neighboring countries do not see eye to eye with the US authorities regarding the war and it prospects and their relations with Afghanistan face fluctuations time and again.  Keeping in mind the present scenario in Afghanistan and the region, it can be safely said that if this war is not be termed as ‘unnecessary’ and ‘evil’, it can be termed as ‘indecisive’ for the time being. Definitely, there is more to be done to take this war towards conclusion. A proper conclusion of the war means defeating the enemy or reaching to some sort of agreement with the opposing forces, which at the present scenario are Taliban. Unfortunately, neither Taliban have been defeated completely, nor the reconciliation process with Taliban is on the track and heading towards a certain future. Taliban at the moment have opted for more aggression and they do not seem in a position to come to negotiation table.

There have been many sacrifices to achieve positive outcomes from the war against terrorism; these sacrifices should not go in vain and Afghanistan should be supported so that it can stand strong with dignity against disorder and terrorism. At the same time, the Afghan government and authorities must also strive to do their best in fulfilling their responsibilities and must endeavor to guide the nation towards lasting peace and tranquility.



Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at email.urya@gmail.com

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