Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Why is Europe Attracting Migrants?


Why is Europe  Attracting Migrants?

He seemed a child of around three years old shown lying on the beach facing down in the surf. It appeared as if he was to revitalize the partial water current passing against his body. Prior to going through the headlines, “AylanKurdi drowned off while sailing from Turkey to Greece” everybody aspired to have great often visited a beach, identically. Subsequently to learning the insight a shock impulse was sent over my spine. I recollected the degree of desperation, loathsomeness and homelessness associated with unending wretchedness, the conflict-ridden masses went across is beyond description. Certainly the bloody conflicts in Afghanistan Syria, Iraq and elsewhere have caused large number of immigrate.

The stream of blood is flowing down the streets of Middle East where a group of fellowman tries to subjugate the other in the quest for dominance of the ideals superior, divine and inimitable to them. Following the principles of might is right each rival group relies to very extreme means that could more effectively serve their vested interests. The militants groups resort to every deed that could wreak great losses to their confronting opponents. The ongoing ill-defined intra-Muslims conflict has caused lots of life losses and forced others to flee the warzones.

The bloody conflict underway in Syria alone has engulfed great number of non-combatant and unarmed masses. As the war continues attracting many more partners the miseries continue likewise. According to credible statistics more than 330,000 people die and over 13 million people injure in the ongoing war in Syria. To escape the violence, more than four million Syrian refugees have fled the country to neighboring Turkey,  Lebanon, Jordan, Caucasus, the Persian Gulf, North Africa from where they take perilous rout to Europe.

Who should be accounted for this endless turmoil in Syria and elsewhere that coerced numerous people adopts such dangerous course to flee warzones? The striking feature of unending bloody conflict is –the persecutors and the killed are Muslims however, the manufacturing labels on antiaircraft and military arsenal indicates the direct and indirect support of other partner countries. Factually, the quest for power gain left the Yemen, Iraq and Syria politically unstable and case-hardened to live in the local population is either left to bear the brunt of violence or flee persecution by seeking refuge in some of neighboring countries.  According to the latest figures Europe continues to cope with one of its biggest stream of migrants since World War II. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) records more than 350,000 migrants have made the perilous journey across the Mediterranean this year, fleeing turmoil and poverty in the Mideast and Africa in search of a better life in Europe. The intergovernmental agency unearths more than 234,000 of them landed on the shores of Greece, with another 114,000 migrants arriving in Italy, and much smaller numbers in Spain and Malta. The rout to Europe is not danger free it keeps on claiming lives has turned solid the melt away the commitment those fleeing. It is said that about 2,600 have died, often drowning when wobbly, overcrowded boats operated by human traffickers have sunk.

Already wary of greater influx of migrants, the European countries were thinking of restraining the inflow, nonetheless, the heart wrenching death of AylanKurdi made the US, UK and EU take significant number of migrants. Finland’s Prime Minister, Juha Sipila, has promised to give up his home to accommodate refugees, part of a growing trend of politicians making personal gestures to help those fleeing war and persecution. Germany has accepted more refugees than any other European country, a total that could reach 800,000 by the end of the year. The U.S. announced to admit at least 10,000 Syrian refugees in the next year and UK to take in 20,000 refugees. The act of generosity displayed by the said countries is worth following.

It was greatly expected the oil rich Gulf States would come forth extending every possible aid to war-hit masses. Seeing the disposition of western world, the prevalent silence of Muslim world in general and rich Gulf States and Saudi Arabia in particular came to question. Responding to a query, earlier the Saudi Foreign ministry clarified its position to have received nearly 2.5 million Syrians since 2011. It is true there is large number of people harbored in the Gulf States. They are provided with shelter, work permit and basic amenities but their fundamental rights gravely go suspended. There are large numbers of people living in the said states for decades but still the right to free movement and independent pursuit of happiness is greatly restricted. Undeniably, the war torn Middle Eastern countries possess rich holy sites. Both Iraq and Syria has been the birth place of too many Prophets and shrines of historic religious figures. The said lands are sacred –one certainly draws forgiveness from these religiously high hold lands. On the other hand the Holy land of Makkah and Madina are few miles apart. Staying close to these lands would grant privileges of paying regular visits to Kabah Shareef and other sacred places. The presence of too many religious sites mosques enriches everyone with deepening virtue and exoneration. In spite of such assurances numerous people prefer to reach to Europe than staying in those countries.

Despite such assurances the great number of people rushing to Western countries is worth pondering. The underlying reason the behind could the denial of fundamental right. It is to be learnt that everybody by birth owes right to independent pursuit of happiness, right to life and security, right to free association etc. In modern democratic countries, every individual is treated equal before the law, whether the person is Muslim or atheist; black or white; man or woman. Unlike to some Muslim states a person here is not beheaded being accused of breaching the repressive law. Western countries impart due values to every man being. They even embrace the hapless death foreign migrant Aylan without being know to his origin.


Asmatyari is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmai.com.

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