Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Violence Turning An Overriding Phenomena


Violence Turning An  Overriding Phenomena

Getting a directive and order done by a person physically or mentally inferior through use of force is the optimum strategy pursued by quiet a handsome number of people around us. Being born and raised in such a country we all have witnessed children being subjected to sever corporal punishment to get them learn etiquettes, moralities and discipline by parents. A similar stratagem is widely applied in community mosques and Madrassa education system, considered inevitable, where children are taught religious education. Being raised in the environment of aggression, every Madrassa students not only ingest enormous violence but also bear the brunt of in-depth humiliation and character assassination, are bound to reciprocate identically. Unfortunately such acts receive wide appreciation by minimally educated parents who finds that serving the interests of their children, and the society that keeps mum over very such sensitive issues.

The tale of endless violence does not end here; even the children in families are put to punishment given they turn down an illogical dictate of parent or elder sibling in the family. Father deems repression his due right to get every member of the family surrender to his very commandments. The same dominance of violence is reflected in the society where every influential and powerful person considers subjugating the ordinary people their inherent right. Seeing the unproductive circumstances the person is left with sole option of exercising utter obedience or revolt against irrational dictates and bear the consequences.

Seeing all these, what do you think; the promotion of violence is not self-driven phenomenon in these societies? A person is held liable of punishment provided he reasonably contradict with ongoing outdated norm and tradition. Fearing a rational justification of a deed goes round, serves provocation and motivation to use of force hence paving way for bloodshed, murders and cruelty against other fellowman on religious, racial and sectarian or etc, ground.

“Life is sacred” is an ideal that the majority of people can agree upon to a certain extent. For this reason taking the life of another has always been considered the most deplorable of crimes, one worthy of the harshest available punishment. Thus arises one of the great moral dilemmas of our time. Should taking the life of one who has taken the life of others be considered an available punishment? Is a murderer’s life any less sacred than the victim’s is? Physical punishment immoral is the idea that it creates a climate of violence. If a society punishes a murderer by murdering them what do we say about violence and crime? We got to learn crimes can not be exterminated by executing criminal minded people as long as the underlying serving factors are not sort out. We must teach our children that crime and violence does not solve any problem. Being the highest form crime it is no different to the crime it punishes.

We should not be amazed that many Muslims countries practice such blind laws that promote and encourage the violence in some forms which are discussed below to support my standing. The earlier rumor based mob mobilized murder of fatless Farkhunda in the capital of Afghanistan testifies the account of aforesaid reckoning. Similarly, ISIS subjects every innocent citizen to sever punishment, vivisection, butchery being accused of minor misappropriation or falling short of obeying their orders. The social media site is greatly supplemented with testimonials of innocent people being beheaded found accused of nonconformities with the directive of ISIS commanders.

Nonetheless, the biggest economy and oil rich African Muslim state Nigeria suffers at the hands of terrorist of Boko Haram who has become the main security threat to the stability of Nigeria with increasingly threats to its neighbors. The group has killed thousands of people, many of them civilians, and kidnapped hundreds while the government has struggled to forge an effective response.

Here in Afghanistan the masses suffer at the hand of Taliban, Al-Qaida, ISIS and their affiliates are driven mad by the motive of revival of caliphate system across Muslim world, only solve the giant problems of Islamic world. The interesting and common about all of them is; they share same ideology and similar tactics to enforce their stately law and rule of business. Henceforth, the rationalization of teachings and interpretation and execution of laws for common good must be celebrated. 

If we go on tallying the laws practiced by imminent Islamic states we might not draw a distinction with that of practiced by ISIS, receiving worldwide condemnation. The horrific video, purportedly showing the beheading of Japanese hostage Kenji Goto by the militants of the Islamic State must have turned a nightmare to people being privileged to watch. In it, Goto is seen kneeling, dressed in an orange outfit, as a masked man standing beside him with a knife blames the Japanese government for his slaughter. There are countless tales of atrocities executed by terrorists of ISIS in the drive of maintenance of so-called Islamic values and teachings, they interpret. Irrespective of condemnation of the world such blind and illogical practices can not get the miseries of masses away.

We have to reach to the very point that “violence breeds violence” is depicted from all the religiously motivated terror groups whether Taliban, Al-Qaida, ISIS, Boko Haram, etc are the product of extreme portrayal of violence and Jihad aided by lawlessness, corruption and dictatorial regimes. Decades of promotion of repression, widespread lawlessness and corruption have seen violent Islamic terrorist groups fill the power vacuum in this region and continue to turn out an alarming number of religiously motivated terrorists.

Asmatyari is the permanent writer of daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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