Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Zero Tolerance Against Terrorism!


 Zero Tolerance Against Terrorism!

It is said that Daesh’s quest for establishing Islamic Emirate has earned it adherents in Muslims countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan. Finding the tale of brutality of this group going wild, many splintered Taliban group exploit the name to further their vested interest –some have already vowed to work for Daesh. The once militant outfits of Taliban and other splintered groups have vowed to fight the cause of the group, of international fame. In Afghanistan it is pulling its muscle to establish its rule in remote and loosely governed territories. There are numerous identical tales of ferociousness raveled in videos publicized by the militants.

The tale of ruthless atrocities earned them distinction and prominence alike. Consequently, Taliban and Al-Qaida members find it a privilege to work for ISIS. Henceforth, they have started recruiting illiterate people in their ranks and executing indescribable tale of viciousness. According to certain media outlets, Daesh militants have so far killed as many as 600 people over the past four months in Achin district in eastern Nangarhar province. The group – which originated in Iraq and Syria – has also taken nearly 150 people hostage recently, including clerics, tribal elders and government officials, report said.

It is unearthed earlier the militants ISIS terrorist group are recruiting child soldiers and force marriages on young women and girls in eastern Nangarhar province. The said province is stated to be worst affected the heinous crimes of the terror group. According to the local tribal elders the affiliates of the terror group have executed hundreds of people including civilians amidst ongoing violence in parts of Nangarhar province where brutal clash also continue between the ISIS and Taliban militants.

Aggravated with the soaring atrocities of the terror group, the district governor has called for a public uprising against the loyalists of the terror group. The First Vice President Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostum  is already leading an operation against the loyalists of the terror group in eastern Nangarhar province, as he led operations in Northern provinces. The acting provincial governor of northern Balkh province Ata Mohammad Noor has too followed the First Vice President Gen. Abdul Rashid in leading military operations against the militant groups in northern parts of Afghanistan. The operations were conducted in different parts of northern Balkh, Jawzjan and Sar-e-Pul provinces of Afghanistan, according to the provincial government media office.    

The ongoing fight between ISIS or Taliban and government that mostly hurts the unarmed civilians categorically reflects every boundary of decency and humanity will be crossed to rise to power. This is not the first tragedy of this sort we should be regretful of and resort to condemnation only –the whole state of affairs depicts the government warring militants counteract as if all the militants have surrendered to them and vowed to disband armed militancy.

This undoubtedly is an alarming sign in Afghanistan, already sickened by recurrent attacks launched by local insurgents and militants. Moreover, Afghanistan undeniably serve as a fertile land providing with large number of individuals whose trust can easily be earned, subsequent of assurance of virtues, noble deed and dearness in the sight of Creator. Consequently, it is pretty trouble-free for ISIS, to establish a sound operational ground in this piece of land, hence adding government miseries. The government can not get away unless the roots of terror groups are cut off; simple renunciation of presence of footprints of ISIS, instead a tangible measure should be put into practice, to get out of this menace; else’s large number religiously betrayed individuals will respond at the call of Amirul Momineen, by joining the ranks of such militants.

It’s repeatedly heard the security personnel warring militants were not aptly supported with needed backup that resulted in their setback –consequently a base had to be fallen to militants. This certainly marks security loophole and lack of coordination between corresponding departments. If the government runs short of 24/7 a standby force stationed a little distance apart from posts, endangering the lives of others security officials seem too awful for words motive.

With exception to fallacy of government displaying ineligibility reversing the attack, Taliban are equally responsible for civilian causalities. The ongoing fight between ISIS and Taliban seeking refuge in nearest village endangers the lives of unarmed civilians did not restricting them doing this, is unjustifiable disposition worthy of loud condemnation with inclusion to Afghan forces led air raid. Significantly, the pursuit of tit-for-tat that made Taliban launch attacks on innocent local or foreign nationals is equally condemnable act. Despite governments largest spending on security and loophole as long as curtailed the human precious lives will go on wasting.

It should be learned, the ISIS pursuing the footsteps of the Taliban that had set Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan pivoted on mass human rights violation, will no better work for the well being of greater majority -Muslim Ummah. The world observed ISIS demolishes the sacred and historic places such as shrines, mosques, and churches, exercises a narrow version of Islam rendering unacceptable for both Muslims and non-Muslims world, alike.

If someone claims to strive for the wellbeing of a cognizable group, it should do away with raison-d’être widening the minute disparity existing between sub factions. Factually speaking the Muslims world suffers the height of intolerance and extremism. Apart from bad governance, there are multiple factors behind the escalating extremism yet it is malicious for being solely responsible for the widened unrest, plaguing the world over. It should be learned that states can be built by a disgruntled group, relying on granted warheads and weapons, but can not be run without clearly laid principles, universally accepted system of governance a profound self-reliance and harmonious coexistence.

Each of the two phenomenon, tend exists with distinct disparity. The establishment of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) renders one of such deception, anchored on the blood of innocents and unarmed citizens. It is said that the throng of terrorists that stationed in Iraq and Syria from across the world, have surpassed the brutality of Al-Qaida; thus sent a shock impulse over the spine of many states, including the US. It is to be drawn that we should demonstrate zero tolerance against the extremists and insurgents who are doing away piece of mind.


Asmatyari is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmai.com.

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