Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Taliban Regaining Reign!


Taliban Regaining Reign!

It was the third quarter of night. The city was seemingly ruled by darkened widespread darkness. The people should have fallen asleep hours ago and might have been enjoying sweet dreams prior to that deadening moment. The city observed prevalent silence amidst the unnoticeable footsteps of marching armed men. The countable security officials on duty must have sensed the blowing air past their faces single imminent danger. The all at once deafening gunshots and rockets from all around should have awoken the whole city. The residents subsequent to knowing of Taliban’s attack began to flee in the safe direction. It is not the only incident that snatched the sleeps –the truth is for the past three decades Afghans are sleepless.

The picture drawn, describes the tale of city of Kunduz prior the Taliban had launched storming attack on Monday at 3AM local time. Following the attack, involving hundreds of fighters, the northern Afghan city of Kunduz fell to Taliban –one of the major urban areas for the first time since the Taliban government toppled. Seeking entry the insurgents closed off the only four access points into the city – effectively preventing troops from entering and civilians from fleeing. Later it was disclosed with exception to airport, Taliban has seized the provincial council building, the offices of the local High Peace Council, the National Directorate of Security (NDS) building, UNAMA offices and other key official facilities including private Banks. It is reported the Taliban have had overrun the local prison and freed all prisoners, torched the offices of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) - a German organization and other foreign offices in the city. In addition, they reportedly stole a large amount of military equipment. Conformingly, the social media footage showed Taliban driving through the streets of Kunduz in official armored vehicles and military tanks and raised their flags at the center of city.

The Taliban multidirectional attack leading to conquest of strategic city of Kunduz came prior to Afghanistan’s CEO’s address to the UNGA. During his address to the United Nations General Assembly, Abdullah had called for Pakistan to keep its promise to crack down on Islamic extremists blamed for carrying out cross-border attacks and destabilizing the impoverished war-torn country. Abdullah said without external support “this guerrilla-style low intensity warfare would have been history by now.” Admitting the Taliban is equipped with latest weaponries, familiar with war tactics and supported by some of states or groups, unless is responded uniformly by all section of Afghan society, may not be weakened. 

Earlier Taliban insurgents stormed a prison in the capital of central Ghazni province releasing about 350 prisoners. According to officials, the prison housed 436 prisoners in total of which 355 escaped during the siege. The security officials declared at least 148 to be a serious threat to national security. It was cautioned the Taliban set free would cause serious blow to the already volatile security situation of the country. The seizure of such a city justifies the said reservations. 

The incidence reflects the unpreparedness of government to avert any such plot. Indisputably, it is the security forces to avert any such plot prior to its execution. The insurgent’s easy access to their high value target (jail break) or seizure of provincial capital depicts lack of concern on security issues. If the said proposition is true then credibility of interior security diminishes otherwise the weakness should be transformed into strength. It’s repeatedly heard the security personnel warring militants were not aptly supported with needed backup that resulted in their setback –consequently a city had to fall to militants. This certainly marks security loophole and lack of coordination between consequent departments. If the government runs short of 24/7 a standby force stationed a little distance apart from a high security threat site, then endangering the lives of other security officials and citizens seem too awful for words motive.

Previously the Ministry of Defense (MoD) acknowledged that the lack of strategic coordination among the security forces has been the main reason behind the fall of city. The ministry said Taliban militants would not have taken control of the city if there had been strategic coordination between the security forces. These are underlined security lapses that serve civilian and security casualties. Now it is reported that government has begun airstrikes against the militant who have sought refuge in civilian population. Any unwise move may lead to lose of hundreds of innocents unarmed innocent masses. It was earlier a private news outlet undertook a survey that showed inclining graph of causalities.

A survey conducted on Afghanistan’s security situation has found that security threats increased by 13 percent in the former month during which Afghan forces launched more than 600 operations across the country to curb the advance of the Taliban. 1089 terror and anti-terror events were recorded during August with 13 percent of the events similar to the events that were recorded during July. ANSF extended their military campaigns during the said month and launched 666 military operations which show a 26 percent increase compared to the previous month.

The rise in civilian casualties should be matter of great concern not only for humanitarian organizations and but also for Afghan government and security departments, alike. Conversely, it too underscores government’s improvised in curbing the militants and terrorists capacity unleashing great deal of attacks. Both a coordinated surveillance security system and apt counter terrorism measure may help war torn land get rid of growing attacks. Stretching fingers out at others might not help us get out of the ongoing dilemma of terrorism.

Taliban following the news of demise of Mullah Omar and selection of Mullah Akhthar Mansoor tries to win their horrific disposition and let Afghan government know Taliban is not weakened and should not be deemed out of race. The series of storming attacks on potential sites is meant to be back to power either through use of force or negotiation inclined to their demands. The government falling short of proper security arrangement and curbing capacity may be left to surrender to majority demands of Taliban if peace talk is staged.  

Asmatyari is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmai.com

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